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Challenge by Rehatha :

Cordelia’s betrayal - intentional or unintentional, though it was committed for a selfish act, have caused a change in the balance of power: Angelus now controls the body and Angel is trapped helplessly within.

Pleased with this development, the First Evil sends its primordial master vampire to LA.  He goes through a blood ritual with Angelus - a Remaking.  Although still beautiful to behold, the vampire with the angelic face takes after his new sire: he is stronger, faster, more aggressive than he was, and best of all, he is now impervious to stakes.

Beneath Angelus’ rule & with Wolfram & Hart’s assistance, Los Angeles falls beneath its new master.

Desperate to stop Angelus, the Angel Investigations crew pulls together.  They need a Slayer.  Not wanting to exasperate the situation - nor lose her possible hold on Angel himself when all is said and done - Cordelia suggests breaking Faith out of prison.

They go to battle:  Cordelia, Faith, Wesley, Lorne, Gunn, Fred and Connor.

They are soundly and easily defeated.  Faith, beaten and broken crawls away.  Cordelia is given the fate that Angelus knows she so richly deserves and so badly wanted:  she is to be his slave, for sex, for blood and for visions.

And the others?  Dead, alive, no one knows.


Sunnydale has not fallen completely to the First Evil and its primordial vampire.  The Slayer still holds out against it, though some of her back up has been lost. [You decide who]

Help is needed to take back the Hellmouth before the time of the Blood Harvest, a day when a thousand throats shall be cut and the blood poured over the great seal, unleashing hell and true demons once more to roam the earth.

The souled vampire is needed.

The Slayer who was once upon a time his true love and who has been marked as mate to the demon and is soul mate to the man must go to rescue Angel.

She is given a spell and a spell is cast upon her, to make her again the perfect avatar that she was in the battle with Adam.

She goes to L.A., a holy warrior.  Her job, to put Angel back in control of his body permanently.  Considering the nature of the curse the gypsies laid upon him, the only way to ensure that is to remove Angelus.

How?  She must face Angelus in single combat.  They shall fight and during the fight she shall recite the incantation to draw the essence of the demon.

As Angel - because of Cordelia - no longer has the strength to control or hold the demon, a new prison has been chosen for him.

When she completes the spell, Buffy must kiss the demon and draw his essence into her.  She is the prison and Angel shall be left with his powerful vampire body as sole tenant.

Imprisoned within the Slayer, the demon is bound.  He cannot harm the Slayer essence as the line is now passed through Faith.  And if the mortal body of the Slayer dies, her soul shall fly free while he is imprisoned forever more in an inanimate, rotting corpse.

Background by Raelyn.