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Our Sun is a Star


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Our sun is a star. Some stars are much bigger and brighter than our sun. Some are smaller and dimmer. Our sun seems so much larger and hotter because it is closer to earth than any other star.

 All stars give off their own heat and light. We get all our heat and light from the sun. Most stars are so far away from the earth that their heat and most of their light do not reach us. There would be no life on earth without the heat and light that comes from the sun.

 People once believed that the stars went away in the daytime. The stars are still out during the day. Their fight is still shining on the earth. The bright light from the sun spreads through the air and colours it blue. Because of all this brightness, the light from other stars cannot be seen.

 The sun is the most important star to us. Without the sun's heat and light, people, animals, and plants could not live and grow on the earth.


Fill in the space under True or False.




1. Our sun is the largest star in the sky.



2. Our sun is the closest star to earth.



3. We get heat from all stars.



4. There would be more life on earth without the sun.



5. Stars go away in the daytime.



6. Plants do not need the sun.



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