Damage Reduction (Photokinesis) - 50% resistant ED, only vs. light (-1), linked to Invisibility (-1/2) - Cost 30/12
Invisibility (Photokinesis) - sight group, limited power: doesn't work against those within 1 meter (-1/4), 6 charges lasting 1 minute (-0), useable once every hour (-1 1/2) - Cost 30/12
Killing Attack: Hand-To-Hand - 1D6 damage, reduced endurance - 0 END (+1/2), no knockback (-1/4), restrainable - Cost 22/13
Killing Attack: Ranged (Death Field Generation) - 3D6 damage, area effect - radius (+1), no normal defense (+2), does BODY (+1), only vs. living targets (-1/4), no range (-1/2), no knockback (-1/4), charge - 1 per week (-2 1/2) - Cost 225/50
Multipower Reserve - 82 point - Cost 82
Multipower Slot: Drain (Poison Claws) - 8D6 vs. STR/DEX/BODY/SPD, charges - 16 (+0), linked to claw attack (-1/4), must do at least 1 BODY with claws (-1/2) - Cost 80/5
Multipower Slot: Ego Attack (Mental Blast) - 3D6, does BODY (+1) - Cost 60/6
Multipower Slot: Transfer (Life Leech) - 2D6 BODY to BODY, area of effect - radius (+1), fade rate is per hour (+3/4), only vs. living targets (-1/4), charge - 1 turn - fuel (-1) - Cost 82/4
Multipower Slot: Transform (Density Control) - 6D6 minor effect, limited group (+1/4), no range (-1/2) - Cost 75/5
Language: choose one, usually American or Spanish (native) - Cost 0
Distinctive Features - serf, concealable, noticed - Cost -5
Hunted - by mutant haters, 8 or less, more powerful - Cost -15
Reputation - militant and violent, 11 or less - Cost -10
Conversion Notes: This package is based on the serf race from the Gamma World role playing game. This write-up uses Champions 5th edition rules.
Serf are a race of mutant humans with a number of unusual mutant abilities. They are hairless, strong, and have a partial armor covering their heads and backs. They have clawed hands which emit a poison, which they are immune to. They have a limited ability to bend light for a short period of time each day, making themselves invisible. They can generate mental blast which does damage to targets on a physical level as well, can drain the life out of any nearby living creatures and alter targets density. Their most devastating ability is to generate a field of death around themselves once a week, but this power effects them as well as all around them. They can use their life leech to recover from it's effects.
These humanoids have claws instead of fingers on their hands. The claws carry debilitative poison. Serfs have a partial carapace, a ridged, bony plate that covers the top and back of their heads.
Serfs may make claw attacks or an other type of attack. They much prefer to engage in mental combat as opposed to physical melee, and are 90% likely to do so. Serfs commonly wear chain mail into battle and will fight with Tech III weaponry, such as flintlock rifles. They prefer the battle axe to the sword in melee combat.
Serfs are either encountered as a small patrol, or may be found in large brigades of 55 to 150 individuals. A brigade will include 30% females and 30% children. Serfs are militant, and prefer to dress in uniforms imitating ancient military and police designs, using these as clan symbols. They are as likely to attack other brigades of serfs as they are other enemies.
Although they are a Tech Level II society, they readily use higher Tech Level equipment if shown how to operate it.
They are semi-nomadic, traveling when food in a particular area becomes scarce, or with the changing of seasons. Once every few years, at the whim of the commander, a brigade travels to Gran Rads. Once there it participates in a festival of celebration with other serf brigades, holding gladiatorial contests and swapping stories. One serf clan, the Ministers of Thought, never leaves Gran Rads. Its members believe that a serf leader called the Forstar will be born to their clan there, and will lead the serf to create a great new nation.