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Space and Beyond


Home My Space Our Space Outer Space Webquest Teachers

Answer the following questions about Beyond Space

What are stars?

How are stars born?

What the four main types of stars? Describe each one.

What is a galaxy?

Name three different types of galaxies.

What is the Milky Way?

What are its three main components?

How did it get its name?

What is a Quasar?

Go to the Amazing Space site and work through the activities on Black Holes

How does all this make you feel about the magnitude of Space?

Make a 3D model of anything mentioned above - or negotiate something different with your teacher.

For activity ideas click here

Here's an idea to cook some star shaped cookies!



Useful Links :

Black Holes (Amazing Space)

Black Holes (NASA)

Black Holes (Star Child)

Starlight Starbright



The Milky Way

Our own galaxy - the Milky Way

The Universe


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