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When Worlds Collide

Challenge by Angelusbuff:

Buffy is sent into an AU and in the 19th century!  Here she meets Angelus, and he takes a liking to her. He later turns her (she must lose her soul!) and she becomes his fav child. VampBuffy and Angelus must love each other!

Buffy, Dru and Spike must become good friends!  The Scooby's in the "real" BtVS universe don't know this, want her back, and make a spell to get her back. However when Buffy returned she some how got Dru, Angelus and Spike with her  AU. Dru and Spike meet the "real" Dru and Spike and get them to join. This Spike and Buffy will still have some small fights but what can he do with the other Spike, Angelus, both Dru’s and Buffy's new power to protect her? (NOTHING!) 

Must have at lease 2 of these:
-Killing all the Scooby's
-Turning some killing some of them
-Turning them all
-Plan on ending the world, but changes their minds!
-Leaving Sunnydale to strike fear in all humans hearts all over the world if you use this one the story must continue where ever they go!!
-Angel turns evil as well! And both Angelus' want Buffy! I mean, AU. Angelus turned her, but the other one found her first! (TWO Angelus yay! Please take this one!)

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