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undefined Sammie's Stargate Sg-1 Music Videos

Welcome to Sammie's Stargate SG-1 Music Videos

Here you will find all my music videos I dedicate To Stargate Sg-1 shippy and non shippy videos. I know there is not much here right now but in time there will be :) I'm new at making music videos but I want to thank My great friend Beth for her help and guidence in making videos. Without her these videos would have not been possible. Thanks so much Beth.I hope you all will enjoy my very first video I know it's not the best please don't laugh at me but i would love to hear feedback let me know what you think. Thanks so much and come back for more great videos Sammie

Beth I want to thank you for allowing me to use clips from your music videos without you these videos would not of been possible I thank you so very much. You're my inspiration to make music videos.

Please if you don't mind after viewing the video tell me what you think here at my blog thanks so much

Song: You Needed Me by Anne Murray *New Video*
Pairing: Jack and Sam
Size: 2.65MB
Author: Sheila
Summary: Jack and Sam always there for each other

Song: Just Another Woman In Love by Anne Murray *New Video*
Pairing: Sam and Jack
Size: 2.11MB
Author: Sheila
Summary: Sam falling in Love with Jack which we already know she loves him and i thought this song fit her very well. Hope you all like it as much as i did making it

Song: If you Don't Know me By Now By Simply Red
Paring: Jack & Daniel Friendship Wise
Summary: Jack and Daniel Friendship Video I'm not into slash all that much this song to me just fit them they tend to argue fuss and fight a lot. Hope you like it

Song: Now and Forever by Anne Murray
Pairing: Jack & Sam
Author: Sheila
Size: 3.2MB
Summary: To me this song Fit Jack and Sam

Song: How Did I Fall In Love with You by BSB
Pairing: Sam & Jack
Author: Sheila
Size: 5.97MB
Summary: Sam wondering how she fell in love with Jack and visa versa

Disclaimer: Neither the music nor the video clips belong to me. They are just for entertainment. I'm not making money from them... No copyright infringement is intended. So please don't sue me and Please don't upload these video's on this page onto another site without my permission thanks Sammie! Video Credit
© MGM Global Television Inc, & SCI-FI Channel for all the video footage Music Credit
© Anne Murray

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