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Home My Space Our Space Outer Space Webquest Teachers

When you look up at the sky on a clear night, you see many dots of twinkling light. Each dot of twinkling light is a star. A star is a giant cluster of burning gases. These burning gases are very hot and give off a very bright light.

 As the light from a star shines down on earth, it passes through the air around the earth. The air around the earth is always moving. As it moves, it breaks up and scatters a star's light. The light seems to change in brightness or twinkle


No one knows exactly how many stars there are. Many stars are so far away from the earth that their light is very hard to see. Men who study the stars use powerful telescopes to help them see stars better. Telescopes have huge glass "eyes" that can see much dimmer light than your eyes can see. With a powerful telescope you could see thousands of stars for each star you can see with your eyes.


Write the word from the word bank that makes each sentence true.



gases twinkle

1.     A star is a cluster of burning __________________


2. Stars are very hot and very ___________________


3. Moving air makes starlight seem to  _____________


4. Stars are easier to see with a ___________________