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28.   Scarlett.


When I came to, my head feels like it is going to burst.  I don’t know what they hit me with, but I’m sure it was no small thing.  Now, I have my wits about me, however, and I don’t like the situation I’m in at all.  I’m lying on my back spread-eagled on a low, strangely shaped table.  The central part of the table is like any other, a little under 3 feet in each direction.  Extending from each corner, at a 45-degree angle, are three foot long, one-foot wide rectangles.  My arms and legs are being held down on each of these rectangles by four alien ‘men’.  I know they’re men because they’re nude and have the right equipment.


There’re three other ‘men’ in the room, all nude as well.  One is pushing my head down as it hangs off one end of the square, and preparing to put his phallus in my mouth.  The lower part of my pelvis hangs off the other end of the square, and another one has already entered my sex with his pride and joy and is busy doing what men do in such situations.  Strangely, I’m paying little attention to these two fools.  The seventh man who’s about to burn a complex pattern into the underside of my lower right arm with a laser imprint device is the one that has almost all of my attention.  I’m about ready to be permanently marked, when a smelly piece of flesh is thrust in my mouth.  I bite down real hard and there’s a thick red liquid spraying everywhere.  For a brief instant I find myself surprised, more by the blood being red than by my actions.  However, I suddenly realize that the other men are so busy cringing and gagging that they have loosened their grip.  In a flash I kick the one between my legs away, jump up, and pummel all of them down with my bare hands.


Ele’s and my belongings are on a table by the door.  I grab them and dress in seconds – and Mom used to say that I was vain because it took me forever to get dressed.  By that time most of the men are back on their feet, but seeing the sword and energy projector weapon in my hands, they seem to want little to do with me.  I smile and head quickly toward the door.  Suddenly I hear a loud buzzing sound, and a man in white robes walks in holding what’s obviously a laser sword.


“Going somewhere?” he says, and then continues sarcastically,  “I’m Luke Skywalker of the Jedi!  I don’t like the way you’ve been maiming and killing my men, all in a futile attempt to avoid a woman’s fate.  You have something against rape and slavery?”


I drop Ele’s belongings, and the energy projector weapon, and draw out her trump.  I look at the stranger and boldly say, “I came here a free woman and I plan on leaving as one.  As for the rape, I have sex because I want to, for my pleasure, not because some fool has an urge or wants to be mean.”


Skywalker turns to the others in the room and says, “You there, grab this troublesome wench, and put her back on the marking table.  This time do it right and use the leather restraints.  Then perform the ancient ritual on her and remove this troublesome sexual pleasure center of hers.  Let not her pleasure ever again be her reason for allowing herself to be taken by a male.  Then mark her and have her prepared for immediate sale.  We have customers who like the feisty ones who require breaking.”


I look deeply into Elektra’s trump as I shiver and try to step back.  There’s one big question on my mind.  Where’s Ele?

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