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            "To study the predatory behavior of the Great White, scientists must travel to a location where Great Whites's are known to hunt their prey. About 30
            miles off the coast of San Francisco are the Farallon Islands, home to a large elephant seal population - making this area the free meat
            shop for great white's in the neighborhood and thus a hotspot of Great White research.
            A regular watch began in 1987 on Southeast Farallon Island and it has produced a great deal of information about the Great White's predatory habits.
            For example, it seems from this data that most attacks occur during the day in late summer or early winter. Furthermore, the attacks took
            place at around the same time each day, most likely due to the tide schedule.
                                         Although the two animals look similar, they
                                        are quite different. The most striking difference
                                         is the design of their flippers. The seal has
                                         highly developed hind flippers and smaller,
                                         underdeveloped fore flippers. Sea lions are
                                                   just the opposite                                                                          .

                                            A female northern elephant seal and
                                                her pup resting on the shore
                                      A pair of sea lions, a large male and a smaller female
                                     Compare the female sea lion to the female seal at right,
                                          noting the difference in the design of their flippers.

            Going back to the observational data, some interesting differences in attack strategies were noted based on the species of the shark's prey.
            For example, in the case of the seal, the animal is often attacked just beneath the surface by a Great White rising from below. A large elongating
            blood stain at the surface indicates that the shark carries the seal underwater for a distance before removing a bite and releasing the
            carcass which then floats to the surface. When this initial attack took place near the head of the seal, an area rich with networks of blood
            vessels, death by exsanguination (loss of blood) or decapitation was the norm. On other occasions, the Great White would disable the seal by
            attacking from behind, biting the strong hind flipper.  Nature is pretty grisly stuff, huh?
            With the sea lion, attacks are usually observed with the sea lion at the surface of the water, the Great White striking brutally - even throwing itself
            out of the water with the sea lion clamped in its jaws. The sea lion, lacking the same network of blood vessels flounders at the surface until
            the shark returns for the final kill and feeding.
            Prior to the study I refer to above, a prevalent theory relative to Great White predatory behavior held that a primary attack strategy of the Great White is to
            capture and bite their prey, release them wounded but alive, and then remain nearby until the prey animal is still, indicating death or severe
            injury. The Great White would then be afforded an easy meal. This 'bite, spit, and wait' behavior was not observed in the over 130 attacks recorded as
            part of this study. Does this mean it is not a valid hypothesis? Not at all - 130 attacks in a single location on a limited prey selection can
            hardly be called universally representative of a Great White's predatory behavior. However, these same 130 observed events provide an excellent
            glimpse at how the Great White goes after its favorite meal."