Everywhere and Nowhere and All of the In Between
The book was tired.
It was old and so tired from use and from sleep and
couldn’t even remember ever having so much fun. This was beyond interesting,
these Lost. They loved and yearned and yet did not understand. It would have
laughed, but…it was so tired.
Leaving those who Watched to their…watching, it chuckled
once more and snuggled next to its constant companion, wondering if these Lost
Souls would ever understand. It didn’t matter, not in the long run, for the
long run was already looking…different.
But then the book already knew the future, just as it knew
the past, just as it knew what these two were up to long before they decided to
do it. Feeling itself lose consciousness, it decided that a short reprieve
wasn’t amiss and that since it already knew everything – fun, exciting, and
damned interesting as it was – it could catch up later.
Once those who Watched finished screwing everything up to
exactly the way it was supposed to be in the first place.
Sleep, its key
said in a soft voice. Sleep. And when we
wake, everything will be different. When we wake, the world will be different.
Track A in Track B
Darla was dead. Again.
She’d just watch Angel/Angelus kill his Sire again. For
her. He hadn’t, not this time, but the intent was there, the motive. He would
have. For her.
Buffy stared in shock at the blood on her hands. Not
because of the blood itself, nor for the way that blood got there, not even for
the fact that she didn’t care about the blood. No, it was because of the irony
of the situation. The irony of watching the same person die in a similar way.
The irony of having done it herself this time.
She didn’t realize that Angelus had swung her into his
arms, carrying her through the not so – deserted nighttime streets of London
to their stolen home. Her gaze was fixed on her hands, but her mind was reliving
the events of before. What she saw when that strange tugging wanted to pull her
away from Angelus and the life she’d built here.
Angel was there; he was there and staring at her with a
possessive and cocky grin reminiscent of Angelus…or the time before, when
he’d lost his soul, maybe. His eyes were shinning his love and his assurance.
Buffy hadn’t seen him look that way in…years. Not since he…not since
he’d lost his soul.
What or who was he staring at? Was it her, waiting for her
to return to him? It figured that someone from Sunnydale had called him, but why
was he looking at her like that? It had been over a year since they were
together, and it made no sense that now, when she wasn’t even there, that
he’d look at her with such…primal need. Or maybe it was just something her
mind conjured up from her life here, somehow transposing it with her life there?
Buffy didn’t know, didn’t care, and didn’t ever want
to know. Knowing meant she was back there, knowing meant that she was pulled
from her Angelus’ arms and forcibly returned to her other life.
“Buffy,” Angelus questioned softly, worried for her.
She wasn’t bouncing back with a sarcastic comment he most likely couldn’t
understand. She wasn’t dismissing the entire thing, or even dancing in
Darla’s ashes. What had happened to her during the fight that caused her to be
so quiet?
“Love, what’s wrong?” His voice was soft, as
caressing as his hands. Only with her was he such, and they both knew it.
Buffy focused dark eyes on her lover. They were in their
room, the curtains closed against the impending sunlight, the drapery thick and
heavy, the bed was freshly made, the scents of cleaning detergents and flowers
strong in the room. A simple meal of fruit and cold chicken laid was out on the
table, obviously for her. When had they got back to the house?
“Do you love me?” She asked, large eyes staring into
his deep brown ones.
In the dimness of the room, Angelus looked into her scared
eyes. Her normally bright green eyes were darker now, and he didn’t know if
that was because of whatever happened to her or the depth of emotion he could
see within her very soul. Her question had taken him by surprise, and he
wasn’t sure how to answer it.
“Yes,” he said simply, the truth of his feelings easier
to admit than he thought. “I do love you.”
“Good,” she nodded, staring once again at her bloodied
hands. “I love you, too.”
Concerned with her fixation on her hands, Angelus walked to
the basin and brought it and the cloth to the bedside. Wetting the cloth, he
began to carefully wash her hands. He’d have thought that killing Darla was
something she’d celebrate…obviously, he was somehow wrong.
“They were trying to get me back,” she said after long
moments. “My friends in…from.” She stopped, her gaze unfocused on what her
lover was doing. “They were trying to return me to…there.”
“What happened?” He couldn’t help the growl of
displeasure that graced his question. He wasn’t going to give Buffy up to
anyone – not the Master, not Darla, not her own foolish attempts to leave him.
And certainly not to friends from a life than had done nothing but depress her.
“I don’t know,” she admitted. “I saw you…or maybe
the you from my world. You were there, smiling at me, but-”
“But what?”
“But it wasn’t you. It was Angel, the one from then.”
“And did he want you back?”
Buffy didn’t know, it wasn’t that clear; nothing about
the experience was. “I don’t know,” she admitted. “He did, but he
didn’t want me to leave, which I don’t understand.”
Angelus set the bloody basin away from him, climbed onto
the bed and gathered Buffy in his arms. He had no idea what happened, no idea
why whatever spell her friends had tried hadn’t worked, but was grateful it
had. He’d hate to see what he’d do if she was taken from him.
This world and her other one would never be the same.
He’d burn them both.
“You’re not leaving me, lover,” he growled, his anger
over the mere thought enough to have him slipping into his vampire face. He
didn’t care what he had to do or who he had to do it to. Buffy wasn’t
leaving him because her friends wanted her to. She wasn’t leaving him no
matter what.
“I don’t want to,” she admitted in a quiet voice.
Something within him released at that admission and Angelus’ nonexistent
breath caught between a growl and a purr.
“I don’t care,” he whispered as his mouth crashed
down on hers, showing her just how much he wanted her and how little tolerance
he’d have for those who intended to take her away from him.
And when she shouted his name, when she bared her neck to
his fangs, when she bowed her body into his, Angelus knew that she’d stay with
him. Forever.
Track A in Track B
He had to do something, Nest thought as he sat in his chair
and stared into space.
He had to get back at that Slayer and her lover – one of his own at that. He was going to turn her, that would get Angelus – the traitor – back, but he had to be careful with how he went about it. Obviously, this Slayer was smart, wily, and more than able to hold her own, if the rumors of the now dusted vamp were true. Had Darla truly met her end when the Slayer punched a hole through her chest?
Impressive, Nest thought, most impressive.
And he wanted that on his side, wanted her on his side.
Drusilla was the key, he thought as his minions milled
around, directionless and scared. Angelus had always been more protective of
that Childe than any other and William was even more so. Briefly wondering if
this Slayer also considered Drusilla of value, the Master of Aurelius planned on
getting the mad vampiress.
Step one, discover the Slayer’s route in London as she
slayed. Step two, trail Drusilla. Step three, kidnap Drusilla and trade her for
the Slayer. He’d have to plan it out carefully, Nest thought as he stood,
commanding the attention of the room and working the details out in his head. He
didn’t want to botch the plan like Darla, and he had no desire to go up
against a slayer that was rumored to be the strongest one ever.
Track A in Track B
“So,” Buffy said as she stretched along Angelus’
naked body. “We compromise again?”
“So it would seem,” he reluctantly agreed and Buffy
heard the loathing he felt for that clear in his voice. He didn’t like it and
didn’t want it, but Buffy refused to back down.
Oh, he’d work on her, Angelus vowed, he’d wear her
down, turn her to his way of thinking. But for now, it seemed best if he allowed
his feisty lover her lead. Later he’d draw her in, slowly reeling her to his
side…permanently. And forever.
He hated that she killed his kind, though Angelus had
little tolerance for most of them anyway. No, what he truly hated was that she
killed potential allies as well as incompetents and enemies. Every night she
ventured out, no matter for how short a time, she placed herself in danger and
that was another strike against this…plan,
such as it was.
“Mikhail of Tamatarha is in town,” Angelus said slowly,
“Who is he?” Buffy asked at the sudden change of
subject, knowing that he wouldn’t have brought it up had it not been
“He’s a business partner,” Angelus told her, looking
down at her curious expression. “And he’s a strong ally.”
Buffy knew what he was getting at but didn’t know what to
do or say about it. Instead, she continued to stare at him in silence, wondering
what she’d do if he asked her. He didn’t, not yet. He simply looked at her
with those deep eyes, compelling her to fall into them.
She wanted to, oh, how she wanted to but Buffy resisted.
Barely, but she did.
“His Clan is in London to see me,” he said eventually.
“I don’t want them harmed in anyway. Not yet at least.” Vampire alliances
being as changeable as they were, Angelus’ feelings on the matter could change
at a moment’s notice. He didn’t ask her, not yet, still working out the
words to do so. He didn’t want to order her, as that was the easiest way to
get Buffy to do the exact opposite of what you wanted. At the same time, he
didn’t want her getting in the middle of something that got her hurt.
“Stay away from them,” he said instead, “Just for
now. Alright?”
Buffy nodded slowly, weighing the pros and cons of this.
She could easily do that, stay away from the Tambourine Clan, or whatever they
were. And she didn’t think Angelus would’ve asked had it not been important.
On the other hand, she wasn’t used to leaving vamps alive as allies…except
for Angel and Spike. And now, Drusilla.
Maybe she was used to it.
“For now,” she agreed, resting her head back on his
cool chest as his hands wandered over her again. “If it’s important to
Buffy didn’t go out hunting the next night, nor did
By mutual and silent agreement, they stayed in with each
other. Angelus because he was worried for Buffy – her physical and mental
health – and Buffy because she didn’t want to leave the safety of her
lover’s arms just yet. Besides, Buffy reasoned as she sat in front of the
fireplace, letting Drusilla play with her hair, it wasn’t like Angelus needed
to feed every night…and it was just best not to think on that too much.
Thinking on that led to thinking on who he fed off of, and
that led to the jealous anger that he tasted someone other than her, and then
the crushing guilt that she was doing nothing to stop him.
Angelus, on the other hand, didn’t want to leave Buffy
until he was assured of her stability. He watched her from across the room as he
looked over his accounts, William beside him to take down whatever notes were
needed before their next meeting with their accountants. The elder vampire had
broken enough minds in his time to know how it was done. Buffy seemed stronger
than most, though Angelus could sense a deep…almost fracture within her that
hadn’t yet healed.
He suspected it had something to do with him, more
specifically the him from her world. Whether it was his demon’s courting, or
his soul’s leaving, Angelus couldn’t have said, but he worried.
“Don’t be sad, mummy,” Drusilla whispered to Buffy as
she brushed the Slayer’s growing locks. “Daddy won’t let you leave him.
And the Other won’t either.”
Buffy had no idea what the crazed woman was talking about
and said so. She was on edge as it was, and wasn’t sure how – or if – she
could pull back from the edge. Angelus was the only thing holding her here, her
anchor in this strange storm that was her life. “Drusilla, please make sense.
Not all of us can read the stars.”
“Your world,” Drusilla said, her voice lowering.
“Angel won’t let you go, but Angel has you already and won’t want to
switch you.”
Whatever she expected Drusilla to say, this wasn’t it.
Still, “It doesn’t matter, Drusilla,” Buffy assured her. “I love Angel,
my Angel, but this Angelus,” she shot a look over her shoulder to where her
lover was conversing with William. He could probably hear her, but was allowing
her this privacy. She appreciated that, more than he could know.
“Angelus, I need him. He’s…more and different than
the Angel I knew, even the Angelus I knew.” She looked at Drusilla with large
green eyes, expressive with love and need and no conflict whatsoever.
“I’m not returning, Drusilla,” she vowed. “I belong
Leaning down, Drusilla kissed Buffy, smiling. “Yes, yes
you do.”
Shocked at the kiss, Buffy didn’t pull away, wondering at
the feeling of Drusilla’s lips on hers. They were cool, like Angelus’, and
she could faintly taste Angelus on his Childe’s mouth. Shaking off the
sensation and the lingering feeling that went with it, Buffy returned to the
book she was half reading as she sat with Drusilla.
But Dracula just wasn’t her kind of story, though she’d
be interested in meeting him Still, Buffy’s attention drifted from Dracula
back to her vampire. Her lover.
Angelus was so different from the being she knew before
landing here like some displaced leaf caught up in a twister. This one wasn’t
afraid to go after what he wanted, wasn’t afraid to admit what he wanted. He
wanted her, and he had her. He wanted her in his bed and as his Mate, and he had
her. Willingly. He had her because she wanted to be there, and he had her
because she understood, finally, what he’d wanted all along.
The Angelus she originally met couldn’t admit to that,
and Buffy could see why. At the same time, Angel was too afraid of his demon and
that demon’s wants, to take what the soul wanted.
Her Angelus was both the Angel and Angelus from her world,
demon and…not soul, but he had a gentler, more understanding side to him that
was still ruthless and cruel, but that protected her. Oh, she could take care of
herself; she was strong, stronger than ever before, and she knew the rules.
Actually, she broke the rules and made her own and everyone was happier when she
was happier.
I love this man,
she thought as Drusilla continued to hum a strange little tune and the faint
voices of William and Angelus drifted over to her. And I want whatever kind of life I have to have, I can have
to be with him.
So they’d try the living in each other’s worlds,
they’d try to meld their disparate lifestyles into something they could both
live with. Because Buffy knew that she couldn’t live without him again. And
she sure as hell didn’t want to.
Nest listened to the vamp as the minion reported the
movements of the slayer.
She was consistent, he’d give her that. She swept through
the lower class neighborhoods quickly and efficiently, rarely missing anything.
She moved in a circle around the house Nest knew her to be staying in with
Angelus, keeping that area clean of all vampires and demons. In fact, she did
such a good job that the vampires and demons who nested and hunted just outside
her area, had moved for precautionary measures.
“Where is she now?” He asked, his plan ticking forward.
“Home,” the minion replied. “She arrives home long
before the sun sets.”
“Good,” Nest replied with a thoughtful nod. “Good.”
His plan was going to move ahead nicely now.
Buffy couldn’t believe they were having this
conversation, if one could call the screams and shouts that, again, but knew it
was probably inevitable. Shouldn’t they be able to talk about this like
rational people? Other people she knew did. Okay, that wasn’t true. She
didn’t know many people, and none of their conversations ever went smoothly.
Probably a by-product of living on the Hellmouth.
Still, she’d read about it, all those romance books
Willow loved to hate to read in high school. People talked in those, and they
were always calm discussions. Somehow, with her nothing was calm, quiet,
This was just how it was between her and Angel. Angelus.
The both of them. It was always how it was between them. They just couldn’t
live in each other’s worlds. Vampire and Slayer. It was impossible. So
their…discussions became louder, the harder they tried to deny it.
“Look,” Buffy said, keeping her emotions in check, or
as much as she could. It was hard, she was angry and desperately afraid that
this was the end. And then where would
she go? “This isn’t working,” and it tore at some deep fundamental part of
her. “It’s like oil and water, very unmixy things. I slay, you hate it. You
hunt, I hate it.”
“Of course I hate it,” he told her as he had several times before. His voice was flat, hard, angry. But his eyes held just a hint of something else. Fear that he’d lose her. “I hate that others see you as you dance to their deaths,” his hands gripped her arms. “I hate that it arouses you, and they know it, and I’m not there. I hate that you enjoy it!”
”Oh,” Buffy countered, fire spitting from her green eyes. “Don’t even
try to tell me that drinking all those women doesn’t get you hot. Don’t try
to tell me that when you’re draining them the thought of fucking them as you
drink isn’t on your mind.”
“I’m not going to change who I am,” Angelus sneered.
He hadn’t thought of fucking them as he drained them. And he didn’t drink
women anymore, either, a fact that he hated but refused to contemplate. The only
woman he wanted was Buffy – and he hated that as much as he needed her. The
only woman whose blood he tasted was Buffy’s, and the only body he had was
But he didn’t tell her that.
“No, we can’t change who we are, and really. Do you
want to change?” She didn’t wait for his answer, because really, he’d just
told her it. “No. You don’t, and you won’t. I get it, really. I hate it,
and I want to change that, but I get it. But you don’t get that I can’t change, either!”
“I understand that,” Angelus snarled, the setting sun
now a memory as they stood in the front salon. Just as well, in the mood Buffy
was in, he wouldn’t put it past her to toss him into the sun. Just to see him
“Do you?” She wondered.
“Yes,” he hissed. “I understand what you do, who you
are.” He hated it but understood it. Partly. Mostly. And even as he hated it,
even as he understood it, it made his body scream for hers. “You slay. I hunt.
You kill my kind, I kill yours.”
“And neither one of us is going to change.” Her voice
was quiet now, soft with regrets. Maybe this was why Angel had left her. Because
no matter what he was or wasn’t with his soul, he was still a predator. A
killer of her kind. And she was a killer of his.
“Not yet,” Angelus said slowly and just as softly.
“I’m leaving,” Buffy said, not really understanding
what he meant by that. Did he think he could change her? Make her not the slayer? Ha, she already tried that herself after she’d
killed Angel. And, oh, that pain was still there. But if she couldn’t change
herself, then why did Angelus think he could change her?
“I have to get out,” she mumbled, already heading for
the door. She didn’t look at him, she couldn’t. but deep within her, Buffy
knew she was running. From him and from them. It didn’t stop her. “I need to
He watched her go, watched her race out that door and vowed
that this was the last time she’d do so. Buffy didn’t understand the extent
of his need for her, the extent of his passion. The extent of his love. She
thought him to be some saner, softer
version of the Angelus she knew before, in her world. She was wrong.
He was exactly the same. Oh, he hadn’t been trapped under
a sniveling soul for a hundred years, currently prone to outbursts he didn’t
mean and courtships he bungled. But then he also hadn’t won her love. Not
really, not him. And that grated. It was the soul that had done so, the soul
whom Buffy had first loved. The soul she had wanted and needed and gave herself
to. It was the other demon she couldn’t kill because of that love and the
other soul she still loved.
Even as she loved him, even as she wanted and needed and
craved him. Even as she expressed her love for him, this Angelus, this demon. He
wasn’t entirely sure she understood the differences as much as she wanted the
similarities. But then he just wanted her. Needed her. And he wasn’t going to
lose her.
Not even to her own human – and Slayer – mentalities.
He waited another five minutes before leaving, following
her as he often had on her patrols. Angelus wasn’t sure if she knew he was
following her or not, but suspected that most nights…she knew. She always knew
when he was near. It was…something not sappy, he decided, that she knew.
Turning in the direction previous experience and her scent told him she’d gone, Angelus went to claim his mate.
To claim and to Turn his mate.
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