Weapon Familiarity - blades, small arms group, two of choice - Cost 5
Conversion Notes: This package is based on the srrynn race from the Rifts role playing game. This write-up uses Champions 5th edition rules.
The srrynn d-bee is a violent three armed humanoid with a reputation as a cannibal. They love bionics and weapons. Srrynn cannot learn magic and do not have psionic abilities. Almost all srrynn are professional cannibal-warriors, although they could learn to be other types of men-at-arms occupations, such as the Headhunter, Enforcer and Scout.
To learn more about srrynns, I suggest purchasing and reading Rifts Sourcebook Three: Mindwerks by Kevin Siembieda.
Illustration by Scott Szczesniak.
Champions rules conversion by Mathew R. Ignash - mathewignash@comcast.net.
Last Updated - September, 2004