Damage Reduction - 50% resistant ED, only vs. heat/fire (-1) - Cost 30/15
Enhanced Senses - night vision - Cost 5
Knockback Resistance - 5 inches - Cost 10
Life Support - longevity - 200 year life span, impervious to intense heat - Cost 3
Stretching - 1", reduced endurance - 0 END (+1/2), always direct (-1/4), no non-combat stretching (-1/4) - Cost 7/5
Language: Giant/Troll (native) - Cost 0
Combat Levels - -2 DCV - Cost -10
Distinctive Features - big bronze skinned brute, not concealable, noticed - Cost -15
Hunted - by racial enemies, as powerful, 8 or less - Cost -10
Physical Limitation - 16' tall and 1600 kg, all the time, greatly - Cost -20
Reputation - powerful and angry giant, 11 or less - Cost -10
Conversion Notes: The Characteristics, Powers and Skills here represent the minimum found in a jotan, but they are often much higher. This write-up uses Champions 5th edition rules.
The jotan are a race of large and long lived humanoids who stand at least 16 feet tall, often larger. Most have a dislike for titans, elves, dwarves and humans. Jotan take half damage from heat and fire. They can see the dark. They are commonly allies with cyclops, ogres, orcs, goblins, gigantes, nimro and trolls.
Jotan can become almost any occupation and can learn magic or gain psionic abilities. They seem to have a natural tendency towards mechanical work.
To learn more about the jotan, I suggest purchasing and reading the Rifts Conversion Book by Kevin Siembieda.
Champions rules conversion by Mathew R. Ignash - mathewignash@comcast.net.
Last Updated - March, 2003