Last Updated: 9.13.02
Yoda At 900 years old, Yoda has more than proven himself to be the most powerful Jedi in the history of the Order, although he appears to be a warrior who is years past his prime. Only 0.66 meters tall (2 feet), not does Yoda possess a knowledge of the Force known to no other, but he is more skilled with his lightsaber than any other Jedi. Yoda's origin is unknown, but it is assumed that at about age 100 he began teaching people in the ways of the Force, training them to become Jedi. Yoda became the head member of the Jedi Council, along with Master Mace Windu.

Ten years before the Clone Wars, Yoda lost Qui-Gon Jinn to a Sith Lord called Darth Maul, when supposedly the Sith had been extinct for over a thousand years. Ten years later, during the start of the Clone Wars, Yoda revealed his true strength in an intense lightsaber duel with Count Dooku. Despite Yoda's powers, Dooku managed to escape, knowing that he could not defeat the Jedi Master.

Once Anakin Skywalker fell to the Dark Side and became Darth Vader, the Sith began a great purge and exterminated each of the Jedi Knights. After hiding the children Anakin never knew he had, Yoda and Ben were forced to retreat to remote planets where they would hide for years, using their powers to watch the twins grow and learn. At last, Luke eventually arrived on Dagobah to begin his training. He was forced to leave to save his friends. Upon his return one year later, Yoda gave Luke the last things he needed to know to become a Jedi and then died in his bed. The last of the Jedi Knights was gone, but soon a new one would rise to defeat the Empire.

Homeworld: Unknown
Species: Unknown
Sex: Male
Height: .66 Meters
Weapon: Lightsaber
Vehicle: None
Affiliation: Jedi

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