Not Anywhere Specific but Everywhere at Once
They were in a panic, but there was nothing they could do
to stop it.
Once they opened the book, once they preformed the spell,
it was truly all down hill from there. Stupid book and its stupid rules, she
thought, looking at her companion in dread. What had they done, what wrongness
had happened that they now had no control over? It wasn’t supposed to be like
this, nothing was supposed to be like this.
But when the spell was spoken, it was too late; and the
spell could only be spoken once. Once per person, that was the Rule. The Rule,
the number one rule they…hadn’t bothered to read. Served them right, her
companion noted with a huff that did little to mask her own dread. The two of
them had been in such a rush to show they could do this, to show that it was
possible for them to do this and that Pfft, it was a piece of cake,
that…they’d fucked up and royally.
What now, she wondered as they read the book over again,
hoping for a…loophole or something. But, no, there were no loopholes in this book. This
book was entirely too smart for that, unlike certain gypsy clans that shall
remain nameless.
We wait, her companion shrugged, gingerly peering over the
rim of their looking pond at the scene below. And we hope for the best.
Track A in Track B
It was three days later that she returned.
It would have been sooner, but her normally stellar sense
of direction had deserted her and she had no idea where she was.
Stupid foreign countries. Stupid past times with no signage
and no maps. Stupid, stupid, stupid. She hated it, hated that she ran, that she
came back, but most of all that her time away was filled with lessons she’d
rather not have learned.
Buffy had wandered the streets of London, lost, confused,
dirty, and hungry. She’d lived off the food a kind stranger had offered her
after Buffy had staked the pair of vamps trying to drain the elderly man. He let
her stay the night with him, though he grumbled about the impropriety of it,
then pointed her in the right direction of her townhouse. He hadn’t asked
questions, and Buffy was eternally grateful for that. He also hadn’t offered
any explanation for his own circumstances, and Buffy was grateful for that, too.
She wasn’t in the mood for story-time.
She left him once the sun rose, peering carefully out into
the watery light of late spring London. Giles had told her once of summer in
London, the muggy streets, the heat that rose from the pavement; already Buffy
could feel that in the air and wondered what these people did before the
invention of air conditioning. Was it already invented? She was so hopelessly
out of touch with things like that.
Leaving the kindly elderly gentleman with strict
instructions not to venture out at night and to never invite anyone inside his
home, Buffy headed in the direction he’d specified.
Finding her way back to the section of town the old man
mentioned – Buffy had no idea what it was called and didn’t care – she
avoided the area she remembered the townhouse being, not yet ready to confront
the vampire inside. She’d slept fitfully where and when she could during the
next day, and the day after that, trying to block the dreams that plagued her,
trying to block the knowledge that she’d left the one she loved. Buffy moved
around often, knowing that once the sun set Angelus was bound to look for her.
He did, Buffy knew he did. She wouldn’t have been
surprised had he looked during the day, too, but she didn’t like him putting
himself in danger during the sunlight hours.
And she hid from him. She cried, feeling as if her heart
was tearing out, and her world was crumbling. Was this how Angel felt when he
left her last year? Was this what he went through?
Buffy didn't know. But now she understood why Angel had
left, why he’d run, in essence. He’d done so not because he hadn’t wanted
his life with her – and she was a fool to ever believe that line – but
because he didn’t want her life to
be with him. With someone who
couldn’t live in her world, even if he was a warrior like her. He wanted her
to live, wanted her to experience things he never could with her, and if he was
there, if he was always with her, then Buffy would place her life in jeopardy to
protect his.
Buffy realized that now, she realized a great many things
now. The parallel of the last couple of days with the past year with Angel
struck her hard, twisting her stomach into knots and making her mourn the past
as she now knew it to be.
All she knew, all these past three days had taught her, was
that she couldn’t live without him. Not again, not ever again. Angelus was her
rock, her world. She couldn’t live without him and she didn’t want to. So
here she was, standing in front of the ornately carved door that led to the
stolen house she and Angelus had shared with William and Drusilla.
Darla was still out there, planning something Buffy knew,
and was a threat to her the more she stayed on the streets. Buffy was under no
illusions as to the power Darla did or didn’t hold, the strength. Buffy could
easily take her. But Darla didn’t play fair and Buffy was certain that a trap
was even now being laid for her demise.
Ugh, she thought, how very Agatha Christie of her. She
really had to stop hanging out with all things British; between Spike and Giles,
her American lifestyle was slowly being supplanted with English-isms.
And still she made no move to enter the dwelling. She had
to go in; she couldn’t stand out there forever. And she couldn’t stand not
being with him another moment longer.
Yet all the reasons she’d literally run from him three
days ago were still there. He was still a vampire, still killing, drinking,
hunting. And she was still the Slayer, still hunting, staking, killing. With
Angel there was the slim possibility they could live in each other’s worlds.
With Angelus, there wasn’t.
“Are you going to stand there all day?” A voice asked
from an opened window Buffy hadn’t noticed before. The sun was still shinning
on the front door, but the windows to the left of the house were cloaked in
enough shadows that someone standing there wouldn’t be touched by the harmful
Buffy turned towards William’s voice. The cultured tones
that were so at odds with the Spike she knew, that it’d taken some getting
used to. “William,” she said, not knowing what else to say. There were a
myriad of pointless questions she could ask.
Was Angelus in there? Yes. Was he still angry? Yes. Was he
waiting her return? Yes.
“Are you going to stand there all day?” He asked again,
amused this time with her lack of decision. The Buffy he knew was all Slayer:
decisive, strong and single-minded. Now she seemed lost, broken, heartbroken.
What a pair she and Angelus made.
“No,” Buffy said and opened the door. “No, I’m
Track B in Track A
Angel looked at the courtyard garden in silence. Elizabeth
was inside, just inside the doors and waiting for him.
She wasn’t going to come out to him, that he knew. No,
she was going to force the decision on him, force him to decide one way or the
other what he wanted to do. It wasn’t that simple and he longed to tell her
that. Longed to tell her that he loved her, he just couldn’t be with her. That
he wanted her, but couldn’t let Angelus free again.
Angelus snorted. This was a Buffy that hadn’t yet proven
herself to him. To them. And yet Angel was already mooning over her. But then,
when she was tested, when he/they, Angel/Angelus did test her, it was going to
be glorious.
‘Such a pansy,’
the smooth Irish tones taunted him. ‘She
has not yet been tested, though she has shown remarkable promise. Do you think
I’d harm our greatest treasure?’
Angel remained silent, though the words both comforted and
scared him. Angelus would never hurt Buffy; Angel knew that, not, at least, to
the point of irrevocable harm and death. Elizabeth had not yet, according to his
demon, proven herself as Buffy had. She hadn’t survived months of
psychological torture by Angelus, only to emerge stronger; she hadn’t killed
– or tried to kill – Faith to cure him of a poison that was slowly ravaging
his body. She hadn’t offered herself to him, offering her body and blood to
him to save him when all else failed.
Angel didn’t care. The souled vampire didn’t care about
that, because she had proven herself.
She fought with both the Sunnydale and the LA gangs to spend time with him. She
didn’t listen to anything anyone said to her about him or them. She fought and
fought to get her way because it was what she wanted. Even though she didn’t
know Willow and Xander, Wesley and Anya, she hadn’t listened to them; they, on
the other hand, had been shocked, scared, and angry.
Even Giles and Cordelia, whom she did know in her world,
whom she loved and cared for, Elizabeth hadn’t listened to. Tara, who knew
nothing of the full story behind Angel’s curse, had remained silent, not
wanting to get involved between her girlfriend and her newfound friend.
Buffy always listened to them; it was a part of their
friendship. Angel realized that now, realized that no matter what she said or
did, in the end her friends were a greater influence on her than he imagined a
year ago. Oh, she fought for him, there was no mistaking that and he’d never
accuse her otherwise. But she was…Angel didn’t know what he was looking for
as he stood in the darkened garden.
Buffy had always needed her friends as much as she needed
him. She needed them because they claimed to support her slaying, they knew her
secret and weren’t repulsed or disbelieving about it. She needed them because
they all but forced her to see something that wasn’t slaying. Maybe more so
after Angelus’ reign of terror. Elizabeth hadn’t ever experienced that,
though her trials and life was certainly no walk in the park.
It was pointless to compare the two, Angel realized as he
continued to stand immobile. Buffy and Elizabeth were just two totally different
women and he loved them both. But, he realized as he heard movement off to his
side. He was desperately in love with Elizabeth. Enough to return to her even
knowing the consequences; Angelus hadn’t exactly been silent with what he
wanted to do to her.
The thoughts of the demon’s paralleled the soul’s
eerily. Completely.
He wasn’t sure he wanted to go back inside, knowing that
once he did, he’d have to break everything off with her. This was why he’d
originally done so with Buffy. That stupid bullshit about a normal life was just
his way of telling her how weak he was and how much he couldn’t
keep his hands off her no matter how much control he tried to maintain.
He took another step across the broken stone floor of the
garden and again hesitated. He couldn’t do it. He couldn’t tell her –
Elizabeth, Buffy, Elizabeth – again that he wanted nothing to do with her.
They both knew it was a big lie.
“Are you going to go in there?” Spike asked from the shadows, blowing smoke into the night.
Angel continued to ignore him for another moment before asking, “What does it matter, Spike?”
“She’s miserable,” the younger vampire said with a
grimace. A grieving, heartbroken, and pissed off Slayer was not someone to tangle with.
“I know,” Angel whispered. He’d heard how she spent the last three nights staking everything that dared come across her path. The patrons at Willy’s were scared to venture even there, eyeing Angel with trepidation as they sat as far from the menacing vampire as they could. Willy grumbled about how Angel had to return to his girl before she destroyed all his business.
Angel had simply nursed the glass of blood Willy had
provided him with – at no charge –and said nothing for the three days he’d
occupied the same stool. Apparently, his relationship with Elizabeth was always
destined to be common knowledge.
“She loves you,” Spike tossed out, still waiting for a
reaction from his GrandSire. This silent stone like image before him was, quite
frankly, scaring the blonde vampire. “She’s miserable without you and
you’re no better.”
“I know,” Angel said again, eyes still trained on the sliding glass doors
that led to the Great Room. When had that been fixed? Hell, when had they been
broken? But he distinctly remembered them being broken, Buffy and Faith flying
out of them at each other’s throats. Had he done that, fixed them, after
Buffy’s fight with Faith, when they tricked the other Slayer into revealing
Wilkins’ plans? Or was it later, when he really thought they could make a go
of their relationship?
“If you know, then why are you here?”
“Things between us,” Angel whispered and Spike wondered if he even knew to whom he was talking to. “Sometimes, they just don’t work.”
”Are you talking about your relationship with Buffy?”
Spike asked, “Or Elizabeth?”
“Yes,” Angel said.
Spike sighed. This was worse than trying to get Dru to make
sense when she had a vision. “Look. You love Buffy. I know that, she knows
that,” at least he thought she did. “Hell, every demon in Southern
California knows that! But this isn’t your Buffy. This is Elizabeth. Do you
know the difference?”
“Yes,” Angel said again, a growl rumbling from deep
within his body. “I know all the differences.”
“And do you know that Elizabeth has never truly met
Angelus?” Angel nodded, one short movement of his head. “And do you know
that she knows all about him from books and stories?” Another jerky movement
from Angel. “And you know that despite the consequences Elizabeth knows, the
curse, Angelus, etc, etc, etc, so on and so forth ditto, ditto,” Spike
continued as he eyes his GrandSire curiously, “That she still wants to be with
“Yes,” Angel said, quietly, now. He cocked his head to
the side as if listening to something. Or someone, Spike thought and wondered if
the demon, if Angelus was talking to him now. What must that be like, the
younger vampire wondered. What was it like to have two separate voices within
you talking around and to each other? The ultimate split personality, he
snickered but then sobered.
Making fun of Angel – while always entertaining – could
wait. For a little while, at least.
“Then what’s the problem?” Spike snapped his fingers
as if it just occurred to him. “Oh, I know. You’re afraid of losing your
shiny soul and becoming the demon again. Well, boyo,” he said, tired of being
the voice of reason. He just wasn’t good at it. “Listen to your demon. Take
a look at what the demon did a coupla years ago and think about it. The demon
never harmed Buffy, no matter what he did or said. He taunted and tricked and
played with, but never harmed. Why? Why didn’t he? Why didn’t…you?”
Angel knew why. Angelus wanted Buffy. But now…? With
Elizabeth? There was a difference.
“So,” Spike said though Angel hadn’t answered.
“What does Angelus think of Elizabeth? The one who wants you even knowing what
will happen? The one who needs you possibly more than Fluffy? The one who knows
every single thing you did in the past and still looks at you with something
approaching amazement. Loving amazement. She loves you, Angel. Loves you enough
to take the chance and loves you enough to see that the demon is as much a part
of you as the soul.”
“How do you know all this, Spike?” Angel asked, still
not looking at his GrandChilde. Spike said nothing Angel hadn’t already
thought of before. But hearing it from Spike, hearing it from someone who
didn’t like the soul and who wasn’t too sure about the demon anymore…it
clicked something deep within the demon and soul, both.
“I know. So get in there, ya big poof,” Spike grumbled,
tired of all this drama. It was good to a point, but sometimes even he got tired
of it. Especially when it led nowhere productive. Maybe he just needed to stir
up the action a little, he grinned, blue eyes twinkling with plans. “You love
her, she loves you, what’s the problem here?”
“You know the problem, Spike,” Angel said in a tired voice.
Spike knew all too well but didn’t care. He’d just
spent the past three days trying to console the upset Slayer – his already
tattered reputation was ruined – and keeping up with her during her
‘patrols’ as she called them. Massacres was what he called them, but, hey,
to each his own. Cordelia was equally helpless in comforting Elizabeth, though
there was a night of ice cream and crying and…bonding
that Spike was only too happy to have missed.
He idly wondered if there’d been nakedness between the
girls, but decided that even the thought of that wasn’t enough to stay in the
mansion with the distraught Slayer.
“Is that the problem, Angel?” Spike stepped into the
light cast from the house, forcing Angel’s eyes onto him. “Is that what
you’re really afraid of? Or are you afraid to take the chance with her? Afraid
that things won’t work out and that idea you’ve got in your head,” Spike
tapped the side of his own head, “Is only fantasy?”
Angel said nothing, so Spike continued. “Afraid that if
you did work things out, then it’d
only be a shadow of what you always thought you wanted?”
“Go away, Spike,” Angel told him, eyes dismissing him
to refocus on the doors. He could sense Cordelia within as well, and Wesley.
Maybe they were working on a case? Had Cordelia received a vision? Did they need
his help? Was it even for Sunnydale; did the Powers transfer visions to wherever
their Seer was?
He’d been neglecting that, too, Angel realized,
neglecting his mission in LA…all for a girl. His girl, his woman, his Mate.
“Take the chance, Angel. I know what’s inside of
you,” Spike said, his voice dropping, “And I know you want to. The Angel I
knew, the one I looked up to, the one I hunted and caroused with all those years
ago, would never have let fear cloud his vision. He’d have taken what he
wanted no matter what, because it was what he
Spike did depart then, turning into the night to leave the
drama to those crazy kids. Maybe he should have offered the same chance to the
Seer; no, then he’d just have to listen to the Watcher, and Spike couldn’t
abide the stuffy Brit. It gave them all bad names.
Angel stood outside for another long moment, weighing
Spike’s words with what he wanted – Elizabeth and only her – with what he
knew to be right. Not true, but right. The ‘right’ thing to do, the
‘expected’ thing to do. The thing others wanted them to do.
Fuck that.
Spike was right, though it pained Angel to admit that. As
was Angelus, which caused his demon to crow in glory. Elizabeth was his –
theirs – and it was time to claim her.
Track B in Track A
Dru looked at the letter her Spike had penned once more.
The developments were interesting to say the least; a
Slayer that wasn’t theirs, was that what Miss Edith meant? And her daddy, her
daddy loved this one just as he had the other mean one.
But this Slayer was different, Miss Edith had said so. This
Slayer was the one to change everything, she was the one the stars feared and
the earth trembled at.
The train stopped in St. Louis but Dru stayed put, not
wanting to hunt and waste more time. She was headed for Sunnydale and her Spike.
And her new family.
Track B in Track A
Willow looked at her computer screen with blurry eyes.
Between school, keeping up appearances with her classes and
teachers, researching the latest bad to prey on the Hellmouth, and how to send
this imposter back to wherever the hell she came from, the redhead was
exhausted. Tara was a huge help, but she seemed to have befriended the imposter
and Willow hated that. Her girlfriend insisted it was no reflection on Buffy,
that Elizabeth was and was not her, and she was just as lost here as Willow felt
without her best friend.
Tara also reminded Willow that Buffy was with the Giles and
Cordelia in that universe and they wouldn’t shun her just because she wasn’t
their Elizabeth.
It grated, and Willow admitted Tara was right, but she
still couldn’t work up the will to talk with the imposter. Of course the first
step was probably calling her ‘Elizabeth’ and not ‘the imposter’, but
hey, whatever.
Their first attempt at a spell, the one Giles found within
days of Elizabeth’s arrival, went nowhere; it wasn’t made for
trans-dimensional travel. The spell, strangely called Bring It Back, was more
for finding lost things in various places than it was for finding and returning
Slayers wrongly and somehow misplaced in another world. It’d taken them weeks to find
the new spell, the one they were currently trying to find the last ingredient; a
Light made from a Blue Ox Horn.
This Blue Ox thing was bothering her. She could find only
one reference to it, and that was to Babe, the Big Blue Ox of Paul Bunyan fame.
Willow doubted that legend was true, but had dutifully contacted a Coven in
Alaska Giles knew about. She was still waiting for them to-
Her email beeped and Willow wondered if it was the Coven or
just wishful thinking that the moment she was thinking of them, they emailed
her…they had. Wow, talk about coincidences.
Paul Bunyan was real, a giant who wanted to see what the human world was like, and who spawned a legend as big as he. But he was not in Alaska any longer. They didn’t know where to find him but they did know where to find Babe, the Big Blue Ox; and where one was, the other was sure to follow.
Willow looked at the screen incredulously and just shook her head. Life on the Hellmouth was anything but dull and Willow wondered if a week would go by without something so bizarre happening to them.
Quickly thanking the Coven and looking up the address
they’d provided, Willow went to inform Giles they had a way to send Elizabeth
back to where she came from, and get their Buffy back.
Track B in Track A
Cordelia slowly hung up the phone and waited a moment
before turning to Wesley.
This was it then, the moment they were all more or less
waiting for. Well, the others were waiting; Cordelia was…not. She liked
this Elizabeth; the other woman was funny and smart, not afraid to say what was
on her mind, and didn’t take anything from anyone. Her kind of woman. Plus,
Elizabeth already claimed that she and the Slayer were friends.
Cordelia liked that, liked knowing she had that with
someone, that she wasn’t the one left out, the extra; that she was an intragal
part of the something bigger she always envied. That she had with Elizabeth what
she had with Angel, only on a much larger scale. Liked knowing that she truly
did have a best friend, in the most basic and truest sense of the word.
Angel had entered the house barely an hour ago, silently
leading Elizabeth up to their room. Spike was someplace outside, or was, but
didn’t want to tell him this news just yet. Clearing her throat, she looked up
at Wes.
“Willow found a way to get Elizabeth back to her world
and Buffy back here.”
Wesley stared at her in dull surprise. He’d known the
redhead was determined to find a way, but thought the chances of finding this
fabled blue ox slim to none. He’d been wrong. Eyes automatically moving to the
ceiling that separated them from Angel and Elizabeth, Wes wondered if this was
for the best. If Elizabeth leaving was the best thing to happen to Angel.
Vaguely, Wesley wondered why he wasn’t helping more with
the research, with sending Elizabeth back to where she belonged and bringing
Buffy back here. Where she belonged. Because, he admitted as his eyes fell away
from the ceiling, he wasn’t at all sure that Buffy belonged here and Elizabeth
there. If so, then why the switch?
It was a question Wes hadn’t brought up to anyone, and
doubted the reception if he should.
But if Elizabeth stayed, then everyone’s fear of Angelus
returning would no doubt be realized. Still, he found the woman engaging,
intelligent, and impressive. Not unlike her counterpart here, but different in
ways he’d never have thought of previously.
“When?” He finally asked, saddened but accepting eyes
sliding back to Cordelia.
“A week,” she said, holding herself straight against
the not unexpected pain of losing someone who’d become such a good friend to
her. “The ox is in Peru those mountains there-”
“The Andes?” Wes interrupted and Cordelia gave a curt
nod and shrug.
“The owner won’t send the ox any other way than walking
– don’t ask, I didn’t bother – and is only willing to go to the Mexican
boarder. Something about conspicuousness or something.”
“And the owner knows what we intend to do with the
horn?” Wes asked incredulous. He doubted very much that if they mysterious
owner insisted on bringing the animal himself, then he had any idea what they
intended to do with his horn.
Again, Cordelia shrugged. “I guess, Willow said this
owner said something about not really needing the horn; he apparently knew which
spell they were talking about.”
“Ah,” Wes said and looked upwards again. “Well, then
I guess one of us should tell them, eh?”
Cordelia nodded in agreement but didn’t budge. “Sure,
go on.” At his look she smiled, it was strained and saddened and totally
false. “What? You know more about the spell than I do!”
“Right,” he cleared his throat. “Well then,” he
Picking up his wallet and keys, he asked, “Want some
dinner first?”
Relieved, Cordelia nodded and followed him out.
“We can always have Spike do it later,” she reasoned
with a smile as they left.
Track A in Track B
Darla watched the townhouse from across the street.
She knew the Slayer had left several days ago and was now
returning. Knew that Angelus had searched for her for those days and had been in
such a rage that Darla wondered at that and questioned his sanity. She’d seen
him angry, angry beyond belief in their nearly hundred and fifty years together.
This was different. This was more. This was bordering on crazy obsession and
Scowling, she cursed Buffy beneath her breath.
A month ago things had been perfect. Darla had her lover,
her favorite, and her family. She had it all, prey, fine things, and a vampire
who knew just what she liked, in and out of bed. That bitch Slayer had ruined it
all and Darla wasn’t about to let Buffy get away with that.
Her own Sire was already on his way here, intrigued by her
letter asking for help. The Master would see that Angelus was properly punished
as soon as Darla destroyed the Slayer. Pah, like a tiny girl such as she could
possibly match over three hundred years of strength and experience.
That little girl had no idea what she had got herself into
when she enticed Angelus into her bed. Darla was about to show her otherwise.
And her darling Angelus was going to suffer the consequences as well.
No one turned Darla out. No one.
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