CODE: S2/S13
Episode Thirteen
Andie J.P. Frankham

Echoes of the Past

*Editor’s note - this two-part story runs concurrently with Mark Turner’s two-part story “Planet of Mud”*

“You do not know the Ice Warriors like I do, Nick! Do you seriously think that after only half a year you have become an expert on life?” the Doctor boomed.

Nick’s mouth fell open and he stepped back as if physically slapped.

Things had degenerated from the moment the conversation had begun. Nick had expected things to go better. Evidently he was mistaken. It had been little over a week since the Doctor and Nick had returned from their encounter with the Omnisci named Roger. Both had returned from that encounter all shaken, and disturbed. And they had both taken to dealing with it in their own way. The Doctor, being the more experienced, had gone into research mode and had spent a lot of his time in the Senate Building going over files and preparing the way for the war that seemed increasingly likely. Nick, who was still quite new to that little thing called humanity, had retreated into himself. He had spent most of his time out and about, checking out new nightspots on Alpha Centauri in an attempt to ignore his feelings. But as the week went on Nick had come to realise that he needed to let it all out at some point. Speaking to the Doctor was out of the question, since the Doctor was very busy, and besides they both felt uncomfortable whenever the Omnisci were mentioned. Falex was also out of the question. Despite the young Taurean’s continued mental growth he was still only a kid. No matter how Nick looked at it he could not see himself discussing such deep issues with someone so young. Nick’s best bet was EnalcKarnip, but even he was busy. Busy with Falex mostly - no doubt to fill in for the otherwise engaged Doctor.

So Nick had taken to visiting Alf and Vlaash more often. He found that talking to Vlaash came easy. The Martian priest was a very laid back individual, and very trust worthy. Honour was paramount to Vlaash, and Nick knew that. Alf, on the other hand, was great for going out and getting hammered. Plus she was so damned hot! Nick knew he could spend hours in her company. And he certainly had the previous night.

They had returned to the internment camp in the early hours of the morning, both a little drunk and extremely tired. Alf went off to get some sleep, since her shift was due to begin in five hours. Nick went to see Vlaash - talking to him would soon sober Nick up.

If only Nick had known how right he was. As soon as he entered, Vlaash walked over to him. As usual the Martian wore a serious expression, although this time it seemed to Nick that Vlaash was a little chirpier.

“I have received some great news from the Emperor Izlyr, Nick!”

Nick did not bother asking how, since he knew that the Order of Suraass often got information to Vlaash. Nick just smiled, careful to not to nod his all ready light head.

“Things have been set in motion, Nick. In a matter of days the Martian Empire will begin its long campaign to regain our home world from the Cybermen! Mars will once again be the stronghold of the Empire.”

“Back up there, Vlaash. How is that possible?”

Vlaash smiled. That came as a surprise, since Nick had never seen a Martian smile before. “As you know, half a year ago we were able to return half of the Sword of Tuburr to the Emperor Izlyr. Since then...” And Vlaash continued to tell Nick what had happened since that fateful day.

Once Vlaash had finished, Nick realised that the Galactic Federation could help in this. Even in his inebriated state he knew that it was the perfect opportunity to restore things between the Federation and the Martian Empire. And Nick knew the one man who could talk to the Senate.

“Nick, I did not accept this position so that I could assist Ice Warriors. You want me to help replace one evil power with another!” came the Doctor’s response to Nick’s idea.

Nick did not understand the Doctor’s response. “Doctor, you yourself saw the future that the Cybermen will make. Besides, at least the Martians have honour! Something the Cybermen don’t possess. All they care about is eliminating all the things that make life worth living. Love, joy, happiness! At least the Martians have those things!”

“You do not know the Ice Warriors like I do, Nick! Do you seriously think that after only half a year you have become an expert on life?” the Doctor boomed.

Nick’s mouth fell open and he stepped back as if physically slapped. He stepped forward again and raised his voice even louder. If he wasn’t sober before, he certainly was now. “No, I am not an expert, but at least I have made an effort to get to know the Martians, Doctor. They do not care about conquering the Federation! All they want is their home back! And if that means to kick the Cybermen’s arses, then all the better!”

For a few moments an uneasy silence filled the air. Neither man moved from their positions. They stood within inches of each other. Nick, with his messy ponytail, staring up at the Doctor’s white bearded countenance. The Doctor glanced up at the ceiling of the shop, then back down at Nick. The Doctor sighed.

“Nick, you’re not thinking clearly. You saw what the Cybermen can do - at least the potential of what they can do. Despite Roger’s efforts the Cybermen are still very powerful. Yes, you’re right, I have not got to know the Ice Warrior’s of this reality. But I have seen them before reality was altered last year. They are a war-mongering race. In their own way they are no better than the Cybermen.”

“But they can be reasoned with!” Nick said, through clenched teeth.

“Fine. Maybe they can. And even if they can be reasoned with, Nick, do you have any idea how they can succeed against the Cybermen? Think on it. The Martian Empire is a mess. Yes, they have a new planet from where their so-called empire is ruled, but they have no home. And their power is uncertain. They do not stand a chance against the Cybermen - they’d be wiped out before they can get anywhere near Mars.”

“Bloody hell! I know that, Doctor. That’s why we need you to convince the Senate!” Nick was becoming very frustrated, and had to take a few breaths to calm himself down. The Doctor waited to hear what else he had to say. “Come on, you think about it, man. Together the Federation and the Martian Empire would kick the shit out of the Cybermen. Piece of piss.”

So intent were both men that neither of them noticed the fifth wall shimmer as EnalcKarnip and Falex returned from their trip. Falex was about to run over to the men, but EnalcKarnip held him back. EnalcKarnip put his finger to his lip. Falex made an effort to hold down his enthusiasm.

“Very well, Nick. I will do my best. But the Ice Warriors need to know this, too. However they are not accepting any of our hails.” The Doctor walked away from Nick, and idly fiddled with a piece of merchandise. He continued talking, hiding the sly smile on his face. “Whoever goes to New Mars will need someone with the authority to gain an audience with Emperor Izlyr.”

The Doctor made his excuses and left the shop, deciding that it was time to return to his research at the Senate Building.


The Doctor stayed at the Building until the early hours of the next morning. His research over the past week was bearing fruit, and now was the time to use it. He leaned back in his chair and looked around his office, not really taking anything in, but thinking instead.

He was pleased that Nick was turning into a very passionate human. For a while the Doctor had wondered if Nick was ever going to find something worth fighting for, or if the young man was just going to continue enjoying all the easy things that life in the 26th Century held for him. Of course, enjoying life was important; the Doctor would never deny that. But they had been stranded in one century for a while now and even the Doctor knew that they had to make the most of it. Find some kind of purpose. Becoming the Draconian Ambassador had given the Doctor a position to fulfil his purpose - which was to stop the Cybermen once and for all. (Of course building his new time machine was another goal - one he was not far from completing.) And now Nick had found himself a purpose. To help the Ice Warriors. Not what the Doctor would have wanted for Nick, but Nick was old enough to choose his own mission in life.

The Doctor chuckled. All Nick needed was a little push. The Doctor was quite sure that even now Nick was finding a way to get Vlaash off Alpha Centauri. One Martian that the Doctor did trust. He could not think of a better team to convince Emperor Izlyr to accept the Federation’s assistance. Nick and Vlaash. Good luck to them.

He turned back to his research. Amazing what you could discover in a week. Since he had complete access to all of Ishkavaarr's files finding out information had not been difficult. The former Draconian Ambassador had his own suspicions it seemed, and he had noted them all.

It transpired that Ishkavaarr had opposed the delegation that had been sent to Nova Mondas half a year earlier. A delegation that returned with no new intelligence at all. Indeed, the delegation had returned minus one delegate. This had aroused Ishkavaarr’s suspicions immediately. Through his research the Doctor had learned that Ishkavaarr’s suspicions were founded.

There were three spies in Federation Space and none other than the Supreme Senator himself was protecting each of them. No matter how much research he did, the Doctor could not discover what the Supreme Senator was up to. But he would. The Doctor promised Ishkavaarr’s memory that much.

The Doctor had also discovered one other very important thing. Something that would come in very useful if the Federation was going to assist the Martian Empire. And it was to that end that the Doctor was waiting to be put through to Draconia.

The screen before him activated and the Doctor found himself facing the image of Supreme Admiral Vorkuuthh, second only to the God Empress of Draconia. Vorkuuthh seemed a little agitated, but the Doctor suspected that was due to being disturbed during such an important time in Draconian history.

“Ambassador, what can I do for you?”

The Doctor smiled. No preamble. Good, that simply meant that he could act the same way. “You can reveal to the God Empress everything you know about the Supreme Senator’s sanctioning of Cybermen spies.”

Vorkuuthh had not expected that. It took the Draconian a moment to compose himself. “I do not know what it is you speak of, Ambassador.”

The Doctor smiled. “Of course you do. How else could you have known that the Cybermen were becoming more of a threat.” Vorkuuthh was genuinely puzzled. The Doctor decided to clarify things for him. “Shortly after Ishkavaarr’s death, Supreme Admiral, you mentioned knowing that the Cybermen are becoming ever more powerful. Do you not recall? Just after the God Empress had me released from prison.”

Supreme Admiral Vorkuuthh nodded slowly. “Guess work, Ambassador?”

“Not the bit of it, Vorkuuthh. You knew because Ambassador Ishkavaarr shared his suspicions with you. I have complete access to all his files.”

Vorkuuthh bowed his head. “Impressive work, Doctor. Ishkavaarr was a very old friend of mine, but he was a suspicious person by nature.” The Supreme Admiral smiled sadly.

“Yes, perhaps he was. But his suspicions were based on fact. He discovered more before his death, but I suspect he never had a chance to tell you. Things did get a little out of hand when he returned to Draconia.” The Doctor typed a code into the keyboard before him. “I am sending you all the evidence that Ishkavaarr gathered. Most of it is circumstantial, still. But I intend to change that.”

Vorkuuthh look down as he received the information. “Why?”

“Because the Martian Empire is all set to go on the offensive and make an attempt to reclaim Mars from the Cybermen. But they can not do that on their own. The Galactic Federation needs to join forces with them. Together not only will Mars be able to be reclaimed, but I suspect we can overthrow the Cybermen on Nova Mondas.”

“A good goal, Doctor. But while the Supreme Senator remains in power the Galactic Federation will not be able to act.”

“Unless he is exposed, Vorkuuthh. I intend to gather all the evidence we will need. And track down the spies.”


“Yes, Vorkuuthh. We. The Draconian Empire constitutes the biggest chunk of the Galactic Federation. You need to tell the God Empress every thing you know, and then convince her to come to Alpha Centauri to rendezvous with me when I return. With her back up deposing the Supreme Senator will be as easy as pi.”

There was silence from Vorkuuthh as he considered everything the Doctor had said. At last he bowed his head. “My life at your command, Ambassador Doctor.”

The Doctor grinned. “Thank you, Supreme Admiral Vorkuuthh. I will be in touch soon; to keep you informed of my mission status. Good luck.”

The communication ended and the Doctor sat in silence. Now all he needed was to charter a flight. But from where? Who could he possibly trust for such an important mission?

Of course. Who else could it be? He put a call through to Internment Camp 5486. Within moments a young woman with long brown hair appeared on the screen. She was about to speak but noticed who had called her.

“Oh, it’s you. All right? If you’re looking for Nick he ain’t here.”

The Doctor shook his head. “No, Alf, I am looking for you.”

“Oh. Why, what have I done?”

The Doctor laughed. “Nothing. I understand from Nick that you have a spacecraft.” Alf nodded. “Good. I’d like to hire you for a little mission.”

“Really?” Alf eyes lit up. “Oh, wicked. Getting bored here anyway. How long is this mission going to take?”

“A week, I expect. Will you be able to get the time off?”

“Are you taking the piss?” Alf laughed. “God, I am so ready to get out of this dead end job. And anyway, I doubt if I’ll have this job by the end of tomorrow.”

The Doctor had a feeling he knew why. Trust Nick to get help from Alf, too. He was tempted to ask about it, but decided it was best not to. No point in letting Nick know that he knew just yet. Nick would have more fun if he thought it was all his idea. “Brilliant. What time will you be free tomorrow?”


The Doctor left the next day after a hearty breakfast with Falex and EnalcKarnip. Nick was nowhere to be seen. The Doctor suspected that Falex knew where Nick was, but was saying nothing. But that was okay, since the Doctor had a good idea where Nick was anyway. Just as he was about to leave the shop, the Doctor was stopped by Falex.

“Where are you going?”

The Doctor turned around. “On an important mission for the Federation. I can’t tell you any more right now, Falex. Sorry.”

Falex looked down at the floor. When he looked back up there was a twinkle in his orange eyes. “That’s okay. I’ll find something fun to do while you’re gone.”

“I’ll be back in a week. EnalcKarnip will take care of you.” The Doctor hugged the boy and was gone.

He had a very uneventful trip to the spaceport, although he had to take it slowly. There was little point in getting there before Alf did. There was a news bulletin about an uprising at Internment Camp 5486, which made the Doctor smile to himself. The driver of the cab queried this.

“Know something about it, do you?”

The Doctor shook his head. “Not at all.”


The Doctor managed to arrive early anyway. He stood outside the secured entrance to landing pad ‘c’, smiling to himself. By now he suspected Nick and Vlaash were heading off to New Mars.


The Doctor looked up to see Alf running towards him. She was dressed in her pilot’s outfit; all black leather with pockets everywhere. She carried a jacket over her shoulder.

“You ready then?” she asked as she reached him.

“Ready set go,” the Doctor replied and beamed at her. She nodded and keyed in the entry code for landing pad ‘c’. The Doctor followed her in. “So, did you get sacked?”

Alf looked back. “Why sacked? I could have just left, you know. Boredom and all that.”

The Doctor nodded. “That is true. But I doubt if they would have given you the option after helping prisoners break free.”

Alf stopped and turned around. The Doctor noticed the great big hunk of spacecraft behind her. It was a bit cumbersome, and certainly not new. But serviceable. He looked at Alf and realised he had missed something.


“I said, how did you know I had something to do with the breakout?”

“Oh.” The Doctor bellowed a laugh. “Simple deduction. The Martians could not have broken out on their own, even with Nick’s help. They needed inside help. You are the obvious choice.”

Alf eyed him suspiciously. “How do you know Nick was involved?”

The Doctor leaned closer to her and whispered. “It was me who fed the idea to Nick. Although he probably would never have realised. Subtlety is my strong point you know.” He winked and walked off towards the spacecraft.

Alf watched him go. She grinned. “This mission could be a good laugh.” She called out to the Doctor. “So, you gonna tell me what this mission is then?”

“Yes,” the Doctor called back. “Once we are on our way to Ossobos.”


The Doctor clambered his way into the cockpit, not a task made easy by the narrowness of the space. There was barely enough room for the pilot’s seat. He looked over Alf’s shoulder, out to the wonderful sight of the stars. He let out a long sigh.

“Not been in space for a while, then?”

The Doctor shook his head. “No, that’s not it. With all of space and time to travel in it annoys me that I am stranded in one place.”

“Right. Nick told me about that. Said you used to travel through time and space.”

“And you believed him?”

“Sure. Why wouldn’t I?” Alf tried to twist her head around to look at the Doctor, but had little success. “Look at me. I am human, from Earth. No doubt about it. Only problem is that I know for a fact that there have been no humans in the galaxy since the Cybermen made Earth into Nova Mondas. Plus I know what Nova Mondas was called before the Cybermen took it. No one else does.”

“Understandable, Alf, since the Cybermen have been there for a good five hundred years. When they took over the planet humans had not even got as far as Mars. Well, not in person anyway.”

Alf started unbuckling herself. “So, let’s get a drink. Then you can tell what this mission is.”

The Doctor struggled to get out of the cockpit. “ A capital idea.” He paused. “Hmm. Can you give me a shove? I seem to be stuck.”

Alf slid past her seat and smiled. “No problem, Professor.” Her smile faded and she blinked.

The Doctor looked at her curiously. “What is it?”

Alf frowned. “For a moment there I saw you as someone else.” She blinked again and rubbed her eyes. “It’s gone now.”

“A memory?”

Alf shrugged. “Could be, I suppose. I keep getting these little flashes, but they last no longer than a hint of a dream.” She put her hands on the Doctor’s shoulders. “Never mind, eh? I’m sure it’ll all come back to me at some point.” With that she gave the Doctor a mighty shove.


The Doctor stepped out of the records office and looked down at the paper in his hand. Being a Federation Ambassador did have it uses. As soon as Alf had landed the ship on Ossobos the Doctor had headed off to the records office. The first spy was an Ossoban, so it seemed a natural place to start. The male Ossoban in charge of the records office didn’t want to help initially, but the Doctor soon convinced him. A matter of Federation security, after all.

He took out the communication device that Alf had given him. “Alf, got the address. I’m going to head to the roof. Pick me up there.”

“Roger that, Doctor,” came back Alf’s voice.


The spacecraft flew through the lower atmosphere of Ossobos, Alf at the controls. The Doctor poked his head into the cockpit. “How long now?”

“Almost there.”


“In fact.” Alf pointed out of the window. “That’s the place.”

“Thanks,” said the Doctor with more than a touch a sarcasm, “that helps a lot, since I can’t see out of the window from here.”

Alf just laughed.


The Doctor waited at the door. He knocked again. Still no answer. “Slearsoos! I need to talk to you!”


The communication device crackled. The Doctor took it out. “Yes?”

“Ossoban female just left via the back door. Running towards the nearby mono-train station. Want me to cut her off?”

The Doctor thought for a second. “No.” He looked up at the spacecraft as it hovered above the house. “Not a good idea to land that thing in an inhabited area. Would cause too much damage. Follow her and keep me notified. I’ll follow on foot!”

The spacecraft shot off. The Doctor smiled. “Oh well, let’s see just how fit this body can be!”

He ran around the house and followed the street down to the station. He had to push his way through crowds to get to platform 22 before the mono-train departed. He made it only seconds before the doors closed.

The train was quite packed. Another busy morning on Ossobos then, the Doctor reflected. “Which carriage?” he asked into the communication device.

“First one.”

“It would be.” He signed off. Here he was in carriage 25 and Slearsoos was in the first one. Oh well. “Excuse me!” The Doctor pushed his way through, trying to ignore the memory of the last time he was on a busy mono-train on Ossobos.

It took him a good half-hour to get through all the carriages and past all the people, by which time the train had left the city, passed through several mountain ranges and was now nearing the sea. He opened the final door and entered the first carriage.

The Doctor remained in the doorway and scanned the carriage. In his memory he had a picture of Slearsoos from the records of the delegation to Nova Mondas, and although most Ossobans looked similar the Doctor was sure he would notice Slearsoos when he saw her. And sure enough he did.

She also noticed him. Slearsoos stared at him and mouthed something, but the Doctor could not tell what she said. She put a hand to ear and nodded, mouthing something else. Then the Doctor realised. She was in contact with some one through a transmitter.

The Doctor began to force his way through the crowd. Slearsoos watched him and smiled. She shook her head slowly and reached out for a red handle. She pulled the handle and the train came to a juddering halt, throwing people around the carriage like dolls. The Doctor among them.

By the time the Doctor managed to untangle himself Slearsoos had gone. A door at the far end of the carriage had been forced open. The Doctor rushed over to it. He looked out and steadied himself. The train had come to a stop on the side of a cliff face. Below it was a sheer drop into the sea. The Doctor looked out at Alf’s spacecraft as it hovered nearby. He removed the communicator.

“Where is she?”

“Getting away in a boat.”

The Doctor looked, and sure enough there was a boat speeding away. Slearsoos was in it, with someone else. Probably someone else who has no idea that Slearsoos was working for the Cybermen, the Doctor noted. Probably think they are helping a Federation Senate member escape from an enemy agent.


The Doctor looked down at the communicator. “What? There is no way I am going to catch them by swimming!” He had to shout to be heard over the noise of the spacecraft’s engine.

“Jump onto the chain!”

The Doctor looked closer. There was a chain being lowered from the bottom of the spacecraft. Alf could not be serious!

“I’ll fly you over to the boat!”

“Right.” The Doctor walked back into the train. He looked around. “Can we clear some space here, please? I need a good run at this.” No one moved. “Now!” the Doctor bellowed. That did the trick. The Doctor crossed the width of the carriage and looked out at the open space before him. He could see the chain swinging in the wind. He took a deep breath and made a run for it.

Within moments he was clinging onto the chain. Tightly. “Let’s go!” he shouted, hoping that Alf could hear him. He assumed that she had, since seconds later the spacecraft set off after the boat.

Ah, if Nick and Falex could see me now! Doing stunts with hover-pods is nothing compared to this!

It took less than a minute for the spacecraft to get over the boat. The Doctor looked down to see Slearsoos arguing with the boat’s driver. Dissention in the ranks, it seemed.

He let go off the chain and dropped.

The Doctor landed in the boat with a thud, causing it to rock from side to side. The rocking was enough for the boat driver to be tipped over board. Slearsoos looked at the Doctor.

She laughed. “You have no idea!”

“I have enough. Enough to know that you are spying for the Cybermen!” The Doctor was tired of shouting over the noise, so he settled for projecting his voice naturally. “They won’t succeed you know!”

“The Cyber race will survive!” Slearsoos walked over to the Doctor. Despite the speed the boat was going she did not struggle to keep her balance. The Doctor noted this. Obviously the Cybermen must have done something to her body.

“Give up. You’re coming back to Alpha Centauri.”

Slearsoos shook her head. “No I am not, Doctor. I will die first.”

The Doctor frowned. “What?”

“Even now I can feel the virus working its way up to my cerebral cortex. From the moment you landed on this boat the Cyber Controller sent out a signal. Soon I will be dead. The Cybermen leave nothing to chance.” She titled her head sideways, reminding the Doctor of a puppet whose string had been cut. “I have served my purpose. There are still others. You will not be able to find them all.”

The Doctor grabbed her as she stumbled forward. “I know where they both are.”

Slearsoos looked up at the Doctor, the colour fading from her green skin. “There are three others.”

“There are?”

Slearsoos nodded her limp head. “Yes. You only know of two.” The Doctor realised that she was now speaking as herself, the connection to the Cybermen having been severed. “Stop them, Ambassador. Please!” she hissed and then slumped to the floor of the boat, lifeless.


The Doctor sat at a table in the back of the spacecraft. Alf came over and joined him. He looked up from the device he was playing with.

“What’s that?” she asked.

“It will be an inhibitor. It should scramble the signal that the Cybermen are sending to their spies. Prevent any more of them dying.” The Doctor indicated the cockpit. “Did you get to record the conversation I had with Slearsoos?”

“Yeah. Not too clear, but enough to be understood by the Senate.”

“Good.” The Doctor nodded. “Good. Proof of Cybermen spies, but we still need proof about the Supreme Senator.”

“Next stop?”

“Next stop is Peladon.” The Doctor stood up and stretched. “Can you put me through to Supreme Admiral Vorkuuthh on Draconia? I need to see how he is getting on.”

“Sure thing.” Alf walked off back to the cockpit.

The Doctor pondered what Slearsoos had said. Three others. He knew about two of them, but a third? Did she mean the Supreme Senator? Didn’t seem too likely since he had not had any contact with the Cybermen. So who else? The Doctor only hoped that the Cybermen were not aware that Slearsoos had shared that information with him during her dying moments. If they were aware then it would make his task all the more difficult.

Next Episode:
The Revelation

Brian Blessed as The Doctor
Nick Pereira as Nick
Anton Glanzelius as Vlaash
Bernard Horsfall as Supreme Admiral Vorkuuthh
Sal DeDeripho as Alf
Shaun Lyon as Cab Driver
Alyson Hannigan as Slearsoos
Haley Joel Osment as Rahlena Falex

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