CODE: S2/S14
Episode Fourteen
Andie J.P. Frankham

The Revelation

The Doctor sat at a table in the back of the spacecraft. Alf came over and joined him. He looked up from the device he was playing with.

“What’s that?” she asked.

“It will be an inhibitor. It should scramble the signal that the Cybermen are sending to their spies. Prevent any more of them dying.” The Doctor indicated the cockpit. “Did you get to record the conversation I had with Slearsoos?”

“Yeah. Not too clear, but enough to be understood by the Senate.”

“Good.” The Doctor nodded. “Good. Proof of Cybermen spies, but we still need proof about the Supreme Senator.”

“Next stop?”

“Next stop is Peladon.” The Doctor stood up and stretched. “Can you put me through to Supreme Admiral Vorkuuthh on Draconia? I need to see how he is getting on.”

“Sure thing.” Alf walked off back to the cockpit.

The Doctor pondered what Slearsoos had said. Three others. He knew about two of them, but a third? Did she mean the Supreme Senator? Didn’t seem too likely since he had not had any contact with the Cybermen. So who else? The Doctor only hoped that the Cybermen were not aware that Slearsoos had shared that information with him during her dying moments. If they were aware then it would make his task all the more difficult.

His thoughts were interrupted by a call from Alf. “Thanks,” he called back and walked over to small communications portal that had been built into the back wall. The Doctor straightened his clothes and activated the portal. An image of Vorkuuthh appeared on the screen. The Draconian smiled as he saw the Doctor.

“Doctor, it is good to see you. I trust the first leg of your mission has been successful?”

“Depends on how you term successful, Vorkuuthh. I did get some more evidence but, alas, the price was high. It cost the life of one individual.”

“The Ossoban spy, I take it?”

The Doctor nodded, images of Slearsoos dying in the boat filled his thoughts. Such a waste! “Yes. I will transmit the testimony of Slearsoos to you now.” The Doctor looked over to the cockpit entrance. “Alf!” he called. “Transmit the file to Supreme Admiral Vorkuuthh’s terminal. Make sure it is encoded.”

The was a sound from the cockpit, a sound of annoyance that the Doctor chose to ignore. “Yeah, I kind of worked that bit out, Professor. Thanks.”

The Doctor frowned at Alf’s use of the term “professor”. He pushed his concerns aside in favour of the matter at hand and turned back to Vorkuuthh. “Sorry about that.”

Vorkuuthh smiled. “It is of no concern, Doctor. Nick has not joined you on your mission?”

“No. He is, at present, no doubt convincing Emperor Izlyr of the need for the Martian Empire to accept the help of the Galactic Federation.”

“Always assuming we can convince the Senate to assist the Martian Empire,” Vorkuuthh pointed out.

The Doctor nodded, his face grim. “We must, Vorkuuthh. Have you explained everything to the God Empress Jaahkathna?”

“I have. She was not too happy to learn that I had kept such things from her.”

The Doctor chuckled at this. It was not hard to imagine how Jaahkathna would have reacted. Such a strong young woman. Perfect for... The Doctor stopped chuckling. “I have just had a thought, Vorkuuthh. Tell me, has Jaahkathna agreed to assist me?”

If Vorkuuthh was annoyed by the Doctor not using Jaahkathna’s proper title he did not show it. “Very much so. The God Empress stills feels in your debt, Doctor, for clearings things up following her father’s death. Even now she is personally making sure that the Draconian flagship is ready for the trip to Alpha Centauri. The repercussions of your mission are of paramount importance to the God Empress.”

The Doctor smiled broadly. “That is capital! In that case can you please convey a message of equal importance to her? There is one more thing I require of her. Once I return to Alpha Centauri myself.”

Vorkuuthh bowed. “My life at your command, Ambassador. What is your request?”


The Doctor raised the collar of his long coat in an attempt to protect his ears from the relentless winds that swept across the surface of Peladon. He looked up at Mount Megeshra. It was an intensely foreboding place, grey and weather beaten. Perched high on top was the citadel of Peladon, the royal home of Peladon’s leaders for many generations. As the Doctor looked up at it he was reminded of the way the universe had been altered. This was not the planet he had heard so much about; it was barely a shadow of its original self. And this was how the Ice Warrior’s had left it.

The Doctor shook his head, fearing that he may have made a mistake. The Ice Warriors were not to be trusted. They had raped this planet of all its value and dignity, and then fled back to their adopted planet. The Doctor knew for a fact that New Mars used to boast a thriving civilization before the Ice Warriors had arrived there. It was certainly true to say that Vlaash and his fellows could be trusted, after all they had shunned their own people after what the Ice Warriors had done to Peladon. The Doctor just did not trust them. It was through his own foolish wisdom that Nick had been sent on a mission to New Mars.

The Doctor let out a breath of air. Still, he thought, Nick should be safely home by now.

“Problem, Doctor?”

The Doctor turned around to Alf, who was approaching him after having secured her ship. She now wore a long leather coat over her combat gear. Her hair was tied back, and her eyes were covered by dark glasses. The Doctor indicated the glasses.

“Sun glasses in this weather?”

Alf smiled. “Nah, infrared. Figured they’d come in useful since we about to enter those caverns to get up there.” She pointed up to the citadel. “You just know it is going to be well dark in those caverns.”

The Doctor turned back to Mount Megeshra. “A wise move, Alf. Care to lead the way, then?”


The Doctor watched her walk ahead towards the cavern entrance. He smiled. There was something very right about having her on this mission with him.

Alf looked back at the Doctor. “You coming or what?” The Doctor nodded, and rushed up to her. “So, what’s troubling you then?”

The Doctor sighed. “Many things, Alf. Perhaps I’ll tell you once we get off this planet.” He glanced at her and smiled grimly. “But for now we need to find Moresh before the Cybermen deactivates him!”


The people of Peladon had never favoured technology, and 100 years of Federation membership had not changed that one bit. Yet in one room in a small home some miles away from Mount Megeshra technology was found in abundance. A woman stood in the doorway of the room in question, glaring at the technology around her.

“Moresh, it has to go!”

Moresh was sitting at a table in front of a small metal box. His wife had no idea what it was; all she knew was that he spent far too much time with it. As far as she was concerned technology was technology was technology. Her husband sighed and turned around in his chair.

“No, Felasha, it must stay.”

Felasha remained by the door and waited for Moresh to come over to her. Moresh was a good foot taller than she was. She ran a hand through his skunk-like hair. Moresh took Felasha’s hand and looked into her big almond eyes. As he spoke to her, Felasha decided that this time she would not give in to his smooth talking ways.

“Wife, I have explained before. If not for this technology then I would still be away most nights, working on Alpha Centauri or on some assignment for the Galactic Federation. You know this is true.”

Felasha looked up at her husband defiantly. Her husband had explained to her that the technology he had brought back with him allowed him to remain in contact with Federation. She did not know why he wanted to remain in touch with them; after all there was plenty of work to be done on Peladon. “But it is wrong! Technology has brought nothing but misery to Peladon. Look what the Martians did to our planet with their technology.” She stepped away from him. “And the Galactic Federation has done no better by us. Where were they when our planet was raped?”

Moresh sighed. It was an old argument, and still they failed to find any common ground. They both stood there, daring the other to speak first. Felasha loathed the atmosphere that was between them these days. But she would not back down. It had been going on for too long.

Without a word the emotion fell from Moresh’s face, and his eyes went cold. He turned away from Felasha and walked back to his precious technology. As she watched him carry on with his business, Felasha could feel her heart pounding. A dark thought hit her.

This is not Moresh.

It was not the first time she had had such a thought, but the certainty of it suddenly slammed into her. That was why the atmosphere was so tense. Since he had returned from his secret mission months back Moresh had become another man. A cold, emotionless man. At times he tried to hide it, showing Felasha tenderness and love, but those times were few and far between.

Felasha took a deep breath and made a decision. It was time to talk to someone about it. And there was only one person she trusted enough. Kalevsha, the King’s daughter.


“I shall ask you this one last time. Who are you, and what are you doing on Peladon?”

Alf looked down at the unconscious Doctor and shook her head. This was not going very well at all. They were making good progress through the caverns when they had been ambushed by two Pels. Slowly she raised her head to look at the imposing figure that was speaking at her. The tall figure backed away an inch. It wasn’t much, but it was enough to be noticeable to Alf, and enough to tell her that the dangerous look on her face was quite evident to the prat in front of her.

“I’m Alf, and the bloke on the floor is called the Doctor. We’re here on behalf of the Galactic Federation Senate.” Alf looked over at a nearby guard and the gun he was holding. Her gun. Well even without it she’d make sure these blokes would learn that it was best not to piss her off.

The tall man laughed. “The Federation Senate? Don’t be ridiculous. If they sent you here then King Garet would have been informed. He wasn’t.”

“Oh yeah? And how would you know?”

The tall man drew himself up to his full height with obvious pride. “I would know, female, because I am the most trusted advisor to the King.” He bowed before Alf, although it was more of a mocking bow than a regal one. “Chancellor Howerts, at your service.” He stepped forward and poked a finger into Alf’s chest. “So who are you?”

Alf stepped forward. “I’ve all ready told you,” she said through clenched teeth. “You deaf or something?”

Chancellor Howerts looked away with a laugh. An instant later he looked back at Alf sharply, slamming his fist into her face. Alf staggered back, almost tumbling onto the floor. She managed to keep her balance. Wiping the blood from her lips onto her leather glove she stepped forward.

“Think you’re something, do you?” she shouted, and reached into her belt pouch. She withdrew a small blade. “Want to make something of it?” Alf pointed the blade at Howerts. “Care to test just how lethal it is?” Alf span around and threw the blade at the guard who was sneaking up behind her. The guard dropped soundlessly, the gun falling out of his hand. Alf threw herself to the floor, rolled over, scoped the gun up, and ended up kneeling with the gun aimed directly at the Peladon Chancellor. “Well?” she said, with a smile.

Howerts raised his hands and stepped back. “Ah. I see you are persuasive with your positioning.”

“Too right, mate.” Alf stood up, careful not to take the gun off Howerts. “Now as I said, we are on a mission for the Galactic Federation Senate.”

“Not quite true, Alf.”

Alf glanced down at the Doctor, who was lifting himself off the floor. He had a nasty cut on his forehead where the Peladon guard has coshed him. When he was standing the Doctor dusted himself down and looked at the dead guard. He smiled grimly and turned to Alf. “Your work?”

“Yep. Of course the blade itself was a gift from a Draconian I once knew. Always knew it would come in useful.”

“Hmm.” The Doctor waved the gun away. “We won’t be needing that now, Alf. Enough people are going to die with this forthcoming war, no need to add more to the list if we can help it.”

Alf shrugged. “If you say so, Doctor.” She slipped the gun into her belt and turned to retrieve her blade.

“You no longer pretend to be working on behalf of the Senate?” Howerts lowered his hands and raised a sceptical eyebrow. “Going to admit that you have come to Peladon because you thought we are ripe for the picking.”

The Doctor shook his head, and glanced at Alf. “Not the bit of it. Alf was right, we are here on behalf of the Galactic Federation, but we are not on a mission for them. They do not know I am here.”

“Interesting. So, why are you here?”

The Doctor stepped up to Howerts, coming almost level in height. Alf never realized the Doctor was so tall. It was probably his bulk, made him look shorter.

“There is a Cyberman spy on this planet, and I need to get to him before the Cybermen kill him.”

Howerts laughed. “Oh, come now, Doctor. If there were a spy on Peladon the king and I would know about it.”

“If you knew about his presence, he wouldn’t be a very good spy would he?”

“Ah.” Howerts looked away. “Good point.”


“That is simply unacceptable!” King Garet leaned back in his throne and looked at the people assembled before him. Two offworlders and his chancellor. King Garet addressed Howerts. “You believe them?”

Howerts looked at the Doctor and Alf while he considered his words. “On the journey through the caverns back to the throne room they have told me about their mission, Your Majesty.” He looked up at the king on the throne. Howerts lowered his head slightly. “Yes, I believe them.”

“Very well.” King Garet turned to address the offworlders. “I am not so convinced, Ambassador Doctor. Why would the Galactic Federation wish to ally themselves with the Martians? It makes no sense. The people of Peladon were once a proud race, until the Martians raped our planet. We simply cannot countenance an alliance with them again.” He stood up and walked over to the Doctor. “You can tell the Senate this, Ambassador. Peladon will withdraw from the Galactic Federation if an alliance is formed with the Martian Empire!”

Alf regarded the king with a smile. He did not wear his position very well. He was a little shorter than the Doctor. Thin and rather cute looking, too. Too cute to be a king. “Where will you be without the Federation? Screwed, that’s where.”


She ignored the Doctor’s warning. “Without the Federation you’ll be open to more attacks than you can think of. There are a lot of bastards out there just waiting for the Federation to fall. Those Martians who don’t hold with the Federation would just love to finish off what they began here!”

King Garet turned away. Even Howerts was knocked into silence by Alf’s argument.

The Doctor watched the king for a few moments. “Well?” he asked, finally. “What do you say?”

The king took his place on the throne. “What your female says is true, Ambassador. But I fear that if the Galactic Federation allies itself with the Martian Empire, and we remain a part of that Federation, my people will revolt against me. I must stand by my words. If an alliance is formed, Peladon will withdraw from the Galactic Federation.”

The Doctor sighed. Alf nudged him in the hips. She motioned to the door. “Come on then, let’s get out of here. We’ll have to find this Moresh bloke on our own.”


The Doctor looked up at the king. “Yes, Your Majesty. Federation Delegate Moresh is the Cyberman’s spy on this planet. He was compromised during a secret mission to Nova Mondas a while back.”

The king was silent, his face betraying the many thoughts that were running through his mind. “My daughter and Moresh’s wife are very good friends. Only a matter of hours ago they spoke about Moresh to me. His wife fears he is not himself, that he has changed since he returned to Peladon months ago.”

The Doctor stepped up to the throne. “Yes! And now you know why. The Cybermen are using him.” He looked over at Alf, then back at King Garet. “We must be taken to him. Now!”

The king sighed. “Chancellor Howerts will show you where Moresh lives.”


Moresh continued to sit at the table, watching the image on the screen before him. It showed an Ossoban in full Federation regalia. The Supreme Senator of the Galactic Federation.

“You must send your forces out here now. The Doctor is getting too close to the truth,” Moresh said.

The Supreme Senator shook his head. “No, that is not possible. So far I have done everything I can to assist the Cyber race, but to send out a force of ships to Peladon to stop the Doctor... Well, that would require a meeting with the Senate. We must move silently if the Cyber race is to succeed.”

“That is correct. We have lost one communication device on Ossobos. It seems logical that the Doctor will track down the other two. If he does we will have to lose those also.”

“Then send out the signal. Activate your last communication device. The Doctor would never expect that one. How could he?”

Moresh was silent, while he received further instructions from Cyber control on Nova Mondas. “No,” he said, once the instructions were complete. “The Controller has decided to advance his plan. You are instructed to comply.”

And with that Moresh turned off the transmitter.

He sat in silence, while the Cybermen returned their presence to the back of his mind. To be a successful communication device, the Moresh Unit had to maintain an illusion of normality with the people of Peladon.

Moresh blinked as he came to his senses. He stood up, all set to go and see his wife when the door was thrown open. In the doorway stood Chancellor Howerts, two guards and two people that Moresh did not know.

“Stay where you are,” Howerts said.

The guards walked in to the room and drew their swords.

“What’s going on?” Moresh asked.

The large man in the long coat stepped into the room. He held a small device in his hands and flicked a switch. Moresh reached for his head, feeling a stabbing pain in the back of his mind. He staggered backwards.

The large man walked over to him. “Moresh, you must tell us what is happening. What are the Cybermen planning?”

Moresh was confused. “The Cybermen?”

“Yes. They are in there!” The large man poked a stubby finger at Moresh’s head. “You can access the information. Do it!”

Moresh blinked. Blood dripped out of his nose. “I...” He closed his eyes and heard another voice speak to him. The voice had no emotion. It was cold, lifeless. Moresh knew what it was. A Cyberman voice. He opened his eyes, his vision all blurred. “I don’t understand. What is going on?”

“The Cybermen have turned you into their spy, Moresh. They did it to you when you entered the Mondas system. Do you remember?”

Moresh did remember. The pods in the cargo bay on the delegate ship. The Cybermen in the pods. Delegate Runt being killed. The Cybermen drilling into the back of their heads. “Oh god, no!” Moresh fell back, hitting the table. “What have they done to me?”


The large man, the Doctor, looked over at the female. She was pointing at Moresh. The Doctor looked at him, then at the device in his hand. “Oh no, the signal is too strong!” The Doctor grabbed Moresh by the arms. “Moresh! Tell me! What is the Supreme Senator up to?”

“He...” Moresh closed his eyes, feeling the life drain out of his legs. “He’s keeping the Federation out of the Mondas system, giving the Cybermen time to build up their army.” Moresh opened his eyes. “Oh no. He’s going to let the Cybermen destroy Alpha Centauri. Doctor, the Supreme Senator is going to lower all the defences in the Alpha Centauri system!”

The Doctor looked back at the girl. “Alf, get back to your ship! Send the recording of this to Vorkuuthh!”

“Right!” The girl ran out of the room.

Moresh nearly flopped to the floor, and would have done but for the support of the Doctor. The edge of his vision was going black. Only by concentrating could Moresh make out the Doctor at all.

“What’s happening to me?”

The Doctor looked very sad, defeated. “You’re dying, Moresh. The Cybermen have no further use for you.” He sighed. “I’m sorry. Know this, though, you may have helped save the Federation.”

The last thought that went through Moresh’s mind was, Peladon does count within the Federation. I knew it!


Alf set the autopilot on a direct course for Taureas II and returned to the rear of her ship. She found the Doctor still sitting at the battered metal table. Just like he was when she had left him. His elbows were resting on the table, with his chin resting on his fist. A thoughtful stance if ever Alf had seen one.

“Penny for them?”

The Doctor did not respond. Alf shrugged and walked over to the drink dispenser. Once she had got herself a drink she sat down next to the Doctor and nudged him in the ribs.

“How’s things with the Supreme Admiral?”

The Doctor glanced at Alf out of the side of his eyes, but he did not move his head one inch. “Vorkuuthh conveyed his acceptance of the evidence from Moresh, and has informed me that the Draconian flagship is about to leave for Alpha Centauri. To rendezvous with us there in fifteen standard hours.”

“Good. But, you know, Professor, you don’t need to talk to me like I am one the Senate members. This is me! Alf! Come on, speak to me.”

The Doctor frowned. “Why do you keep on calling me that, Alf? ‘Professor’.” Now he did turn his head, but only slightly. “And you have this habit of talking to me like we are old friends.”

“I know.” Alf shook her head. “Dunno why, though. Just keep on getting this feeling that I have known you for a long time.”

“Hmm.” The Doctor sat back in the seat, coming to some kind of decision. “Do you remember our first encounter?”

Alf thought about this. “Well, as I remember you helped smooth things for Vlaash and his mates when they came back to IC5486. I was well impressed with that. Got me and Nick speaking more too.” She smiled, nodding her head. “Yeah, that was the first time.”

“You sure? You saw Nick, Falex and I in that restaurant and bar before that. You were talking to... a man.”

“Of course! Yeah, I remember that.”

“But that was not the first time we met, Alf.”

“It wasn’t?”

“No. We met a short while before that. You first met us in the underwater plaza on Alpha Centauri; you were with another version of me.” Seeing the look of confusion on Alf’s face, the Doctor continued. “I am a Time Lord, Alf. Time Lords have the ability to regenerate - change their physical appearance - whenever the present body gets too old or too badly damaged. The me you travelled with was a future version of me. From a possible future.”

“Wow.” Alf rested her head in her hands. “This is pretty intense.” She looked back up at the Doctor. “You sure?”

“Very. Which is probably why you have this connection with me. Even though the Doctor you travelled with is only a possible future me, you still recognise the same person in me as I am now. On some subconscious level.”

“So, I come from your future?”

The Doctor smiled and patted Alf’s knee. “That’s right. Well, a potential future.”

Alf stood up and smiled. “I like that. Not sure if I believe you, Doctor, but it explains why I feel like I have known you for a long time. I’ll have to think that through some more, eh? Mind expanding stuff.”


“Mind you, that’s not what was on your mind when I walked in here, was it?”

The Doctor’s smile faded. “No. I was thinking about Slearsoos, Moresh, and Peladon. This whole reality is wrong. People are dying because the Cybermen are more powerful now than they ever should have been.” He slammed his fist on the table. “The line must be drawn! Now!”

Alf nodded. “One more spy to go, then.”

“Yes. On Taureas II no less. Falex’s home planet.” The Doctor’s gaze seemed to go elsewhere for a few moments. He frowned and looked at Alf. “I’ve just had a thought. Taurean family names are used first, passed down through the females. The opposite of how it is on your world.”

Alf shrugged. “Wouldn’t know. Never been to Taureas II. Only Taurean I have spoken to at any length has been Falex.”

“Yes,” the Doctor said slowly. “Rahlena Falex is his full name. Family name passed on from his mother, of course. Now, guess the name of the Cyberman spy on Taureas II?” Before Alf could even think about it the Doctor bellowed out, “Rahlena Theramin!” He noticed the shock on Alf’s face. “Sorry, I tend to forget how loud I can be. But the point is Falex and Theramin must come from the same family.” The Doctor picked the inhibitor off the table. “I have to increase the strength of this thing. There is no way I am going to let someone else be killed off by the Cybermen. Falex has all ready lost his mother, I’ll be damned if he’ll lose another relative!”


Alf stood outside the Central Registration Office while the Doctor was inside arguing with a woman of greater bulk than he. Alf received many a curious glance from the people who passed her by, but most of the time she was ignored. She was beginning to think that Taureans had a severe superiority complex.

Finally the door opened and the Doctor stepped out. He looked back at the Office with a snare, then walked off leaving Alf standing there. Alf watched him go, then yelled out to him. He looked back, tapping his imaginary watch. Alf rushed over to him.

“Ere, Doctor, have noticed how there are no children about on this planet?”

The Doctor looked around. “Must be school time, Alf.”

Alf nodded, not really convinced. “Right. And no nippers either? No parents taking their kids out for the day.”

“Alf, you have to remember that not everywhere is like Earth. Each planet has different rules and customs. Taureans are looked down upon by most other races in the Federation. A very exploited race that does not like outsiders much.”

“That explains the looks I’ve been getting.”

The Doctor smiled ruefully. “Yes. Also explains why that ‘lady’ in there was not being very helpful.” He chuckled. “Still, I put her in contact with Vorkuuthh and we both convinced her of the seriousness of my mission. She soon handed me the information I needed.”

Alf looked around the busy street. It reminded her a lot of Earth. Roads bogged down by vehicles of all descriptions, buildings everywhere. Yes, very Earth-like. “Where to then?”

The Doctor pointed to a shop. “She lives above that shop there. Come on.”


The Doctor raised a hand to knock on the door, but before his fist could strike the door was opened. A young woman stood there. She was bald, with an intricate tattoo running from the top of her head down her neck. Her clothing was designed for comfort; a simple one piece dress that gave off a sense of dignity and peace. The woman smiled sweetly at the Doctor and Alf.

“Doctor, I have been expecting you.”

The Doctor’s mouth fell open in surprise. Alf laughed.

“Would you like to come in?”


Theramin led the Doctor and Alf into the living room. Alf looked around, impressed at the cosiness of it all.

Theramin indicated a couch. “Would you care to sit down? I have rartef tea prepared for you both.”

Alf noticed the tea sitting on the small table in front of the couch. She shrugged. “Come on then, Doctor. No need to be impolite.”

They both sat down and waited while Theramin poured them some tea. The Doctor picked up a cup and sipped the tea, all the time being watched by Theramin like she was an expecting mother. The Doctor smiled.

“Capital! Yes, very nice tea. Thank you.”

Theramin bowed. “You are welcome, Doctor. I suspect you have some questions.”

“Yes, just a few.”

Theramin smiled sweetly, and blinked. “I suspect your first is how did I know to expect you?”

“No.” The Doctor shook his head. “First thing I want to know is are you related to Rahlena Falex?”

Now it was Theramin’s turn to look surprised. She tilted her head to one side. “He is my nephew, Doctor. Have you seen his mother?”

The Doctor’s smile faded. “Yes. I am afraid that she is dead.”

“Oh dear.” Theramin bowed her head and walked over to a chair. She sat down, then looked across to the Doctor. “Where? When?”

“On Ossobos, over six months ago. She had Falex with her. We were able to save him.” The Doctor frowned. “We have been looking after him ever since. It never occurred to me that he would have other family.”

“Falex is in your care?” Theramin leaned forward urgently. “Is he on Taureas II?”

“No. He is on Alpha Centauri.”

Theramin sighed. “Then we must be thankful for small mercies. As long as he is not with his father. You must return him here immediately, Doctor. Falex’s place is with his own people.”

This news brought a sad look to the Doctor’s face. “Yes, I suppose it is. I shall miss him. I will return him as soon as possible. Right now I have more important things to do.”

Theramin shook her head. “Make it sooner than later, Doctor. For Falex’s sake.”


The Doctor shushed Alf. “Not now.” He turned to Theramin. “So how did you know to expect me?”

“Because the Cybermen have been using me as a spy, Doctor. Of course, you know this, which is why you are here. As you must know, Taureans have great mental powers. I became aware of the Cybermen’s influence a few weeks ago, and since I have been consciously aware of them I have been able to block their signals.” Theramin grinned. “I have been sending them false information, while at the same learning all about their plans.” She got up and walked over to a small wooden unit. Out of it she took a small package. “For you, Doctor. It is my recorded testimony, containing all I know about the Cybermen’s plans. It should prove very helpful when you return to Alpha Centauri.”

The Doctor got up and accepted the package. “Thank you. But wouldn’t it be better if you came back with me?”

Theramin shook her head. “No. I must stay here, continue to convince the Cybermen that I am still working for them. Keep them off your trail. You see, they know you are heading to this planet. I can convince them that you never made it.”

“In that case, I thank you again.” He turned to Alf. “We really should go. We are running on a tight schedule.” Alf stood, and the Doctor turned back to Theramin. “I shall return Falex as soon as I can.”

“Good luck, Doctor.”

The Doctor smiled and led Alf to the door. As the door was opened Theramin called the Doctor back. She asked for Alf to wait outside. Alf and the Doctor exchanged glances.

“It’s okay. I’ll be with you in a minute. Take this.” The Doctor handed Alf the package. She left the house and the Doctor closed the door. He turned to Theramin. “What is it?”

“As you know, there is one remaining spy. A communication unit has been placed in another being, Doctor, waiting to be activated by the Cybermen should I prove to be useless.”

The Doctor nodded. “Yes. Slearsoos mentioned this to me before she became useless to the Cybermen.”

Theramin stepped up to the Doctor. “Yes, I know. Doctor, the communication unit is in there.” She pointed to the Doctor’s head.


The Doctor stepped out of Alf’s ship first, his face still covered in a dark cloud. Alf followed him out. For the entire trip back to Alpha Centauri the Doctor had barely said a word to Alf. Whatever Theramin had said to him had struck deep.

“Will you be okay?” she asked.

The Doctor looked back. “What?” He blinked. “Oh, yes. I’ll be fine.” He lifted the package. “With this, plus the evidence Vorkuuthh has, it will be a small matter to expose the Supreme Senator and depose him.”

The door to landing pad-c opened and several Draconians entered. The Doctor turned to them. Three guards protected the God Empress Jaahkathna, while Vorkuuthh walked up to the Doctor. He held out his hand in a very human fashion.

“Doctor it is good to see you.”

The Doctor took Vorkuuthh’s hand. “Yes, and it is good to see you.” He walked over to Jaahkathna and bowed before her. “My life at your command, God Empress.”

Jaahkathna smiled. “Thank you, Doctor. I am ready. Shall we go?”

“Yes. But one thing first.” The Doctor walked back to Alf. “Thanks for all your help in this mission. Now can I suggest you get this ship ready for war? It’d be good to know that I have you on our side.”

“Sure thing, Doctor. I’ll be ready.” Alf looked over at the Draconians. “You’d best be going. I’ll probably catch you later at your shop. Gotta catch up with Nick.”

The Doctor nodded. “Okay. Meet you there.” With that he turned and left the landing pad with the Draconians.


The Doctor returned to his shop late that night, feeling exhausted. And troubled. It had been a very full week and a half since he was last on Alpha Centauri. The Doctor had forgot how tiring space travel could be; he much preferred time travel. So much easier, and less stressful.

He was exhausted by the endless debates at the Senate. Using the information he had gleaned on his mission, overthrowing the Supreme Senator had been swift and just. Even now he was in prison, awaiting his trial. Of course, with him deposed there was a gap at the summit of the Galactic Federation Senate. Many senators recommended that the Doctor take the position, but it was not one he was willing to accept. Besides which the Doctor had always intended that Jaahkathna take over the Senate as a temporary measure. At least until the war was over.

The Doctor frowned. There were no lights on in the shop when he entered, which was very unusual. He had expected Nick and Falex to be waiting for him when he returned. Instead all he found was EnalcKarnip sitting at a small table next to the fifth wall. Neither EnalcKarnip nor the Doctor needed much light so they did not bother switching the lights on.

“Where’s Nick?”

EnalcKarnip spoke softly. “He has not returned from his mission for the Martians. I have been in touch with them on your behalf, but they refuse to comment.”

“Oh.” The Doctor knew the Ice Warriors could not be trusted. Well then, once he was rested he would see about that himself. “Where’s Falex?”

This time EnalcKarnip’s voice faltered. “Ah. It would seem that Master Falex went with Nick on his mission.”

The Doctor's shackles began to rise at that, but before he could say anything further the door opened and both men turned to look. Alf stood in the doorway, smiling.

“Hi, Doctor. Where’s Nick, then?”

The Doctor glanced at EnalcKarnip then back at Alf. He was not happy about the latest development. Not happy at all. “That, Alf, is what we would all like to know.”



The Doctor took a deep breath. He was standing outside his shop, looking up at the Centaurian night sky, paying no attention to the endless vehicles that flew passed. He was looking at the stars beyond, and even beyond them. His mind was drifting backwards in time to the future Alpha Centauri he had seen months ago.

In his mind’s eye he could still see the future Cyber Controller using the validium to contact him telepathically. He could feel a Cyberman drilling into the back of his skull, followed by his waking up in that cell with EnalcKarnip, believing the Cybermen’s attempt to convert him had failed.

The Doctor closed his eyes and thought of his recent trip to Nova Mondas, of the way the Cyber Controller had linked with him then. The Controller of the future had put a chip in his head, and the Controller of the present had learned about it during their brief link on Nova Mondas.

Even now the Doctor could still see Theramin pointing at his head, and the words she spoke haunted him.

“Short of killing yourself, there is no way to remove it. When the Cybermen are ready, you will be activated as their next spy.”

Next Episode:
Power Play

Brian Blessed as The Doctor
Sophie Aldred as Alf
Bernard Horsfall as Supreme Admiral Vorkuuthh
Elizabeth Medeiros as Felasha
Ewan McGregor as Moresh
Geoffrey Rush as Chancellor Howerts
James Dreyfus as King Garet
James Earl Jones as The Supreme Senator
India Fisher as Rahlena Theramin
Ian Richardson as EnalcKarnip
Winona Ryder as God Empress Jaahkathna

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