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by Ashley McConnell

From the very beginning, the success of the Stargate project has demanded absolute secrecy. But it won't be secret for long....

A hotshot reporter has been brought into the most restricted area of the StarGate base. He's witnessed the Stargate in action, and wants answers. But he'll get more than a headline when Col. Jack O'Neill and his team decide to show him exactly how dangerous the universe can be....

Second in the thrilling new series based on the hit television show

The deranged Major Morley kept the grenade by Kinsey's ear. Kinsey, who normally considered himself a journalist to the bone, began to wonder if he had made the right career choice.

Morley backed away from O'Neill and yelled, "I'm gonna show him. He's a hotshot combat reporter, and he's going to tell the whole world!"

Kinsey swallowed. "What are we going to tell the world, Major?"

"Come and see." Morley giggled.

"Morley!" O'Neill was making one last try. "Stop! That's an order!"

"Wormhole activated!" a speaker blared. "SG-3 returning!"

And then a thunderous roar jerked Kinsey's attention around.

His mind grasped for words, for some way to describe what he was seeing. If you took a giant wave off Maui, funning it into a cylinder, and whooshed it out with a straw...maybe you would have an image. But it wasn't water. It was light, or plasma, or something, and it vomited forth from the stone ring at the top of the ramp. Then swooshed back into itself, but Kinsey couldn't see the back of the room anymore. The plasma settled within the ring like quicksilver covering a mirror. A single thought finally broke through his amazement...

"What the hell is that?"