B. Killing Attack: Hand-To-Hand (Claws and Bite) - 2D6 damage, reduced endurance - 0 END (+1/2), restrainable (-1/2) - Cost 45/13
Enhanced Senses - +3 to all perception rolls, night vision, spatial awareness - Cost 36
Knockback Resistance - 7 inches, only in hero ID (-1/4) - Cost 14/11
Leaping - +1 inches - Cost 1
Life Support - longevity - does not age, impervious to intense heat - Cost 7
Mental Defense - 30 points, only vs. sleep and hold spells (-1) - Cost 30/15
Multipower Reserve (Breath Weapons) - 300 point reserve, charges - 16 (+0), no range (-1/2), restrainable (-1/2), limited power - can only be used once a minute (-1), only in hero ID (-1/4) - Cost 360/111
Multipower Slot - Energy Blast (Cloud of Sleep Gas Breath) - 24D6 effect, no normal defense - life support vs. breathing (+1), area of effect - cloud (+1) - Cost 360/11
Multipower Slot - Killing Attack: Ranged (Cone of Sparks Breath) - 12D6 damage, area of effect - cone (+1) - Cost 360/11
Running - +2 inches - Cost 4
Shape Shift (Polymorph Self spell) - can become any living thing, sight and touch senses, imitation, charges - 3 lasting 24 hours (+3/4), extra time - 1 turn (-1) - Cost 44/22
Shrinking - 3 levels, reduced endurance - 0 END persistent (+1), extra time - 1 turn (-1), linked to shape shift (-1/4) - Cost 90/40
Stretching - 2 inch, reduced endurance - 0 END (+1/2), always direct (-1/4), no non-combat stretching (-1/4), only in hero ID (-1/4) - Cost 15/9
Tunneling - 4 inches - Cost 20
Variable Power Pool - 10 point control, 5 point pool, no skill roll required (+1), only to grant abilities of polymorphed form (-1/2), linked to shape shift (-1/2) - Cost 25/15
Language: Dragonese (native) - Cost 0
Universal Translator - INT +5 or less, spoken language only (-1/2) - Cost 25/17
Combat Levels - -4 DCV, only in hero ID (-1/4) - Cost -20/-16
Distinctive Features - adept, small group, noticed - Cost -5
Distinctive Features - iron dragon, easily concealable, major reaction - Cost -15
Hunted - by anti-monster forces, 8 or less, as powerful - Cost -10
Conversion Notes: This package represents the minimum abilities of a young (16 to 25 year old) iron dragon from the Advanced Dungeons & Dragons role playing game. All abilities which are only in hero ID work only in dragon form, or if polymorphed into an appropiate form to use this ability. This write-up uses Champions 5th edition rules.
Iron dragons are one of the larger uncommon dragon types. They can breath a cloud of sleep gas or a cone of sparks, They can also attack with their powerful claws and bite. From birth a iron dragon can polymorph itself three times a day, and is immune to fire and acid attacks. They are vulnerable to cold attacks.
Although generally considered a neutral race of dragons, player characters can play any alignment.
Iron dragons prefer to live in mountains with large iron ore deposits, which they eat. This puts them in competition with humanoids who would mine these mountains. Their preference for mountain homes puts them in competition for living space with the more numerous red dragons, as well as the rarer electrum dragons and stone dragons.
Their favorite food is iron ores. Like most dragons they can live for over 1000 years, sense the presence of invisible things, see in the dark, are immune to sleep and hold spells, and have large wings which allow flight.
Champions rules conversion by Mathew R. Ignash - mathewignash@comcast.net.
Last Updated - September, 2003