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Prominent Poles

Maja Komorowska-Tyszkiewicz, film actress. She has appeared in 35 films since 1970.

Photo of Maja Komorowska, actress

Born: December 23, 1937, Warsaw, Poland

Early days. Father count Leon Komorowski from Kurmen, coat of arms Dolega (Korczak) and Irena née Leitgeber. Maja Komorowska is a twin sister of the actor Piotr Komorowski and cousin of Bronisław Komorowski, President of Poland. In 1969 she graduated from the Doll Department of the State Higher Theatrical School in Cracow. Three years laters she passed an external actor’s exam.

Career theater. During 1961 -1968 period she was related to Teatr 13 Rzedow and Teatr Laboratorium where she worked with the Grotowski team. During 1968-1970 she worked with Wroclawski Teatr Wspolczesny (Wroclaw Contemporary Theater) and during 1970-1972 with Wroclawski Teatr Polski (Polish Theater). From 1972 on she was connected to the Teatr Wspolczesny (Contemporary Theater) in Warsaw. In 1991 she got professorship at Akademia Teatralna (Theater Academy) in Warsaw. She appeared more than 30 times in the TV Theater.

Career film. Her debut was in 1970 in the movie Zycie Rodzinne (Family Life) by Krzysztof Zanussi. She soon became his favorite actress. Then Andrzej Wajda suggested that she plays the role of Rachela in Wesele by Wyspianski. In 1979 she played again in Wajda’s Panny z Wilka. In late 1970 and in the 1980s she continued her collaboration with Zanussi. In 1988 she appeared in Kieślowski’s Dekalog I. Thern in the movies by Konwicki and Zanussi. In 2000 she played in Wajda’s Wyrok na Franciszka Kłosa and in Zanussi’s Skarby ukryte and again in 2007 in Wajda’s Katyń . In 2009 she appeared in Wieczynski’s Popiełuszko. Wolność jest w nas.

Private. In 1959 she married Jerzy Tyszkiewicz. She has a son Paul and four grandchildren. She is socially active. In particular she helped the families of the interned during the martial law. In 1993 her novel was published by the Tenten Publisher.

Main honors and awards. Gold Cross of Merit, 1975; Grand Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta for outstanding contribution to national culture, for achievements in artistic creativity and teaching activities, 2011; Commander's Cross, 2004; Knight's Cross, 2000; Silver Medal of Merit for National Defense, 2002; Gold Medal for Merit to Culture Gloria Artis - Award of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage in the theater, 2008; Commander of the French order of Arts and Literature, 2010

This article uses mainly material from the Wikipedia article "Maja Komorowska." Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply. :
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