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On the 31st October 2001 (Halloween) I went to see Four Star Mary Live at Keele University. It was a Special Buffy Halloween Fancy Dress Party, but there is only one person you can really go as isn't there?
The following photographs were scanned with permission from Mephesto a regular on the "What's A Rogue Demon? Messageboard." The four of who went are all regulars of the Buffy Messageboard!

We all met up at my place to get ready for the night ahead. This is a photo just seconds before we had to leg it to the bus stop. (By the way I (Rogue_demonhunter) am Darth Maul, and Mephisto is Spike, Torque is Jason and LoR is the green skeleton)

A picture of us four with students of Keele University. Sadly the ones at the top were cut off, but you get the idea!


The concert kicked off a little late but they still got a great reception from the crowd. Right from the off you knew there set was going to rock and it certainly did!

Above: Lead Singer Tad Looney, Zu playing guitar in the background

Above: Guitar and Backing vox Zu on one of his amazing solos!

Above: Zu and Steve Carter getting with the atmosphere!

Above: Lead vox Tad Looney singing an impressive live version of the always excellent "Pain"

A brilliant concert that blew me away! All my fav songs in there plus new one that are causing me to count down the days until the release of their new album! Sadly though there was no encore even though the crowd refused to move and continued to chant for a good while after they had finished the set. I can't complain though because the tickets were only £2 each, so we got value for money, big time!


It took a while but we finally caught up with the band after their set. We congratulated them on an excellent set and they were good enough to pose for a few pictures. (Note: There was a few more piccys but most came out pretty bad as the camera-men were under the influence of alcohol. Oh never mind)

Above: A few of the gang with "Four Star Mary" members Tad looney and Steve Carter

Above: Tad Lonney wearing my Darth Maul mask!

It was a brilliant concert and all I can say is to keep your eyes open and when they return to the UK or the US get down to the venue nearest to you. You wont regret it.

Keep checking the
FOUR STAR MARY Official Web Site

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