CODE: S2/S15
Episode Fifteen
Simon Catlow

Power Play

“Has this place been redecorated since I was last here, EnalcKarnip?” the Doctor said, surveying the surroundings of the bar, his voice tinged with morose.

The bar was filled to the brim with members from all sorts of races. He could see Draconians to the left of him, Omnisci to the right of him, and at least a dozen other races all around him, yet he felt alone amongst them all. The Doctor was amazed by the fact that he could find such solitude amongst so many people.

They were sitting at the bar. EnalcKarnip just smiled at him, his aged face expressing a sense of content that only those who had seen great things could do. “Several times.” His tone suddenly became quite serious though, which threw the Doctor for a moment. “I’m not surprised that you haven’t noticed, especially given your current state of inebriation.”

“Well if the owner didn’t want his patrons to become inebriated, then he shouldn’t serve such excellent drink. I haven’t had a Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster as good as this since my last visit to the Odrade system.”

“Given the current situation, Doctor, I’m surprised that you have the courage to drink. The Fleet is assembling and war is imminent. You have your role to play, and it isn’t getting drunk at a bar.”

EnalcKarnip’s words were scathing to the Doctor, cutting though his current state. “You forget, that as a Time Lord I can control my internal organs perfectly.” The Doctor’s face took on a focused look as he began concentrating. His features became flushed for a second before he let out a hearty heave. “There!” he said, his smile beaming. “All the alcohol has been exorcised from my body.”

“Nice to have you back, Doctor.”

The Doctor’s smile faded. EnalcKarnip's words reminded him of Nick and Falex, and their current predicament. He hoped that they were all right, wherever they were.

“You have something on your mind don’t you?”

“There is always something on my mind, but you are right. There is a great problem hanging over my head.” The Doctor thought back to the “item” waiting at the curio shop for him, and what he’d done to get it. “It preys heavily.”

“But you don’t want to talk about it.” It wasn’t a question; EnalcKarnip sensed the Doctor’s reluctance to elaborate further.

“Soon, my friend, soon.” The Doctor nodded, and EnalcKarnip pressed no further on the subject.

“Barkeep!” shouted a rather rowdy Ossoban from further down the bar, addressing the bartender. When he didn’t respond immediately, the Ossoban banged his fist down hard on the polished wood, drawing the attention of most of the patrons of the bar who were still capable of having their attention drawn. With this being perhaps their final night before the departure of the Fleet for the oncoming storm, many of the soldiers were taking the opportunity to enjoy themselves one last time and taking advantage of the facilities on Alpha Centauri.

The Doctor watched the bartender walk towards the Ossoban, and rather than be party to any violence that might go down, he decided now would be a perfect time to make a timely exit. “Well, EnalcKarnip, I must be going, and I suggest that you do the same.”

“In good time, Doctor,” EnalcKarnip said. “Aren’t you going to stay to see what happens next?”

“No I don’t think so. I have things to do I’m afraid.” He drank the dregs of his Gargle Blaster down, placed the glass down on the serviette, and stood up.

“Now sir,” EnalcKarnip heard the bartender say to the Ossoban, “that sort of thing isn’t allowed here.”

EnalcKarnip turned and saw the Doctor depart the premise through the main door, and he sighed inwardly to himself. That was the problem with this particular version of the Doctor, he would often sidestep confrontations when it suited him, rather than try and work things out head on.

The Ossoban hadn’t ever been to Alpha Centauri before, and he probably wouldn’t have been here now if it wasn’t for the war that they were about to finish. His one desire was to fight, and he was sensing that here was a perfect opportunity for fight. The Ossoban reached over and grabbed the bartender by the shoulders and pulled him close before reaching out for his throat.

“If I say it’s allowed then it’s allowed!” he hissed in the way that only Ossoban’s could.

EnalcKarnip was not amused by the situation, especially since the claws of the Ossoban were gripped tightly around the throat of the poor bartender. EnalcKarnip could see the blood draining from his face rapidly. The bartender struggled to say something, but the words came out as a barely discernible murmur due to the pressure the Ossoban was applying. It was only the curious sequence of events that happened next that prevented EnalcKarnip from wading in to assist the barkeep himself.

“Put him down.” A voice came from behind the Ossoban. Several of the people in the bar moved back away from the newcomer, who walked calmly towards the Ossoban after he pulled EnalcKarnip towards him, creating a space around him. The Ossoban took no notice and continued his attempt to strangle the bartender. “I said put him down.” There was an air of determination to his voice which made him sound very dangerous to the Ossoban, who was beginning to sense that there might be a more worthier opponent than the young bartender now. The newcomer was quite tall, clad totally in black. His goatee beard was trimmed radically, and the lights of the bar shone off the top of his head. The whites of his eyes blazed brightly, standing out next to his dark skin.

The Ossoban slammed the unfortunate bartender’s head against the bar as he released him. A small pool of blood formed quickly as the bartender slumped to the floor. The Ossoban turned and looked at the challenger. He was humanoid, and as such posed no real threat. A confident challenger would always pose more problems than one lacking courage, but in this case he had nothing to be confident about. This would be too easy. The Ossoban smiled a vicious smile; he was going to enjoy this.

There was much debate in the bar afterwards as to just precisely what happened next. One moment the Ossoban was standing confidently, ready to attack the man who challenged him, yet the next second he was on the floor, it’s face being pummelled into a bloody mess. Some said that the man moved with the speed of one of the Tigers of Hitchemus as he launched his brutal attack on the Ossoban.

None of them, except for the keen eye of EnalcKarnip, saw the man leave. EnalcKarnip followed. But even though he saw him depart, EnalcKarnip did not suspect that the Figure was on his way to speak with the person whom EnalcKarnip had spent the past half hour in conversation to.

* * *

Nick’s eyes opened for the first time in what seemed an age. He was in a darkened room and it took a few moments for his eyes to adjust. When they did it didn’t make much difference. He could make out some kind of machinery in the background that was letting out a gentle hum, permeating the entire room. He tried to move, but found he could not move a single muscle due to some sort of restraint placed around his body.

“Hey!” he shouted out, his voice echoing around the room. “Hey! Let me out of here!”

A door in the far wall, which he hadn’t been able to see previously, opened and the green form of a Martian entered the room. “Do not make that disagreeable noise again,” the Martian hissed.

“Who are you? Where am I?” Nick shouted back, deliberately to annoy the creature. With a sudden dawn of realisation he shouted even louder. “Where’s Falex?”

The Martian moved closer to him. “To answer your questions in order, I am Xylat, Chief Medical Officer for the Sou’the’zzx. As for the child, he is safe in the quarters assigned to him.”

“Vlaash? Freya?”

“They have gone to another ship. They are safe.”

Nick thought hard and vague memories surfaced about what had happened to him and how he found himself like this. He shook them away as they were something he didn’t want to deal with now. “My injuries...”

“Are very serious indeed.”

“Can they be cured?”

“In time, perhaps. But unlikely. At the moment, time is a luxury that we do not have.”

“So you’re saying I’m going to stay crippled like this?”


Nick couldn’t see any real emotion in the eyes of the Martian, but there was something about the matter of fact manner that he stated that that annoyed him.

“But for the mission, you will need to be mobile. I have adapted some Martian technology, which is usually used for transporting equipment, to suit your individual needs.”

“I’ll be able to walk?”

“Not exactly. It will enable you to move from one place to another, but not through the conventional method of walking. You must rest now. I will have the child brought to you if you wish.”

Nick didn’t respond. Seeing Falex wasn’t really high on his priorities at the moment, and it seemed so easy to drift away into nothingness rather than face the nightmares of reality.

* * *

Commander Sshaarp of the Chosen of Wellarzlee stood to attention as he waited for permission to enter the inner sanctum of the Sou’the’zzx. It had been far too long since Sshaarp had had the scent of battle in his senses and now he could not escape it. The sense of expectation was ready on all of his warriors, and he was no different. The impending battle would be decisive, yet Sshaarp knew that his role would be crucial to the Martian cause.

Sub-Commander Ha’rpaar turned around the corner and approached him. “Commander,” he said. “The human has regained consciousness.”

“Thank you Ha’rpaar. What is the mood of the warriors?” Sshaarp respected Ha’rpaar totally. He had proven time and time again to be an invaluable ally within the command of Sshaarp’s own battalion and a most competent and efficient Sub-Commander. Sshaarp considered him one of his greatest friends.

“They will fight with honour.”

“That is only to be expected. There is a ‘but’ coming though isn’t there, Sub-Commander?”

“Yes, Commander. I fear that the overwhelming odds of the Cyber forces are affecting their morale. If we had something more to tell them, this could help them prepare better for what is to come.”

“I will speak of it with Wellarzlee.” Sub-Commander Ha’rpaar nodded in acknowledgement. “I will check on the human after my meeting with his Lordship. Keep a close eye on him and the child though. It will not do to have them running loose on board the Sou’the’zzx.”

The door opened, and a tall, fierce looking Martian appeared. It was Wellarzlee’s aide, Commander Vheexlz. “Commander Sshaarp, his Lordship will see you now.” With a nod to his Sub-Commander, Sshaarp followed Vheexlz through the doors and into Lord Wellarzlee’s inner sanctum.


Lord Wellarzlee sat at the heart of the room, surrounded by consoles displaying various statistics. He did not turn his attention away from the displays upon Sshaarp and Vheexlz’s entrance. Sshaarp moved to the centre of the room, and waited for his Lordship to turn his attention to him. Wellarzlee was a very highly regarded warrior, and while there were sections of the Martian Ancien Regime who disapproved of his methods, he had proved time and time again that there were very few feats that he could not achieve. It inspired unconditional loyalty in all of those who served in the Chosen, including Commander Sshaarp.

After what must have been several minutes wait, Wellarzlee finally looked up from his work.

“Sshaarp, there you are.” His voice seethed with what seemed to be annoyance at having to interrupt his preparations to talk with one of his subordinates. “How are the Chosen Ones’ preparations for the mission going?”

“Very well, sir, they will fight with honour until the very end.”

“Good, good.”

“There is a degree of uncertainty present amongst the ranks though.”

“How so?”

“The Cyber forces are overwhelming and the odds are very much against us. With that being the case, there isn’t a lot of hope amongst them at this time.”

“I see,” Wellarzlee said, pausing in thought. “Our cause will succeed, Sshaarp, and to show you why I am certain of this, I will tell you something that I was going to announce later. Emperor Izlyr himself will command our forces, which will engage the Cyber race upon arrival in the Nova Mondas Solar System.”

Sshaarp resisted the temptation to smile at this news, but it made him stand taller to think that the Emperor would be there with them - fighting for their cause in the heart of the battle. There was nothing he could say to express his pleasure at hearing this news. “A further question, your Lordship?”

“Yes, Sshaarp.”

“The human and the Taurean child who are accompanying us. One of them has sustained severe injuries and is crippled. He will prove a liability to the mission.”

“What does Doctor Xylat think of this?”

“He has attempted to adapt some of our transport technology to enable the human to manoeuvre, but it will still hamper the chances of our mission succeeding.”

“Them they must both go.”

“But sir...” Sshaarp began before Wellarzlee cut him off.

“No Sshaarp. That is my final word on the matter. Good day.” He nodded to Vheexlz who escorted Commander Sshaarp away, and turned back to his work with the consoles.

* * *

On board the Draconia, the representatives of the Federation Council had assembled together. With the God Empress and Supreme Admiral Vorkuuthh returning to Draconia after reports that the God Empresses’ mother was gravely ill, the task of chairing the meeting had fallen to Senator Munichh, who was the most senior of the Draconian diplomats present with the Fleet. The Draconia was chosen for the meeting, as its status as the Flagship of the Draconian forces testified, it was the largest and most impressive of them all. Admiral Kiirc hadn’t been happy about his ship being used in this manner, but like all good soldiers Munichh reflected, he knew his place and respected the chain of command. Although the Federation Council was present onboard, Admiral Kiirc was in command of the Fleet as he was one of the most respected of all the military leaders in the Draconian Empire - the obvious choice with Vorkuuthh’s absence.

“This is futile. We cannot hope to hold off any longer,” the words of Senator K’ardessen P’mblatern of Qux Prime resonated around the chamber as he addressed his fellow Senators. “With the imminent arrival of the Qux forces, we should make ready to depart immediately. Time is of the essence. Every second we wait, we leave ourselves open to more danger.”

Munichh looked around at those present and focused on their reactions to P’mblatern’s words. The Senator from Alpha Centauri didn’t seem to register anything, although Munichh’s experience meant that he knew that would not be the case. Taurex of Taureas II stood proud, a determined look focused upon his face as he knew that P’mblatern’s words were mainly addressed at him given the bulk of the Taurean fleet had not yet arrived. The others sat as still as they could be, but the atmosphere of the debating chamber was rife with stress.

“Your speak a great truth in your words, Senator P’mblatern, but we must wait for the remainder of the fleet to arrive. If we move too soon, the consequences could be disastrous for us all. The Cyber fleet will not make mistakes. And neither will we,” Munichh said.

P’mblatern didn’t look happy, but he took his seat on the outside of the circle, clearly knowing that this was one argument that he would not be able to win.

“Over the next sixteen hours, we will be finally in a position to move. Admiral Kiirc informs me that at that time all of our forces will be ready to move.” There were murmurs of assent to this. Munichh remembered how difficult it had been for them all to agree that a Draconian should lead the Fleet, with each side interested mainly in how their own races fared. But the logic of the decision saw through, and Kiirc’s command was assured. “But first we must greet the main Qux delegates on their arrival.”

One thing that Munichh had neglected to tell the other Senators was that when Supreme Admiral Vorkuuthh had contacted him about the God Empress and her mother, the Supreme Admiral was sending his aide, Captain Makaara, in his place, and she was an unknown quality. Munichh had never met her, yet he was glad that she was arriving. Kiirc was no diplomat and showed no interest in helping to keep the races that made up the Fleet from breaking apart, which meant much of it fell to Munichh. He would be glad of the help in that respect.

* * *

The Council had moved from the central chambers of the Draconia to the main docking bay, but Munichh had made a quick stop to the forward observation deck on the way. The stars filled the sky above them as the clear substance allowed a full panoramic view. Some of the Council members were still surprised by the site of thousands of ships orbiting the planet, but Munichh had been here many times and took it all in his stride. Shuttles were moving around between ships, transporting personal and supplies as the preparations for the departure gained haste. It was a tribute to the skill and diplomacy of the Draconians that everything had gone smoothly so far, and Munichh hoped that that would still continue to be so.

He saw the imposing shapes of the Qux fleet as it manoeuvred itself into orbit. Munichh never felt easy around the Qux. There were rumours about the extent of their mental abilities that made him very uneasy and more than a little suspicious about their activities. Meeting P’mblatern hadn’t done anything to dispel any of those suspicions and it had, in fact, made them worse. P’mblatern seemed to be on the different page to all the rest of the Council, and there had been many fiery arguments between him and the rest of the Councillors over matters of policy. He had clashed most severely with the Arcturan Councillor, and he believed that given time they would come to blows, if they were not checked.

The Qux Flagship was not hard to spot. It was considerably bigger than all of the other Qux vessels and conveyed a certain sense of pomp and majesty that would befit a ship that was the pride of their fleet. As he saw a small shuttle depart from this ship, he knew it was time to join the other Senators in welcoming the Qux.

* * *

The Arcturan ambassador gave Munichh a strange look as he entered into the docking bay. The shuttle that he had been observing only a few moments ago was now safely within the Draconia, and Munichh could see the three humanoid figures approaching rapidly, their pacing taking them across the docking bay at great speed.

“On behalf of the Federation Council, I welcome you to the Draconia,” Munichh said.

“Thank you, Senator”’ said the female Qux who was obviously the leader of the delegation. “I am Dennai Serapart, and these two,” she said indicating her two colleagues, the first of which was a massively imposing figure, “are Travor Haddasi,” and then turning to the other, “and Ytine Kramanzer.”

“You are welcome,” Munichh said. “Senator P’mblatern!” He turned to the Qux Senator, who promptly moved forward to stand next to him. “Perhaps you’d like to give the Qux delegation a tour of the Draconia, and then afterwards we can discuss the situation.”

“It would be my pleasure,” P’mblatern said, his eyes meeting those of Dennai for the first time and a moment of clarity passed between them.

* * *

The Doctor walked quickly through the streets of Alpha Centauri, eager to get back to the shop and make the necessary preparations for what was to come. He opened his pocket and pulled out his gold watch, flipping the lid open as he walked. He was going to make the rendezvous on time. The streets were very busy, given the sudden influx of soldiers stopping over and a surprising number of them were still planet side. The Doctor tried to look as many of them in the face as he could possibly do so without arousing too much suspicion, as he knew that a vast majority of these people wouldn’t be returning.

When the shop came into sight, the first thing that the Doctor saw was the sign indicating the name. He’d been so pleased with ‘Honest Doc’s 2nd Hand Curio Shop’ once, but not now. Now it felt wrong somehow, lacking any real sense of style. Never mind, he told himself, it’s a trivial matter compared to what’s at stake.

As he approached the shop he saw that someone was waiting in the shadows of the doorway. He got closer and he could see the features of a Draconian, noble in appearance. Contact had been made.

“Hello, Orrieeon,” said the Doctor, his voice appropriately quiet. “You’re early.”

“Doctor,” the Draconian replied. “In my experience it’s better to ensure an early arrival, rather than risk arriving on time.”

“Very true. Is everything arranged?”

“Yes,” said Orrieeon. He extended his hand, which the Doctor promptly shook. “Vorkuuthh sends his respect.” After a few moments, the handshake was broken. “I must return to my duties.”

“Of course,” the Doctor said, his hand moving immediately into his coat pocket. “Good luck.”

“And the same to you, Doctor. You will need it most I think.”

As the Draconian left the entrance to the shop, and the Doctor made his way through the door, neither of them noticed the man standing in the shadows across the street from them. His brilliant white eyes seeming to glow in the dark as he watched the portly figure of the Doctor disappear into the Curio shop. “Well, Doctor,” he whispered to himself, “it seems like a good time to renew our acquaintance once more.”

* * *

Several hours after her arrival onboard the Draconia, Dennai had returned to her ship, and stood before the Commander of the Fleet.

“So Dennai, what did you find out about the Council?” said Rhyi’za Serapart, his voice resonating around the chamber which was his private quarters aboard the Qux Flagship.

“The Council is very suspicious of our motives and us. They try not to let it show, but it wouldn’t require a telepath of my strength to realise that it’s there.”

“What do they know of our activities in the pursuit of the Qux Superior?”

“Nothing,” Dennai said with a smile. “While they have their suspicions about us, they have no evidence whatsoever as to the Project.”

“Good. I will inform Frencius via a secure COMMline.”

“There is one more thing,” Dennai said softly.


“One of the Senators is not who he claims to be.” As Dennai explained the details about what she and the two members of the Quardarax had learned on the Draconia, Rhyi’za couldn’t help but smile with anticipation at the possibility of what Dennai was suggesting.

“What of the Doctor?”

“We have been unable to locate him onboard any of the ships orbiting the planet. We believe him to be planet side. Our sensors indicate that both he and the ‘item’ are on Alpha Centauri, but as we do not have authorisation to shuttle down we are unable to organise a retrieval squad. With so many vessels present, we cannot make use of our powers to divert all of their sensors.”

Rhyi’za nodded in understanding. “Continue to monitor for any indication of what the Doctor is planning. He’ll want to be there for the battle ahead, and I want to know exactly where he is when he makes his move.”

“I understand.” Dennai bowed her head to Rhyi’za and left the room, leaving the Qux fleet commander.

* * *

Dennai had gone straight to the conference room of the Qux ship, where her fellow members of the Quardarax were waiting for her within. As well as Travor Haddasi and Ytine Kramanzer, they were joined by the diminutive form of G’xlan Hiaalox and Kaitnan Pertarnai. Dennai sat down at the head of the table, and looked over her fellow Quardarax.

“We have good news in that we may be able to add another specimen to the Project of an unexpected origin. But, we will have to move carefully in obtaining the materials we need, as they are onboard the Draconia, and it will take all of our combined mental force to ensure that our hand is not seen in the operation.”

Dennai knew that what they were risking was going to be difficult, but for the glory of the Qux Empire it had to be done. The other members of the Quardarax were in agreement with her she sensed as she shared the full extent of her findings with them through the briefest thought. They would obtain the specimen, and the Qux Superior would move even closer to perfection.

* * *

The Doctor stood in behind the fifth wall of his Curio shop, examining the massive container that he had safely stored away. He patted the metal casing with the tips of his fingers in satisfaction as he gazed upon the case with a hint of melancholy. He’d risked a lot to get it, but its contents were of crucial importance to the future. Thoughts of that future proved a distraction to the cause in hand. The Doctor knew that he must remain focused. Thoughts of what might be happening to his friends elsewhere had to be driven from his mind so that all that remained was the mission.

There was an electronic keypad present on the silvery metallic case, and the Doctor, leaning over to reach it, punched in a series of numbers with his stubby fingers pressing hard on each key, the responsive bleeping echoing throughout the otherwise silent dimension. When finished, the Doctor stood up and removed his sonic screwdriver from his pocket and pointed it at the case. The shrill noise it emitted lasted a mere second before the Doctor pushed the device back into his pocket. “There,” he said to himself. “That should do it.”

A wave of fatigue swept over the Doctor and he felt the urge to get some rest. While he’d once have said that ‘sleep was for tortoises’, there was nothing more now than he wanted to get some much-needed rest. There would be little time for it in the days to come, so he felt it was important for him to get some now ready for the morning.

He walked through the fifth wall back into the Curio shop’s main area, and sank into a deep, leather chair that had been a recent acquisition from a passing Bene Gesserit. He let the tiredness take hold of him and within moments he was asleep. Not long after that he began to dream

* * *

There was a wonderful atmosphere that was a curious mixture of rain and hope as the Doctor walked through the tranquil surroundings of the Eye of Orion. He had been here before many times and felt more comfortable here than many of the other planets he’d ever visited before. Coming to places like this was something he missed. The ability to travel to anyplace and anytime was something he missed full stop. Being contained to a small section of space and time was a limitation on him, a limitation that he wanted desperately to be free of. But there was little he could do about that at the moment, so he just enjoyed the scenery and the tranquillity that these marvellous surroundings offered.

As he was passing a group of trees he couldn’t help but notice within them some movement. It was only for a second, but there was definitely something there. He could almost sense someone’s presence there. “Hello!” he called out with no response. He was sure that he saw something, and faced with this newfound mystery he bounded into the trees in search of the answers.

The thick foliage of the woods proved to be an obstacle to him, with branches sticking out and into him, and very tall blades of grass gathered together into clumps made progress difficult. The Doctor moved quicker than his appearance belied and he made his way through the forest well. The signs of movement always seemed to be just in front of him, and he got the sense that something was toying with him, leading him in a certain direction.

To the Doctor, the chase felt like it lasted hours when it was in fact over in a few minutes. The Doctor chased the movement through a big bush that broke under the weight of the Doctor’s charge before discovering himself in a clearing. A man was standing in the centre of the clearing. He was wearing the same clothes that he had been clad in when the Doctor had seen him last, with the long dark coat being the most prominent feature. A man the Doctor had seen before when he was onboard the Qux station some months ago. The man that the Doctor had come to think of as the Figure.

He broke into a smile. “Hello, Doctor. It’s been a while.”

Next Episode:
Survival of the Fittest

Brian Blessed as The Doctor
Nick Pereira as Nick
Ian Richardson as EnalcKarnip
Carel Struycken as Ossoban
Andie Frankham as Bartender
Samuel L. Jackson as The Figure
Michael Gambon as Doctor Xylat
Sean Bean as Commander Sshaarp
Daragh O’Malley as Sub-Commander Ha’rpaar
Hugh Frazer as Wellarzlee
Rip Torn as Commander Vheexlz
Richard Belzer as Senator Munichh
Andre Braugher as Senator K’ardessen P’mblatern
Kyle Secor as Senator Taurex
Lara Flynn Boyle as Dennai Serapart
John Turturro as Orrieeon
Robert DeNiro as Rhyi’za Serapart

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