CODE: S2/S16
Episode Sixteen
Simon Catlow

Survival of the Fittest

The Doctor chased the movement through a big bush that broke under the weight of the Doctor’s charge before discovering himself in a clearing. A man was standing in the centre of the clearing. He was wearing the same clothes that he had been clad in when the Doctor had seen him last, with the long dark coat being the most prominent feature. A man the Doctor had seen before when he was onboard the Qux station some months ago. The man that the Doctor had come to think of as the Figure.

He broke into a smile. “Hello, Doctor. It’s been a while.”


Nick could feel the blast around him, and the pain searing through his body. The others were around him dying, but he couldn’t move. There was nothing he could do to stop their cries for help. He screamed as he watched them die.

His eyes snapped open and he could feel the sweat on his brow. He’d been removed from the restraints he’d been placed in and moved his hand up to his hand, and wiped some of the wetness away and onto the floor of the sickbay.

Xylat had been working on the other side of the room, and noticed Nick’s movement. ‘Good, you’re awake.’ He indicated the sweat on Nick’s face. ‘You have been having unpleasant dreams?’

‘You could say that.’

‘It’s fortunate that you’re awake now as I’ve brought someone to see you.’ The Martian motioned behind him, and Falex came into view.

Falex was a little reluctant to look Nick in the eye because of what had happened, and as Nick felt the same way, a very odd conversation followed.

‘Hello Nick.’

‘Falex. I’m glad your safe.’

‘They say you will be able to move around soon.’

‘Perhaps,’ Nick said ruefully.

‘There’s no perhaps about it,’ Xylat said. ‘I’ve perfected the alterations and we should have you up and about in just a few minutes.’ As he stepped forward towards Nick’s table, Falex took a step backwards. Xylat noticed the manoeuvre, but made no comment of it. ‘I’ll attach the devices to your inactive legs, and with a simple insertion of the compatibility device into your brain, you’ll have total control over them.’

‘Simple insertion!’ Nick exclaimed. ‘If you think I’m going to let a Martian butcher my brain, then you’ve got another thing coming!’

‘It’s only temporary, and given the advanced state of Martian technology, it’s easily extractable with no permanent damage to the host body. Without it you may never walk again.’

Nick said nothing.

The noise of the sickbay entrance opening and the arrival of two of the largest Martians he had ever seen startled Falex. They were a naturally tall species, but these two were bigger than normal. They towered over Doctor Xylat.

‘Commander,’ he said addressing the taller of the two new-arrivals, then to the other, ‘Sub-Commander.’

‘What is the patient’s progress Xylat?’ Commander Sshaarp said.

‘He is reluctant to undergo the procedure for the control device.’

‘Lord Wellarzlee tells me that we must have him with us on the mission. Implant the device.’

‘You’re not putting anything inside me!’ Nick shouted out at Sshaarp.

‘I can’t force him to...’ Doctor Xylat began.

‘Doctor. Lord Wellarzlee has ordered that this procedure occurs. Now implant the device.’ Xylat seemed unsure as to what to do for a moment, and then he went over to a console where he picked up a small metallic device. ‘Remove the child, Sub-Commander,’ Sshaarp said.

Ha’rpaar obeyed the command and grabbed Falex who squealed in protest. ‘Nick!’ he shouted, but Nick didn’t hear him.

Nick’s eyes were focused on the device that Xylat held.

As soon as Falex had been removed Sshaarp moved behind Nick’s head and held his arms down. Nick didn’t have the strength to resist. ‘Implant the device now, Xylat.’

‘I’m doing this under protest you know.’ Xylat hissed to himself as he placed the device on Nick’s forehead.

‘Just perform the task, Xylat,’ Sshaarp said in response, his voice betraying nothing.

Xylat walked across to another console and activated a sequence of numbers. For a brief moment Nick felt like his body was on fire. Then it was gone. Sshaarp released Nick’s arms instantly.

Nick reached up to feel his forehead immediately. He couldn’t find any traces that the device had been implanted. He didn’t feel different. ‘What’s happened?’

‘You’ve absorbed it into your mind. It’s temporarily become a part of you and will give you control over the devices that I’m going to attach to your legs, which will enable you to move.’

While he didn’t feel physically any harm from the implantation, Nick felt sick thinking about how the Martians had done it. They had been so callous, especially the Commander whom Nick hated now upon sight.

‘It might be better if you’re temporarily unconscious while I’m fitting the devices.’

Nick was so caught up in his own thoughts that he didn’t notice as the Doctor injected him with a hypospray and he was quickly asleep.

Xylat turned to Sshaarp. ‘That was totally uncalled for.’

‘Are you questioning my authority, Xylat?’

‘No. Just your methods.’

‘Inform me when the procedures are complete.’

* * *

Senator Munichh stood in the docking bay, eagerly awaiting the arrival of the passenger from the shuttle that had just come aboard the Draconia. The arrival of Captain Makaara, Supreme Admiral Vorkuuthh's very own aide, would take the burden off him tremendously. Her presence would enable the two of them to cover much of the ground that Munichh had been undertaking himself, and for that he was grateful. Ever since the fleet had begun to be assembled he had felt like a great weight had been hung around his neck, and while he accepted the task without question, he would be relieved for some of the burden to be passed to another.

Makaara finally appeared, along with another Draconian female whom Munichh had never seen before, but by the cut of her uniform he could see that she was a Lieutenant Commander. Makaara walked across to him, and at that moment Munichh saw that she bore the Seal of Pgraash. Upon seeing this he immediately bowed before her as the ritual dictated and muttered the words, ‘By your divine guidance.’

As Munichh stood up, Makaara spoke. ‘I have been entrusted with the Seal of Pgraash by the God Empress Herself in order to facilitate the final undertakings for the departure of the ship. As Her Divinity is unable to be present, She orders that once the battle has begun the Council will invest it’s authority solely into Admiral Kiirc, who will lead all of us - regardless of race - to victory.’

‘We are honoured to have you here, Captain.’

‘Thank you, Senator,’ Makaara said. ‘This is Lt. Commander Tkoorsh. She is here to assist me in my tasks until that time.’

‘A pleasure,’ Munichh said to the Lieutenant, whose attractiveness had not been lost upon him.

‘Likewise,’ replied Tkoorsh.

‘You will ensure that my belongings arrive safely at their quarters, Tkoorsh,’ Makaara said. Tkoorsh didn’t need to acknowledge her captain’s command, she merely complied. The Captain turned back to Munichh. ‘Send a signal to all the main races; they are to send a delegation to the Draconia where Admiral Kiirc will address them all. Make preparations for it to be broadcast to all the ships in the Fleet and to the planet below. We will show them strength and it will rally them to our command.’

Munichh agreed with her. ‘It is a good plan, and I will get to work on it immediately.’

* * *

‘A speech?’ Kiirc’s voice was full of disapproval as he addressed the newly arrived Captain Makaara. ‘You want me to address the whole of the leaders of the other fleet and inspire them?’

‘Yes, that’s about the size of it,’ Makaara said in reply.

‘I’m a soldier. I fight battles and I win them. I let others do the talking.’

‘Not this time, Admiral.’ Makaara passed across a dataPAD to the Admiral. ‘The speech is already prepared for you - it’s just a matter of you reading it and proving an inspiration to the Fleet.’

* * *

‘You!’ the Doctor exclaimed as he faced off once more against the Figure.

‘That’s right, Doctor.’

‘What are you doing here?’

‘I came to talk to you. When we met last, I helped you, didn’t I, Doctor?’

The Doctor remembered back to the events on the Qux Station. He had found himself in some bizarre dreamscape where anything had seemed possible. The Figure had helped him realise that it was all an illusion, created by an external influence upon the mind of the Doctor. The Doctor had ultimately realised the truth of what had happened there and taken actions to stop the repercussions from being seriously adverse to the universe as a whole. ‘Yes, you did.’

‘I know what you’re up to, Doctor. Do you really think it will work?’

‘It has to. There is no other way.’

‘There’s always two ways of doing things, Doctor. The right way and the wrong way. You have chosen badly in this case, and it’s something that will ultimately come back to haunt you.’

‘I will do whatever has to be done to rid the Universe of the Cybermen.’

‘Your people chose not to interfere, Doctor, so why do you now insist on doing precisely that?’

The Doctor was puzzled. ‘What do you know of my people?’ There was something familiar about the Figure, but it was something that the Doctor couldn’t place for the lives of him. And not just in terms of having met him on the Station. The Doctor sensed that it was more than just that.

The Figure smiled. ‘What don’t I know?’

‘I don’t know - why don’t you tell me?’

‘No, Doctor, you’re not ready for that knowledge yet. Perhaps in time, but until then I must remain an enigma to you.’

* * *

Dennai had been surprised when Rhyi’za had informed her that the Federation Council had requested a final meeting with delegations from all of the main races involved in the Fleet. Both of them knew that it was an excellent opportunity for what they wanted to do.

Now, an hour later after the initial call came through, Dennai, Ytine and Kaitnan Pertarnai were sitting in the Council Chamber of the Draconia surrounded by an assortment of beings from the other races. All were conversing with themselves as they waited for the Draconians to get things underway.

You will capture the target Ytine when the meeting has ended, Dennai said telepathically to her fellow Quardarax. Security is lax onboard the Draconia, and with our mental powers we should be able to remove the intended target without much trouble.

Agreed, Ytine responded. Will not the security forces notice the disappearance of such a prominent figure?

This has already been taken care of. It was Kaitnan who responded. Arrangements have been made to ensure that everything will be explained satisfactorily.

From across the room, the Qux Senator, P’mblatern observed the conversation and despite the fact that he was nowhere near them he was able to join in with the conversation. I knew that there was something suspicious about him from the moment I met him. I am annoyed with myself that I did not see it’s true nature before.

Do not concern yourself, Senator, Dennai said reassuringly. The creature hid its thoughts well behind its disguise and that is what makes it so valuable to us. Only one of the Quardarax would have the strength to penetrate its deception and reveal the truth. Dennai looked around the faces of those present. While she saw the Draconians of the ship, several Alpha Centauri, a group of Ossobans huddled together, the Omnisci and the rest of the races that made up the galactic Federation, her eyes settled very firmly on the delegation from Taureas II.

* * *

Admiral Kiirc had changed into his dress uniform in readiness for the speech he was about to deliver to the assembly and the remainder of the Fleet. He was standing in an antechamber just off the main Chamber. He had psyched himself up and he was ready to deliver the best speech that anyone had ever heard. He’d decided to treat it like a battle for the crowd to believe in him. He would go out there and convince them that they were going to win this and anything less would be a failure.

Captain Makaara stood next to him. ‘Are you ready Admiral?’ she asked calmly.

‘As ready as I’ll ever be,’ Kiirc said in reply. ‘I don’t know why this is necessary though. I say, lets just get on with it.’

‘Orders are orders, Admiral. Especially when they come from the God Empress Herself.’

‘Very true.’

Munichh entered the room. ‘Everything is in place. They’re ready for you Admiral.’

‘Well, lets get this over with then.’ Admiral Kiirc said determinedly as he marched proudly into the chamber.

* * *

As Admiral Kiirc entered the room, the Qux delegation was still conversing amongst themselves.

This whole assembly is pointless. It will not accomplish anything, Ytine said.

P’mblatern agreed. The Draconians are prevaricating as they always do. They are frightened beings afraid of their own shadows, and that is why we are still here discussing this. When the Taurean forces arrived several hours ago, the Fleet was complete, yet we still remain here.

Kiirc is a formidable warrior, Kaitnan said as she looked on the Draconian who was now making an impassioned plea to his audience.

Very true, Ytine said to her. But I’m surprised that our forces agreed to join up with this Fleet. It’s likely to be total destruction.

You’re a pessimist Ytine, Dennai communicated. There is a good chance that we’ll come out of this in a much stronger position and we will be able to play a much more prominent role in the running of the Federation.

If we survive, Ytine said coldly.

We’ll survive, Dennai replied. We’re Qux. We are the ultimate survivors.

Kiirc’s speech had had the desired effect on the assembly and almost everyone had got to their feet and was cheering the Draconian as he stood before them. The Qux delegation got up as well and joined in with the applause, but they lacked the enthusiasm that the others were contributing. Dennai glanced again towards the Taureans. It’s almost time. Prepare yourselves.

* * *

The Doctor awoke suddenly. He was back in the curio shop and he was sitting in the chair where he had fallen asleep. He reached inside his pocket and pulled out his watch. It was almost time to leave.

Inevitably his thoughts turned to the Figure. A nameless player who seemed to know more about him than he should have done. The Doctor had no real idea about who he was. Really. But there was something about the Figure that reminded the Doctor of something. He couldn’t think what though. It was so frustrating.

He stood up and walked across to the counter. There was a half-eaten sandwich lying on a plate there from earlier, and the Doctor greedily scoffed the lot down as he sought to quench the hunger that he felt building inside. It wasn’t a particularly substantive meal, but it was enough for now. He’d cook himself some proper breakfast later before he went.

Twice now the Figure had appeared to him inside his mind. Firstly back on the Qux station when his mind was attacked and invaded by outsiders and now here on his home of Alpha Centauri. It was as if the Figure was a construct of his mind, something he’d created himself for some reason.

‘Don’t ever make the mistake of thinking that I’m all in your head, Doctor.’

It was the voice of the Figure, but it seemed to be all around him. The Doctor span around but there was no one else in the shop, and there was nowhere for anyone to hide. He saw movement through the shop window and ran across, pulling open the door in the progress.

The night air hit him hard, but in the gloom there was no sign of anyone. Even with the Doctor’s eyesight he still didn’t see anyone or anything. For a Time Lord the worst thing in the world was running out of time, yet that was precisely what was happening to the Doctor. He was out of time. He couldn’t devote more time to the mystery of the Figure for the simple reason that he had bigger fish to fry for the moment.

* * *

The extent of the Qux’s telepathic abilities were something that the other races of the Federation were not privy to, and as such they didn’t know that Rhyi’za Serapart and the members of the Quardarax who had remained on board the Flag ship were able to see precisely what was happening onboard the Draconia. While there was a communications blackout between them, instigated at Dennai’s request, Rhyi’za found it very satisfying to see the process of capturing the specimen for the project.

Travor Haddasi was unhappy that he had not been selected by Dennai to go onboard the Draconia, especially considering that he had already been there, but Dennai had insisted that Kaitnan, as one of the least experienced members of the Quardarax go instead. G’xlan Hiaalox had no such troubles with staying onboard the ship. While he enjoyed these operations as much as anyone did, there was a limit, and the Qux had been very busy of late.

* * *

On the Draconia, the dissolution of the meeting had begun and the various councillors and delegates were pouring out of the Council Chamber to return to their shuttles. Dennai, Ytine and Kaitnan were in constant contact with each other telepathically as they proceeded to close in on their target within the Taurean delegation. Dennai kept her distance from them, as did Kaitnan, while Ytine manoeuvred himself into a position close behind the Taureans, so much so that he could reach out and touch them on the shoulder if he wanted.

‘It was a good speech was it not, Senator?’ one of the Taurean delegation asked Senator Taurex.

His name is Kraminin, Ytine discovered with a simple mental probe.

‘I suppose so,’ Senator Taurex said, very matter of fact.

‘It was an inspiration to us all, as we go to fight the glorious battle.’

‘Yes,’ Taurex replied, in such a tone that made it clear to Ytine that he shared none of Kraminin’s enthusiasm. Kraminin and Taurex had broken away from the rest of the Taurean group, but were still surrounded by the throng of beings preparing to depart from the Draconia. Ytine saw that the moment was approaching for action to proceed.

Now Dennai? he said telepathically to his superior.

After a few seconds pause, the response came back. Now, Ytine.

Ytine concentrated with his mind, focusing in on Taurex, reaching out for his thoughts and bringing them down, one by one. He knew that as he was doing this, Dennai and Kaitnan would be creating a mental diversion, specifically for Kraminin, but powerful enough to ensure that none of the other people in the room will see or suspect anything.

Taurex reached up for his head as he felt a wave of nausea sweep over him. He stopped walking, but Kraminin carried on as if he was still standing beside him, carrying on the conversation as if Taurex was still there replying. Taurex squinted his eyes as the pain grew. He would not scream. He would not allow that to happen to him. There was a massive increase in the pain that seared through his mind plunging him into a pit of agony.

‘Come along Senator, your ride is waiting,’ Taurex heard someone say. The pain had engulfed him totally now and he could feel the onslaught of unconsciousness taking him over. He couldn’t get a clear look at who it was that was talking to him. He saw a bald head, and slightly pronounced features but he couldn’t focus. All of his strength was being spent on keeping his current form. He couldn’t revert to his natural state here. Even if it meant loosing consciousness, he must remain in the form of the Taurean.

* * *

Rhyi’za Serapart had been very happy with the way things were going onboard the Draconia. The specimen had been captured with minimal effort, but the hardest part now was ensuring that their hand was not seen yet. Dennai was one of the most powerful telepathic Qux that he’d ever met in his life, but even a member of the Quardarax had their limits. Ensuring that the specimen made it to the Qux shuttle and was brought back here without detection required enormous concentration. Both Haddasi and G’xlan Hiaalox were assisting in their own way through their link to the Quardarax, by supporting the three onboard the Draconia. He didn’t disturb them. If he did it may endanger the operation, and that would be a fatal error.

For now there was little he could do but wait.

* * *

Ytine had carried the body of Senator Taurex to the docking area of the Draconia in readiness to board the Qux Shuttle. Thanks to the power of the Quardarax no one saw the fact that he was carrying the body of the Taurean Senator around. In fact, they thought they had seen him waiting to board the Taurean shuttle.

Dennai and Kaitnan had moved next to Ytine. How are you both holding up? he asked them.

As if you need to ask, Dennai said softly. Kaitnan?

As the least experienced of all the Quardarax, Kaitnan was having a little more trouble with the situation than the more experienced Dennai was. I am finding it more difficult to concentrate with so many minds to distract.

Remember your training, Kaitnan, Dennai said reassuringly. You have been trained to see the stillness in you. Find that point and exploit it to it’s fullest.

A Draconian guard appeared to inspect them prior to their departure. He pulled out a bio-scanner to check them as they departed, but it was child’s play to Dennai to distract him from seeing the true readings. ‘Right, everything is OK here. You are free to leave,’ he said.

‘Thank you,’ Dennai said with a smile. Ytine carried the body of Taurex through first, with Kaitnan behind, and Dennai following last. Once they had boarded the shuttle, Dennai sent the signal to Rhyi’za that the plan was near completion.

* * *

Back on board the Qux Flag ship, Rhyi’za received the signal which Dennai had just transmitted mentally to him and he knew that it was time. He left the two Quardarax where they were, and made his way to the observation dome. He sensed the shuttle with Dennai and her Quardarax onboard leaving the Draconia and as it approached his ship, he turned his attention back to the departing shuttles from the meeting.

After an Ossoban and an Arcturan shuttle had both left, he saw what he was waiting for. The distinctive markings of the Taurean ship as it left the berthing bay of the Draconia and swept majestically into space. He smiled as he saw it move away from the massive Draconian vessel, and then promptly explode with the debris scattering instantaneously.

* * *

The Doctor had prepared himself well. Everything had been prepared for this moment, and yet now that it was here he felt that he had missed something.

It all seemed such a long time ago that he, Nick and Falex came to Alpha Centauri. So much had happened and now it was time to put it all behind him and ensure that the Cybermen were defeated at last. It would take a tremendous effort for them to succeed, but the Doctor knew that they could.

He took a final walk around the shop. Little things had taken on their own significance to the Doctor, and he would miss this place should he fail to return. He was still concerned about the fate of Nick and Falex, but he sensed that they had survived their mission. But in the event of the worst, the Doctor knew that they would have to be informed of what he had done and why.

* * *

In the hours since Nick had had Xylat’s device attached to him, he had been practising manoeuvring, with a limited degree of success. The chip in his head allowed him control over the devices, but he still hadn’t been able to master their use. Essentially the devices propelled him through the air, meaning that the crippling injuries to his legs were effectively bypassed. Falex had seemed very interested in the possibilities of Nick flying, but when Nick hadn’t responded with any matched enthusiasm, he had grown quiet again.

The devices didn’t allow total freedom of movement through the air, as they weren’t powerful enough for that. But they did allow Nick to hover over the floor in a standing position and with practice he should be able to move quite quickly. He hated them though. They reminded him of everything that he had lost with the use of his legs.

Now both he and Falex found themselves attending a meeting with Commander Sshaarp, and Nick was still getting used to the sensation of not actually standing on anything. It was most perplexing.

‘I’m not happy that you are two are coming with the Chosen on this mission, especially considering your current condition,’ Sshaarp said, his eyes focused directly on Nick. Nick still couldn’t shake off the memory of how callous Sshaarp had been in the implementation of the chip into Nick’s mind to control the devices. ‘But I have no choice in the matter. Be warned though, the importance of the mission is paramount. Everyone is expendable in pursuit of our goal.’

Nick said nothing, and Falex wasn’t sure where to look.

The awkward silence was broken by the voice of Wellarzlee through the ships COMMsystem. ‘Martians, Chosen Warriors, it is with great pleasure that I, Lord Wellarzlee, announce to you that the bulk of our fleet which will engage the Cyber forces will be commanded by none other than our Emperor himself, Izlyr!’

This was greeted by a thunderous noise of approval which Sshaarp, Nick and Falex could hear even from inside Sshaarp's office. It growled as it pulsed throughout the ship. ‘You may rest before our arrival,’ Sshaarp said to them ‘You will need it for what is to come’.

After Nick and Falex had left Sshaarp's office, Falex turned to his older friend and said, ‘I wish the Doctor was here.’

Nick still didn’t want to look Falex in the eyes, but he did turn his head towards him. ‘You and me both.’

* * *

The bridge of the Draconia was a hive of activity. Draconians rushed from one side to the other as preparations were readied.

Captain Makaara stood side by side with Admiral Kiirc in the heart of the bridge. She bore a worried look upon her face. ‘What are the findings of our inquiry into the destruction of the Taurean Shuttle?’

‘We found no evidence of sabotage, and it seems to confirm the early indications that it was just a terrible accident caused by an imbalance in the Tetrionic core of their propulsion system.’

‘Is that what the Taurean investigation concluded as well?’

‘Yes, Captain. There were no survivors. The Taureans are selecting a successor to Senator Taurex as we speak and whoever is selected should be joining us soon after they are chosen.’

‘I don’t like it. The shuttle’s destruction has put several of the races on alert. They fear that the Cybermen may have agents working amongst us.’

‘Security has been tightened on every level. We are just waiting on two more arrivals from the planet below and we will be in a position to leave. As far as I’m concerned, the sooner we get going the better.’

‘I concur.’

* * *

Onboard the Qux flag ship, the prone body of the being that was Senator Taurex was lying unconscious with the members of the Quardarax and Rhyi’za Serapart standing around him. ‘He doesn’t look like one of them.’

Dennai replied to her commander. ‘He’s still holding on to his altered form. He’s very resilient.’

‘I think that’s a situation we should change don’t you Dennai?’ Rhyi’za said with a smile.

Dennai smiled in return and turned her attention to the body of the Senator. The other Quardarax also focused on the body of the Taurean Senator, which convulsed violently for a few seconds before changing completely before their eyes. Instead of the humanoid Taurean, a fierce creature replaced him. It was the orange of a burning fire complete, it’s skin a bizarre texture that was matched by the deadly suckers that covered it’s body which could be so deadly should the being be active.

‘So this is a Zygon?’ Rhyi’za said proudly. ‘I’ve never seen one in the flesh before. They’re so notoriously difficult to find.’

‘Yes, since the destruction of their homeworld they have become a nomadic race. It will make a most interesting addition to the Project.’

‘Indeed. It’s a shame that Loqra isn’t here. He’d love to be able to perform some tests on a Zygon,’ Dennai concluded. She suddenly took on a distant look. Rhyi’za noticed this immediately.

‘What is it?’

‘The command deck. They’re picking up the Doctor’s bio-signs on a shuttle leaving the planet.’

‘His destination?’

‘The Draconia.’

‘Excellent.’ Rhyi’za smiled his sinister smile as he thought of what the Doctor held for that particularly troublesome individual. ‘Put the Zygon into cryogenic storage. He’ll have to wait until later before we garner what we want from him.’

* * *

The Doctor sat in the transport vessel looking back at Alpha Centauri, and all that he was leaving behind, with a maudlin sadness. He knew that there was a very good chance that he would never see that world again. It was a mistake to set up roots there he now realised. What good was it to be a wanderer in the five dimensions and then decide to set up home on a backwater planet in the middle of nowhere, even if it had been forced upon him? Still it had become his home, and he would miss it.

But the Doctor’s feelings were not important now. The future, as it always was, was what concerned him most.

* * *

Once the Doctor’s transport had found it’s way safely to the Draconia, it hadn’t taken long before everything had been in place for the Fleet’s departure. Thousands of ships had gathered in orbit around Alpha Centauri.

They all moved together as one, towards their common destination contained within the solar system that was once home to the Doctor’s favourite species. Now the stronghold of millions of Cybermen. And ultimately the final objective: Nova Mondas.

Next Episode:
War Stories

Brian Blessed as The Doctor
Nick Pereira as Nick
Samuel L. Jackson as The Figure
Michael Gambon as Doctor Xylat
Sean Bean as Commander Sshaarp
Daragh O’Malley as Sub-Commander Ha’rpaar
Richard Belzer as Senator Munichh
Famke Janssen as Captain Makaara
Jolene Blalock as Lt. Commander Tkoorsh
Al Pacino as Admiral Kiirc
Lara Flynn Boyle as Dennai Serapart
Michael Richards as Ytine Kramanzer
Portia De Rossi as Kaitnan Pertarnai
Andre Braugher as Senator K’ardessen P’mblatern
Robert DeNiro as Rhyi’za Serapart
John Goodman as Travor Haddasi
Jason Alexander as G’xlan Hiaalox
Kyle Secor as Senator Taurex
Burt Kwouk as Kraminin
William H. Macy as Draconian Security Officer
Hugh Frazer as Wellarzlee
Haley Joel Osment as Rahlena Falex

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