An excerpt from the private journals of Nick, published after his death. (Edited by Oolon Coluphid.)
    … So when I woke up, all these giant jellyfish were looking at me. I was totally whacked at this point, or at least it felt like it, so I didn’t really have much of a problem with this.

    Okay, so I was [totally] naked in a jungle, and okay I suppose jellyfish staring at me through a glass window in mid-air should’ve freaked me a little but, hey no shit. I’d done this sorta thing before.

    On the plus side Alf was naked too (even though we’d both gone through a major growth on [bodily hair]). It was only when the tiger started growling that I think I actually started to panic…
Excerpt ends.

The Past:

° Well actually Doc… May I call you Doc? °

° No, you may not. °

° Well actually I’m opening a zoo. °

° Oh my! °

° I see you’re impressed. Well, I’ve been collecting the last members of various species, and you’re the last Time Lord, so you get to join my collection! °

° What about my friends? °

° The last humans. Linearly speaking at least, so they get to stay here too. See, I’m not a monster, you won’t be separated. °

° I’m not an idiot. I’d guessed that much. I meant; where are they? If you’ve put me in a miniature mock up of the Panopticon, where are they? °

° Don’t worry; they’re in a carefully recreated Earth habitat. I recreate the habitats from the subject’s memories. For authenticity. °

° Then why is the Panopticon so incredibly small, and why am I wearing blue? Blue isn't even a Time Lord colour. What Chapter am I supposed to be from, the Blueberry Chapter? °

° Umm… °

° I think you’d better show me where they are, don’t you? °

The Doctor suddenly found himself floating in thin air above the Earth Habitat, watching the tiger advance on the defenceless Nick and Alf, although Nick’s attention seemed torn between the woman and the beast. Probably the first time he’d seen a woman with no clothes on, the Doctor reasoned.

° I think you’ll find they’re about to become a meal for that tiger. °

° Oops. Just a mo… Okay, consider its kill instinct deleted. °

° Oh well done. °

° I’m sorry. I recreated the habitat from the tiger’s memories. It should’ve been fine for them. °

° Tigers and humans live in different places. °

° Oh. °

° Quite. °

° Oops. °

° I think you’d better release them don’t you? °

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