Chapter Four

In which the author scrambles to finish the story sensibly with sanity intact,
And the Doctor does something very clever indeed.

She pulled the trigger.

Nothing happened.

A figure rose from the black slime across the corridor. Its body crackled with electricity. It was tall, shadowy, and deathly pale, and for a creature with so few discernible features it looked very angry.

The creature inside the Doctor’s body had shut down the figure’s motor functions. The lowered control and the high molecular instability had been enough to splatter it across the walls. It had repaired its self while the creature had been distracted. Now it was using inbuilt weapons systems to stop the female’s gun from firing.

The creature inside the Doctor’s body smiled. It was a corpse-like grin. The muscles contracted like a body in rigor mortis. It released a single thought, a mental tsunami that shattered their minds for a moment, and it walked off.

Noan found he could move again. His mind had been shielded against psychic attacks like the one the… thing had just used. He ran towards the human male. He barely registered Alf coming around too. He just placed his hands on Nick’s chest.

He didn’t notice Alf screaming at him, or trying to pull him off. He didn’t feel or respond to her blows. He just went calm and felt something inside him begin - a transformation. It crawled over him, changing his cellular structure in waves, and spreading into the human too.

His eyes were closed so he didn’t see when Nick’s arm grew back, the bones extending and first muscles and blood vessels developing and unfurling before skin crawled over it. He didn’t notice any of Nick’s wounds healing, because he was busy starting the process again - a second wave, to restore the creature’s biodata to human.

He hadn’t even noticed Alf stop hitting him.

He removed his hands and Nick opened his eyes. He sat up as Noan leaned back. ‘I am an Omnisci,’ Noan explained, ‘We can rewrite biodata. I used that ability to heal you.’

‘Handy,’ Alf said.

‘Thanks,’ said Nick, feeling it was a bit inadequate. ‘So,’ he said, ‘what are we going to do now?’

‘Kill the creature wearing the Time Lord’s body,’ Noan replied.

‘Oh,’ said Nick. ‘You do realise we’ll have to kill the Doctor too. He’s in there, and that creature is torturing him.’

‘The loss is acceptable,’ Noan stated, simply.

Nick looked to Alf, for help, but she wore the same determined, almost resigned, face that Noan did.

‘Right then,’ said Nick, trying not to think about it.

Then three Canines leapt around a corner and brandished guns at them.

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