Alf was clinging to the ceiling. She was waiting for the Canine hunting pack, and they were taking a long time. She leaned her head down and looked around. Why were they being so bloody cautious? The suit had released chemicals to mask her scent and it was silencing her every move. All she needed was for them to get a little closer.

They scampered about a circular perimeter, maintaining a “hunting pack formation.” They might look like big scary Rottweilers but they were actually excitable little pups.

Finally they were directly beneath her. She dropped into the eye of the storm of movement. The Canines stopped their swirling, excitable running and turned inwards, growling and brandishing guns. A volley of shots was loosed and Alf spiralled around, ducking through most of them.

They were energy based weapons, and her energy induction grid in the suit was able to absorb some of them, but she still needed to dodge most or the suit would break, and then… well she didn’t know what would happen if the suit actually broke with her inside, but she suspected it wouldn’t be nice. And even if she survived the Canines would just kill her.

She twitched her wrist and the weapon responded to a thought-based command, releasing a noise. Alf couldn’t hear it. The battle computer had come up with the idea. It was… well; it was a dog-whistle. But it was distracting them.

She went into combat mode, the programmed instincts from the memory transfer grid and the battle computer taking over. She managed to deck three of the Canines in as many seconds. She turned to take the others, but they’d run off. Bugger, she should’ve been paying more attention.

She was panting now. She could feel the battle computer using her brain in order to work out new stratagems and to take into account the fact they now had a handful more Canines than expected. But not for long. She’d get them next time.

The body of the stage medium was jerked, puppet like, through the corridors of the zoo. It moved crudely, like a broken puppet. The thing in its head was unused to such a crude form. It could feel the thoughts of everyone in the zoo. It knew what they were planning and it knew where they were.

Everything was going according to plan, so it sent the body it had possessed jerking and twitching off to find the Doctor’s body.

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