*compiled by Andie J. P. Frankham, Greg Miller, Andrew Orton & Richard Dinnick

*updates are in ORANGE

| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |

    Ace (First introduced in "Cataclysm", Ace is the companion of the (Seventh) Doctor from the real “Who Universe”, WU, who first encountered the Doctor on the planet Svartos in the television story, "Dragonfire". Her introduction to “The Legacy Universe”, LU, is set shortly after the television story “Survival”. She later returned in "Three Night Engagement" looking for Brad DeMars circa 2000. She was last seen in "Denouement: Sacrifice" on Alpha Centauri, where she witnessed the ‘death’ of two incarnations of the Doctor when the Dommervoy Loci stabilised the new universe. This resulted in a total memory loss for Ace. For further information see McShane, Alf.)

    Ace (a) (Appeared in "Kuang-Shi", this Ace is from a time before she was whisked away to Svartos, and still lived with her Mother in Perivale, 1986. Ace was working in McDonald’s in Oxford St when she met Alf. Upon touching each other, Alf’s memory was restored (up to the events in 1986), and Ace took Alf home to show her some more of her past. Ace had to rush Alf out of the house just before their Mother returned home, and when they hugged goodbye a surge of temporal energy attacked both of them. This energy discharge caused the death of Ace in 1986. For further information see Yeadon, Audrey.)

    Adric (Companion of the alternative Fifth Doctor, exterminated by the Daleks in “Cutting The Threads”.)

    Anotyne (A Construct Bounty Hunter with a particular interest in Brad. Not as corrupt as others of his kind. Usually teamed up with his partner, Bartholomew. See "70s Cutaway".)

    Atrexian Host (A sentient life form that looks like a guitar. Seen in “Reality Bomb”.)

    Bartholomew (A Construct Bounty Hunter with a particular interest in Brad. Not as corrupt as others of his kind. Usually teamed up with his partner, Anotyne. See “70s Cutaway”.)

    Beavis, Doctor (Surgeon who appeared in “Cataclysm”. Wanted to operate on the Doctor.)

    Black Jack (A card game favoured by the Doctor during the early days of his Third-a Incarnation.)

    Bloke, The (One of the Millennium People, see also McShane, Nick and “The Millennium People” and “Nova Mondas”.)

    Boss Type (Leader of the Millennium People, seen in “The Millennium People” and “Kuang-Shi”.)

    Bradley (Introduced in “Kuang-Shi”, returned in “Unhappy Ending”)

    Capricorrn, Professor Alexis (One of the finest minds in any era, and temporal anomalies are her speciality, according to the Doctor. From the planet Ossobos. Appeared in “Reality Bomb”.)

    “Cataclysm” (First ever story of the LU, written by Andie Frankham, featuring extracts from Terrance Dicks’ novelisation, “The Auton Invasion”.)

    “Collector, The” (Season three story written by Adam Perks.)

    Collector, The (Appeared in “The Collector”.)

    Construct Bounty Hunters (Creatures of pure causality who track down glitches in the time line, usually glitches that are in fact people. Like the Doctor and Brad. The Construct had big plans for Falex. See “70s Cutaway”.)

    “Convocation, The” (Season one story written by Christoph Lopez.)

    “Cutaway, 70s” (Season one story written by Niall Turner.)

    “Cutting the Threads” (Season one story written by Niall Turner.)

    Cybermen (First appeared in “Nova Mondas”. The Cybermen invaded Earth in 2001, converting all humans by 2003. Turned Earth into their new home planet, Nova Mondas. Over the next 500 years the Cybermen advanced themselves by using stolen Time Lord technology in the form of validium, a living metal. In 2501 the Cybermen were finally defeated by the combined might of the Galactic Federation and the Martian Empire. Nova Mondas was made uninhabitable, the Doctor destroyed Cyber Control, and the Cybermen fled the planet. They have not been seen since. See also “Into the Vortex” and “Unforeseen”.)

    Daleks, The (From an alternative future, Daleks travelled back in time to destroy the alternative Fifth Doctor in “Cutting the Threads”. The Daleks were destroyed by their own weapons when they tried to exterminate Brad.)

    “Dancing on the Precipice of Destruction” (Season two story written by Simon Catlow.)

    Dark Angel (The most junior of the Millennium People, it is a title that he chose for himself since junior Millennium People do not have titles. See “The Millennium People”.)

    DeMars, Brad (First appeared in “Urban Decay”. Unknown to the Doctor, Brad was just a template being used by the Dommervoy to guide the Doctor in locating the paradoxes made by the formation of the new reality. The Brad template was killed in an explosion in Cyber Control, see “Nova Mondas”. Returned as the Dommervoy Loci in “Denouement: Sacrifice” to explain things to the Doctor. The Dommervoy Loci was a fusion of the Brad Dommervoy and the Faceless One, one of the Millennium People. In “Denouement: Gift” Brad gave the Doctor the gift of a false memory wherein the Doctor and Brad parted on good terms, but more importantly to the Doctor, Brad was still alive. The real Brad lived in Portland, and quite possibly went on with his life without ever meeting the Doctor. To this date, it is unknown. Although it is hinted in “Unhappy Ending” that Brad encountered his Kuang-Shi alternative self, Bradley.)

    “Denouement: Sacrifice” (Season one story written by Niall Turner.)

    “Denouement: Paradox” (Season one story written by Niall Turner & Andie Frankham.)

    “Denouement: Gift” (Season one finale written by Andie Frankham.)

    Doctor, The (Third) (Appeared in the beginning of “Cataclysm”, was shot by a UNIT sentry, and again shot by a crazed Master. This brought about an unexpected regeneration, thus altering the universe.)

    Doctor, The (Fifth) (Appeared in “Cutting the Threads” from an alternative reality where he had lost all other options except fighting the Daleks with guns. When confronted with the possibility of the alternative Third Doctor, the Fifth Doctor chose suicide rather than be eaten by the Dommervoy.)

    Doctor, The (Seventh) (First appeared in “Cataclysm” following the Master, but is too late to stop the alteration to the time line. He pursues the paradoxes in “Three Night Engagement”, and is eaten by the Dommervoy in “Denouement: Paradox”.)

    Doctor, The (Eighth) (Appeared in “Denouement: Paradox”, and was erased by the Dommervoy.)

    Doctor, The (Fourth-a) (Introduced in “Cataclysm”. Died saving the Solar System in “Unforeseen”. It was later revealed, in “Ruins of Self”, that the Doctor held on to his life and spent the next fifty years trapped in his own body unable to do anything but continue to regenerate. The Clone Doctor transferred the Doctor’s essence into his own mind, allowing the Doctor his final release. The Clone buried him on the Eye of Orion.)

    Doctor, The (Clone) (Created by the Doctor using the cloning technology of the Qux in “Dancing on the Precipice of Destruction”. The clone was created to carry on in the Doctor’s place, since the Doctor knew he was going to have to die to defeat the Cybermen, see “Unforeseen”. For months the clone carried on without any knowledge of what he was, see “Kuang-Shi” to “Ruins of Self, part the first”. Only when his DNA started failing and he made contact with the TARDIS did he discover his true nature. He was healed by the TARDIS using Time Lord technology found on Voga; see “Ruins of Self, part the second”. He now lives on with the Doctor’s mission and memories (and the Doctor’s essence transferred from the dying Doctor on Nova Mondas in 2551) so to all intents on purposes he is the Doctor. Last seen trying to hold back a regeneration in “Unhappy Ending”, brought about by being staked in the heart by Nicholaus, and then being accidentally pushed out of a bell tower onto the ground thirty feet below by Alf.)

    Dommervoy, The (First appear in “Urban Decay”. Strange mannequin creatures, who rarely say anything other than ‘Tick’ and ‘Tock’. The more advanced Dommervoy, the Dommervoy Loci, are a combination of the Faceless One, one of the Millennium People, and the Brad Dommervoy, the Doctor’s former companion. The Dommervoy are the agents of order, feeding on the paradoxes created by the formation of the new universe. One particular Dommervoy – a Dommervoy Loci – changed Nick from the Bloke of the Millennium People into a human and then a year later stopped him from returning to the Millennium People and held back his powers for further a year, until it was time for the Dommervoy’s plan to take effect. What that plan is remains to be seen. See also; “Reality Bomb”, “Three Night Engagement”, “The Convocation”, “Denouement: Paradox”, “Denouement: Gift”, “Kuang-Shi” and “Unhappy Ending”.)

    Earth (In the WU Earth was one of the key planets for the future of the universe, but the biggest alteration to the LU is the destiny of Earth. The Nestene invasion of 1972 was successful in this reality – see “Cataclysm” and the TV story “Spearhead from Space” – and lasted for several years, until UNIT found a way to repel the Nestene. This brought about a stronger and more united Earth, a people who banded together to deal with many following alien threats. However, this did not prepare Earth for the Cyberman invasion in 2001. It took the Cybermen two years to subdue the planet and convert every living human, it is still unclear how this was achieved, but it is clear that the last human was converted in 2003. From this point on the Cybermen re-christened Earth ‘Nova Mondas’ and it became the base planet of the entire Cyber race. For further information see Nova Mondas.)

    “Echoes of the Past” (Season two story written by Andie Frankham.)

    “Echoes of the Protii” (Season three story written by Si Hunt & Simon Hart.)

    Faceless One, The (One of the more learned members of the Millennium People. When he came into contact with Brad DeMars he learned about his own future as one of the Dommervoy Loci. This future came about in “Denouement: Paradox” when he was responsible for removing the final WU paradoxes from the LU. See also “The Millennium People”.)

    “First Contacts” (Season two opener, written by Andie Frankham.)

    Forbes, Corporal (UNIT corporal who appeared in “Cataclysm”)

    Forum World (The home of the Millennium People. Removed out of time in “Denouement: Gift”. See also “The Millennium People”.)

    Garet, King (King of Peladon, first appeared in “Echoes of the Past” and returned in “Ruins of Self.”)

    Hart, Simon (A cab driver in London, 1991, appeared in “Unhappy Ending”. Helped the Doctor escape from the Kuang-Shi and returned to UNIT HQ with the Time Lord clone. Last scene in the UNIT canteen with Ruby.)

    Henderson (Medical doctor who was curious about the Doctor’s physiology, appeared in “Cataclysm”)

    “Into the Vortex” (Season two story by Sally Wiget & Adam Perks.)

    Jester, The (One of the Millennium People, seen in “The Millennium People” and in “Cutting the Threads”.)

    “Kuang-Shi” (Season three opener, written by Andie Frankham.)

    Kuang-Shi, The (Vampires from an alternative reality, first appeared “So Long Legend” and returned in “Kuang-Shi” and “Unhappy Ending”.)

    Langton, Doctor (Had a strange visit from a man calling himself DeMars in the 1970s. See “70s Cutaway”.)

    Lethbridge-Stewart, Alistair (First appeared in “Cataclysm” as a Brigadier, returns in “Unhappy Ending” as a Brigadier-General)

    Lewis, Jacen (Brad’s best friend, and unrequited love interest, died of a brain tumour in 2001. Brad was on the way home from Jacen’s funeral when he first met the Doctor. See “Urban Decay”, “Once Upon a Memory” and “Three Night Engagement”.)

    Master, The (Driven by a desire to get revenge on the Doctor, the Master travelled back into the Doctor’s past. His plan was to kill the Doctor at his weakest point. All the Master succeeded in doing was causing the Third Doctor to undergo a premature regeneration. The alterations made to the universe as a result were catastrophic. For the Master it meant he had re-written his own past and he had become a living paradox, one the Dommervoy devoured in “The Millennium People”. See also “Cataclysm”.)

    Master (a), The (An alias used by Koschei shortly after leaving Gallifrey. After his encounter with the mind of Boss Type and a possible future incarnation of him, he left Forum World through a temporal vortex, taking the opportunity to rethink his destiny. See Koschei, President and “The Millennium People”.)

    Matriarch (The ‘mother” of the Boss Type, and therefore eldest of the Millennium People. See “The Millennium People”.)

    McShane, Alf (First introduced in “Denouement: Gift” and returned in “First Contacts”, “The Relic”, “Echoes of the Past”, and “War Stories” where she became a regular character. Last seen in “Unhappy Ending”.)

    McShane, Nick (First introduced in “The Millennium People” and returned in “Nova Mondas” where he joined the Doctor on his travels. At that point he was called The Bloke. Like all Millennium People Nick was a god-like being and an agent of Chaos. He was stuck on Nova Mondas when a big change affected the Millennium People, this resulted in Nick becoming human and losing all his powers. For the following two years he remained with the Doctor, learning what it was to be human on his travels. It was on Alpha Centauri that The Bloke chose the name of Nick. It was also on that planet that Nick met Alf, the only other human still alive in 2501. A turbulent romance followed – during which time Nick became crippled and had to have implants grafted into his legs - and two years later they married. Shortly after the wedding, Nick was kidnapped by Bradley, the Kuang-Shi who had tried to turn Nick before, and taken to Earth in 1991. Nick was visited by the Dommervoy Loci who removed the barriers in Nick’s mind and allowed him access to his Millennium People memories once again - it was the Dommervoy Loci who made Nick human in the first place. Nick’s return to godhood did not last long; Ashgotoroth killed him when his body was turned into a Kuang-Shi. See, “Denouement: Gift”, “First Contacts”, “The Relic”, “Planet of Mud”, “Unforeseen”, “Kuang-Shi”, “Echoes of the Protii” and “Unhappy Ending” for more details on Nick’s turbulent life.)

    “Millennium People, The” (Season one story written by Christoph Lopez and Andie Frankham.)

    Millennium People (Brought into being be the planar shift that altered the universe, the Millennium People are a gestalt entity. At first they claimed to be the Time Lords of the LU, but they later learned they are in fact Agents of Chaos, responsible for change and evolution in the new universe. The Millennium People are represented by different facets of the gestalt, each taking on a basic essence of life, for example the Bloke and the Scholar. They appear to be in conflict with the Dommervoy in some way, indeed the Dommervoy seem to be manipulating certain members of the Millennium People. The reason for this manipulation has yet to be revealed. First seen in “The Millennium People”, returned in “Nova Mondas” and “Kuang-Shi”.)

    “Mirror and the Pomegranate, The” (Season three story written by Greg Miller & Sally Wiget.)

    Moderators (The Millennium People’s version of police. See “The Millennium People”.)

    Mundy, Ruby (Cook at UNIT HQ, London, appeared in “Unhappy Ending”)

    Munro, Captain (Appeared in “Cataclysm”)

    Nakedman, The (One of the Millennium People, see “The Millennium People”.)

    Nicholas (An alternative vampire version of Nick, from the planet Styria. Appeared in “Kuang-Shi”, where he was killed by Alf.)

    “Nova Mondas” (Season one story written by Andie Frankham.)

    Nova Mondas (Earth’s name once the Cybermen overtook it in 2003. It became the strongest planet in the Solar System, the Cybermen succeeding in driving the other great power, the Martians, from their world of Mars. For centuries following the Cyber race continued to grow, until 2501 when they faced their biggest threat in the allied forces of the Galactic Federation and the Martian Empire. The Martian’s GodEngine and Red Death, which destroyed all organic life on the planet, attacked Nova Mondas making it uninhabitable for fifty years. The Doctor destroyed Cyber Control, an act that cost him his life. The Doctor’s clone returned to Nova Mondas fifty years later to reclaim the Doctor’s dead body. Appeared in “Nova Mondas”, “Into the Vortex”, “Unforeseen” and “Ruins of Self”.)

    “Once Upon a Memory” (Season one story written by Andie Frankham.)

    Orlock, Count (Originator of the Kuang-Shi on Styria, first appeared in “So Long Legend” and returned in “Kuang-Shi”. Last seen in battle with Ephan.)

    Oryan (The Kuang-Shi who infected the Doctor in “So Long Legend”.)

    Ossobos (Home planet to the Ossobans, and a key member of the Galactic Federation. Ossobans are distant cousins of the Alpha Centaurians. See “Reality Bomb” and “Echoes of the Past”.)

    Ossoban Soul Killer (Strong alcoholic drink from the planet Ossobos, also served on Alpha Centauri. See “Reality Bomb” and “Ruins of Self, part the second”.)

    Philosopher’s Stone (Band in which Brad played synthesiser and guitar; the other members were Jacen, Tobias and Jessene. Their song ‘Requiem’ was played at Jacen Lewis’ funeral. See “Urban Decay”, “Once Upon a Memory” and “Three Night Engagement”.)

    “Planet of Mud” (Season two story written by Mark Turner.)

    Portland, Oregon (City in America where the first alteration to Earth’s timeline began when the Cybermen stepped through temporal portals, see “The Convocation”. The Dommervoy in “Urban Decay” created an analogue copy, and this is where the Doctor first met Brad.)

    Qux, The (First appeared in “Severed Dreams”.)

    Regeneration (First seen in “Cataclysm”. The Master tried it in “The Millennium People”, and the Doctor attempted it in “Ruins of Self, part the first”.)

    “Reality Bomb” (Season one story written by Niall Turner.)

    Reality Bomb (Outlawed by most conventions, a reality bomb wipes the memories of any one within the set range. See “Reality Bomb”.)

    “Relic, The” (Season two story written by Greg Miller.)

    “Ruins of Self” (Season three story written by Andie Frankham & Betty Medeiros.)

    Scholar, The (One of the more learned of the Millennium People. Along with the Bloke, he went on the mission to Earth to locate the centre of the flux in the casual nexus. They overshot and ended up the altered Earth, now Nova Mondas, and he was converted into the new Cyber Controller. See “The Millennium People” and “Nova Mondas”.)

    Sentry (Shot the Doctor outside the TARDIS in Oxley Woods, 1972, see “Cataclysm”.)

    Senior Forum Goddess (One of the Millennium People, appeared in “The Millennium People”.)

    “Severed Dreams” (Season two story written by James Beamish & Simon Catlow.)

    Shadow (The Master’s kitling, appeared in “Cataclysm”.)

    “Shadows” (Season two story written by Niall Turner.)

    Shaw, Elizabeth (Cambridge doctor, enlisted by Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart to help UNIT deal with the Nestene invasions, appeared in “Cataclysm”.)

    “So Long Legend” (Season one story written by Andie Frankham.)

    Styria (An alternative-reality Earth and home to Count Orlock and his Kuang-Shi; see “Kuang-Shi”.)

    TARDIS (Time machines created by the Time Lords. The Doctor's was destroyed in “Denouement: Sacrifice”. Later restored in “Ruins of Self, part the second”.)

    “Three Night Engagement” (Season one story written by Christoph Lopez.)

    “Tiger’s Eye” (Season three story written by Richard Dinnick.)

    Time Lords (Believed to have been erased from existence by the formation of the LU. “Ruins of Self, part the second” reveals that a handful of Time Lords have indeed survived and relocated to a place called Outpost Gallifrey.)

    “Unforeseen” (Season two finale written by Adam Perks, Simon Catlow & Niall Turner.)

    “Unhappy Ending” (Season three finale written by Greg Miller & Andie J. P. Frankham.)

    UNIT (United Nations Intelligence Taskforce, a para-military organisation set up to protect the world from alien invasions. It was a key player in defeating the Nestene incursion and as a result became the biggest authority of law in all United Nations countries. The second-in-command of UNIT Global is Brigadier General-Lethbridge-Stewart.)

    “Urban Decay” (Season one story written by Christoph Lopez.)

    Vorkuuthh, Supreme Admiral (Draconian warrior, first appeared in “Shadows”.)

    “War Stories” (Season two story written by Niall Turner & Greg Miller.)

    White Guardian (A being of immense power who helps to maintain the balance between good and evil in the universe. Due to the altered nature of the universe the White Guardian’s power was diminishing, so he sent the Doctor and Brad to locate the source of the temporal change. He was wiped out of existence by the Faceless One in “Denouement: Paradox”. See also “The Millennium People”.)