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The Difference in Stars


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Stars are not all the same size. Stars are not all the same colour. Some stars are very hot and very bright. Others are cooler and shine with a dimmer light.

 The super-giants and the giants are the largest stars, but they are not the hottest The super-giants are red in colour. Red stars are the coolest stars. Giant stars usually shine with an orange light. Most stars are main-sequence stars. The main-sequence stars have a medium size and temperature. They shine with a yellow light. Our sun is a main-sequence star. The smallest stars are white dwarfs. These are the hottest stars. They are so hot that they shine with a blue-white light. White dwarfs are twice as hot as our sun.

For further information see the Kids Astronomy site

Look at the words below. Write each word on the chart under the star it tells about.

smallest blue-white 
our sun  


White Dwarf Main-Sequence Giant Super-Giant