The Doctor’s body was hovering in the darkened medical bay. A small hole appeared in the wall and irised open, until his entire body was lit from the doorway. A figure floated through the door, it’s limbs hanging at odd angles, like a corpse.

The body of the medium, currently home to something else, watched the Doctor. A thought sent his body slumping into her arms, as the force field holding him switched off. The thing inside her head laughed.

The Doctor’s companion was coming towards it. This was good. It had wanted this. It had planted the idea in the Collector’s head to send the boy here. It looked at the living, breathing, empty shell of the Doctor’s body. It already knew what it would do to it this time.

The last three Crocodilemen rounded a dimly lit corner and encountered thick jungle. They started to force their way through the tangled foliage in the silence of the forest. Each one was paying careful attention, so they all noticed when the noise started.

Their heads rose as one to look at the approaching attacker. They didn’t recognise the Tyrannosaurus Rex that tore through the foliage. It’s jaws clamped with lighting speed around the nearest as it raised its head upwards, shaking the Crocodileman. He struck it in the eye and plunged his hands into its flesh, ripping out the muscles that held the jaw closed.

The beast roared and dropped him, its jaw hanging slack as they began to kill it, circling around it and striking blows with their ceremonial spears, using the serrated edges to tear out chunks of flesh.

The beast fell and the Crocodilemen stood over their kill. They didn’t notice the approach of the lone human female. She emerged from the forests silently, dropping into the middle of their party, landing on the corpse.

She challenged them. They accepted, and one of them rose to the challenge. He stepped up to meet her.

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