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Prominent Poles

Aleksander Brückner scholar of Slavic languages and literatures (Slavistics), philologist, lexicographer and historian of literature. He published more than 1,500 titles and discovered the Holy Cross Sermons.

Photo of Aleksander Brueckner, linguist

Born:  January 29, 1856, Brzezany, Austria-Hungary (now Berezhany, Ukraine)

Died:  May 24, 1939, Berlin, Germany

Early days. Brückner was born to an Austro-Polish family who had moved to Brzezany from Stryj three generations earlier. His father, Aleksander Marian Brueckner, was a revenue officer. He was educated at Lwow ( presently Lviv) under Ohonovsky, in Leipzig under Eskien, in Vienna under Miklosic, and in Berlin under Jagic. In 1876 he received a doctorate at the University of Vienna, and in 1878 his habilitation for a study on Slavic settlements around Magdeburg (Die slawischen Aussiedlungen in der Altmark und im Magdeburgischen).

Career. Brückner first taught at Lwów University. In 1881 he began teaching in Berlin, where he long held (1881–1924) the chair in Slavic Philology. He was a member of many learned societies, including the Polish Academy of Learning in Kraków, the Saint Petersburg Academy of Sciences, the Shevchenko Scientific Society in Lwow, and the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, as well as academies in Prague and Belgrade. Brückner wrote extensively in both Polish and German on the history of the Slavic languages and literatures, especially Polish, on folklore, ancient Slavic and Baltic mythology, and on the history of Polish and Russian literature. His most important works include a history of the Polish language (Lwow, 1906), several histories of Polish literature in Polish and German, a history of Russian literature, an etymological dictionary of the Polish language (Słownik etymologiczny języka polskiego, 1927), works on Slavic and Baltic mythology, an encyclopedia of Old Poland, and a 4-volume history of Polish culture (Kraków, 1930–46). Brückner was a specialist on the older periods of Polish and Slavic culture and was the discoverer (he found it in 1889 in the Petersburgian library), interpreter, and publisher of the oldest known manuscript in Polish (late 13th or early 14th century) , the Holy Cross Sermons. He had an incomparable knowledge of medieval Polish literature, which he knew from the original manuscripts, and was an expert on Renaissance and early modern Polish literature. In general, Brückner, tried to raise the prestige of old Slavic culture both in the eyes of the Germans among whom he worked and in the eyes of the Poles with whom he sympathized. He was critical of the Russian autocracy and the centralized Russian state of his time, including the Russian liberals (Kadets) who supported a centralized state and opposed either federalism or national autonomy for the non-Russian peoples of the Russian Empire. During the First World War, he favored the Central Powers but opposed the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, which he believed was largely directed against a resurgent Poland and, moreover, made deep concessions to the Ukrainians in his native eastern Galicia. Toward the end of 19th century he studied the career of Polish baroque writer, Waclaw Potocki. It was, however, scholarship, not politics, which always remained his main concern. On the most central questions of Slavic scholarship, he believed that in ancient times the Slavic and Baltic languages had a common ancestor and he always stressed this common Balto-Slavic bond. He placed the original homeland of the Slavs farther west than most Slavists, on the territory of today's Poland. He believed that the apostles to the Slavs, Cyril and Methodius, had originated the idea of their mission on their own, and he played down the invitation from Moravia; and finally, in a polemic with the Ukrainian historian Mykhailo Hrushevsky, he took a Normanist position on the origins of the Rus', stressing the linguistic and historical evidence for a Scandinavian connection. In 1924, he retired from the university and spent most of his time writing concise histories of Polish culture and language, especially of the Old Polish period. After his death in Berlin, his final book, a short German-language synthetic history of Polish culture, went unpublished.

Prizes and awards.1929 Doctor honoris causa title from Warsaw University; 1933 Polish Gold Cross of Merit; 1935 Golden Laurel of Polish Academy of Literature.

Sources. Based mostly on an article in Wikipedia:
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This was supplemented by the information from additional sources:
Wikipedia (in Polish)

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