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Rodan vs Godzilla vs Anguilas

FireRodan Anguilas Godzilla Rodan keeps roaring in victory not noticing Godzilla and Anguilus come out from behind him....Godzilla blasts rodan with a nuclear blast and roars as Rodan turns and shoots back hitting Anguilas, Anguilas charges Rodan and Backslams him, Godzilla nukes him from the front, Rodan takes to the air and blasts them both, Godzilla nukes him again after taking cover and Rodan collapses, he must still be weak from the last fight, Godzilla then looks at Anguilas and roars.....Anguilas roars back, he sucks in air as Godzilla's spines glow, Godzilla unleashes a Nuclear blast and Anguilus blows out air, the air blows the Nuclear blast back a bit, but still gets hit, Godzilla is hit too but suffers less Damage, he then nukes Anguilas again and watches Anguilas fall to the ground.... The Winner Is......... Godzilla!