Hero Abilities Package - Klingon
Klingon Racial Package (Cost 23-20=3)
- Ability
- Characteristics - +3 STR, +3 CON, +3 BODY, +2 PD, +2 ED - Cost 19
- Enhanced Senses - enhanced perception, +2 to smell rolls - Cost 4
- Disadvantage
- Distinctive Features - klingon, concealable with major effort, noticed - Cost -10
- Psych Limitation - temper, common, moderate - Cost -10
Klingon Cultural Package (Cost 9-10=-1)
- Ability
- Knowledge Skill - klingon racial lore - Cost 2
- Language: klingon (native) - Cost 0
- Survival - Cost 2
- Tracking - Cost 3
- Weapon Familiarity - Traditional klingon hand weapons - Cost 1
- Disadvantage
- Psych Limitation - Dislike of romulans and other racial enemies (common, moderate) - Cost -10
Conversion Notes: This write-up uses Champions 5th edition rules.
This package is baded on the klingon race from the various Star Trek television series and films.
Race created by Paramount Studios.
Champions rules conversion by Mathew R. Ignash - mathewignash@comcast.net.
Last Updated - July, 2004
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