Shape Shift - any living animal, sight and touch senses, immitation, reduced endurance - only costs END to change (+1/4), persistant (+1/2), extra time - 1 turn (-1) - Cost 73/36
Telepathy - 6D6 effect, area of effect - radius (+1), reduced endurance - 0 END (+1/2), no range (-1/2), limited power - only to read (-1/2) - Cost 75/37
Psionic Abilities: Mind Block (8), See Aura (8), Sense Evil (5) - Cost 21
Acrobatics - Cost 3
Disguise - Cost 5
Language: one of choice (native) - Cost 0
Language: three of choice - Cost 12
Hunted - by racial enemies, as powerful, 8 or less - Cost -10
Psych Limitation - addicted to emotions of others, common, strong - Cost -15
Reputation - shape shifting empaths, 11 or less - Cost -10
Conversion Notes: This racial package is based on the pleasurer race from the Rifts role playing game. All psionic abilities draw END from the I.S.P. Endurance Reserve. This write-up uses Champions 5th edition rules.
Pleasurers an alien race of shape shifters, possibly related to changlings. They are natural psychics with a talent for empathy and mind reading. They can draw images directly from someone's mind and assume that form. They are commonly employed as entertainers and companions in the Three Galaxies. Pleasurers have a tendency to take on the most powerful emotion of those nearby, and can become addicted to other people's moods.
Pleasurers natural form seems to be a soft, featureless, humanoid with no hair, but they rarely take that form. Pleasurers live for about 200 years.