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I am a huge trekkie. Been one since ninth grade. I used to come home everyday and watch Star Trek The Next Generation religiously. I still watch it as often as I can on TNN. I do not know why Star Trek appeals to me so much. I guess the fist thing that attracted me to the show was oviosly the special effects. But over the years, I have become so entwined into the characters, I sometimes think of them as family. I know it sounds weird, but we all have our passions. Star Trek really helped me through a rather difficult time in my life. When my father contracted cancer, it was a very confusing time. The only normalcy I had was Star Trek. For that one-hour or two everyday, I forgot about the problems in my life. The Deep Space Nine episode The Visitor reminds me of that time, and at times can be very therapeutic.

Next Gen will probley always be my favorite, but i also like Deep Space Nine and Enterprise a lot too. Even though the show is getting low ratings, I think Enterprise has a lot of potiental, and will be the frist ST series i will follow from the beginning. All ST series have slow beginnings in the first season or two. With the latest movie, Nemesis pulling in a mere 45 million, it looks unlikely they will do antoher Trek movie. I really liked Nemesis, i dont know why it did so poorly at the box office. Cant wait for the DVD to come out in May.