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Type one Diabetes

                                               What is type one?

Type one diabetes is insulin dependent. That means that the pancreas is not producing enough insulin

tosupport the body, resulting in it's need for an outside source of insulin.

What are the symptoms of type one?

*Flu like symptoms
*Weight gain or loss
*Blurred vision
*Slow-healing sores or frequent infections
*Nerve damage
*Red,swollen, tender gums.

What treatments are there for type one?

*There is a device called the insulin pen: a small device that looks like a pen with a cartridge of insulin.

On the end of it there is a needle that administers insulin just below the skin.

*Another device is the insulin jet injectors: instead of a needle this sends a fine mist of insulin though

the skin, a less painful way of receiving insulin.

*Another device is  the external insulin pumps: it is connected to a flexible plastic tube that has a

needle on the end which administered near that abdomen.  The user monitors the insulin that enters

there body.
Number of people who have diabetes.
    About 9 million people had diabetes in 1996, imagine how many people have it now.