He had heard that the portals led to strange new worlds. New worlds peopled by strange doubles of the true folk of Styria. He never did really believe that, which was part of the reason he went through one of the portals himself. But now, as Nicholas stood outside the unusual building, he realised just how true the information had been. Since arriving in this strange New World, Nicholas had been wandering and observing. Know your enemy, as the Count always taught his fledglings. These people were definitely the enemy, of that there was no doubt. Just the smell of them gave away the fact that they were not Kuang-Shi, which by default made them the enemy. His wandering had taken him to a place of trade, and in that place of trade he had found parchments wrapped up into something these people called books. These books contained many stories about his kind, although the people of the New World called his kind many names other than the true name. It would have been a simple matter for Nicholas to help himself, since it seemed unlikely that the people of the New World could stop him. But during the daylight his strength was not at its best, so he decided to wait. It was as he was leaving the place of trade that he espied her!

Nicholas was amazed by how much she looked like Lady Dorothy. He had wanted to go over and introduce himself, but she had looked directly at him and that made him turn away. That in itself was amazing. No one could turn Nicholas away. It was his strength of will that had got him his kingdom months ago; got him everything he wanted in fact. Except Lady Dorothy, of course. Thinking on it, Nicholas realised that would explain why her double had such an effect on him.

Since then Nicholas had followed Lady Dorothy’s double to this building. She had been taken there is some sort of horse-less cart. Following it had been child’s play for someone with the speed and strength of a Kuang-Shi. And now he stood outside the building, waiting to see what transpired. He knew he could just go in, but it was so much more fun to remain outside and watch all these people.

When he was in that place of trade he had looked up some information on this New World. It transpired that the place he was in, somewhere called London, was only a small fraction of the New World. And judging by the amount of people he had seen since arriving through the portal, Nicholas realised just how rich a world this would be for the Count. It was about time he got back in favour with their leader.

Nicholas blinked in the bright light and looked towards the entrance of the building. It really was time he went to see Lady Dorothy’s double. Unfortunately the Lady Dorothy of Styria was beyond him, but her double on the New World was not. Nicholas smiled. He had so much to return in favour for the “gift” that Lady Dorothy had once given him.

All resolved, Nicholas made to move, but came to a very quick stop. His smile broadened. The double was walking towards him now. A younger female, no doubt a relative, accompanied her. Lady Dorothy’s double was waving at him. Nicholas pondered that. Could it be that on this New World there was also a double of him, a double known to Lady Dorothy’s double? A lovely prospect. Nicholas waved back.

‘Nick!’ the double called out.

Nick? An unusual version of my name. I wonder she is called here?

As they approached Nicholas took in the double’s appearance. She wore chunky black boots on her feet, boots that went up to her knees. Coming out of those boots were a pair of black trousers, which in turn sprouted a dirty-yellow top. Over those clothes the double wore a very long black coat of a material Nicholas did not recognise. There was something very severe about her appearance, and he liked it.

The double hugged him tightly. ‘It is so good to see you!’ she said.

‘Who’s this, your boyfriend?’

The double detached herself from Nicholas and looked at the younger female. She seemed uncertain about something for a while, and gave Nicholas a curious look. He had a feeling that maybe he should know some sort of secret. The double nodded.

‘Yeah, I guess so.’ She ruffled Nicholas’ short spiky hair. ‘What’s with the haircut?’ Nicholas was nonplussed. Before he could say anything, though, the double looked around and asked; ‘Where’s the Doctor?’

The Doctor? He had been told about a man called the Doctor a few times by the Count. ‘He’s around somewhere,’ Nicholas ventured. That response pleased the double.

‘Off indulging himself, no doubt.’ The double smiled again. ‘Been a while since he has been on Earth.’ She smacked her forehead. ‘Oh, that reminds me! Who do you think this is?’ She indicated the young female.

Nicholas looked at her. There was something familiar about the girl, but he could not quite place it. Then it came to him. He looked from the double to the girl. ‘Surely not?’

The double smiled. ‘Yes. She’s me some four years younger. Nick, meet Ace. Ace, meet Nick.’

Ace nodded. ‘All right, Nick.’

Nicholas looked from one to the other. Alf. Ace. Lady Dorothy. All versions of the same person. He smiled.

Perfect. This is going to be fun.


As Bradley continued to watch the Doctor respond to Nick’s pain, he came to realise that this Doctor was the very same emissary that the Count had told him about. Indeed, Bradley was informed that he would almost certainly be able to find the Count’s emissary when passing through the portal - as well as finding Nicholas, of course. Once again it seemed the Count was right. Although how this man could be an emissary of the Count was something Bradley did not understand. Either way, he had to get this Doctor to the Count. Which would, of course, leave him with the delicious Nick. Bradley smiled, as a plan came to mind.

‘Of course!’

The Doctor looked up from Nick, surprised. ‘What?’

‘Now I know you.’ Bradley walked over to them, and assisted the Doctor in getting Nick to his feet. Nick looked at him oddly. ‘Are you okay?’

Nick shook his head. ‘Not really, no.’

Bradley did not have time for this. The Doctor had to be removed. ‘I never realised, but now I know who you are supposed to be,’ he said to the Doctor. ‘I came through that portal, from another world. And in that world I know you, only it is not you.’

The Doctor’s face lighted with excitement. ‘Aha! An alternative reality? Yes, yes, that would explain you looking like too old for 1986.’

Bradley could tell that the Doctor was having many thoughts. Well, a little nudge would not hurt. ’Yes, that is right. Do you want to meet him? I am sure he would like to meet you.’

‘Do you think so? Well, of course he would. Why wouldn’t I want to meet me?’ The Doctor walked closer to the portal.

Bradley stood watching the Doctor. This fool was being drawn in even more than Bradley realised. Well, that was fine. Go on then, Doctor, go through the portal. The Count will be most happy to see you.

‘Come on then, Nick. Brad, are you coming?’

Before Bradley could answer Nick stepped back and shook his head. ‘I’ll stay here, Doctor. Alf will be back soon.’

The Doctor nodded. ‘Good idea, Nick. I've always wanted to meet another me.’ He turned to Bradley. ‘Come on then, take me to your Doctor.’

‘With pleasure.’ Bradley waved the Doctor forward.

The Doctor looked back at Nick, winked, and stepped into the portal. No sooner had the portal enveloped his whole body than fierce energy crackled from out of its centre. A stray strand of energy threw Bradley back. He hit one of the catacombs’ walls hard, but it did not damage him. The only damage done was to the catacomb wall. He got to his feet and watched the portal close.

‘Nice. Now for a bit of...’ His voice tailed off as he noticed Nick. Nick lay on the ground, unconscious. There was a trickle of blood running from out of his ear. ‘Well, who would have expected that?’ Bradley crouched beside Nick and ran a finger through the blood. ‘The blood is the life, Nick.’ He licked the blood, and smiled. ‘And now your life is mine.’

End of Chapter One

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