Chapter Two

The young blonde haired man in the PVC outfit watched as Bradley knelt beside Nick. His blue eyes became wider than normal. Brilliant. The Chaos is getting to him. This is just delicious! The young man giggled.

We must help him!

He turned to the newcomer. The new voice belonged to a man who was a good deal taller than he, wearing very casual clothes akin to those worn by Nick. His dark hair was so short as to be almost not there at all, while his smile was broad - all teeth and gums. He looked his tall companion up and down.

Nice body! he snapped. Couldn’t you find a better one, Innocent?

The Innocent looked down at his body. We don’t get the choice. These are the bodies we were given.

The small man waved the Innocent away. Whatever. Now go away and let me get on with it.

But he is hurt, Bitch. We must help him!

Not possible, said the Bitch. The Innocent blinked, his eyes betraying the reason for his name. The Bitch sighed. The Innocent! Ha! You should have been called the Thick, not the Innocent. Now pay attention. The Bitch walked towards Bradley and Nick. He smiled when he saw Bradley lick the blood seeping out of Nick’s ear. He has become so like the mortals that inhabit this planet that he cannot see us. I am, however, breaking through. Although it is taking some time. He never was quick on the up-take.

The Innocent looked offended by this. He’s a nice guy, Bitch. I always liked him.

Bah! You like everyone. The Bitch smiled. Even me.

The Innocent turned away. The Innocent I may be, but I am not stupid. So don’t count on me liking you too much.

Again the Bitch waved the Innocent’s comments away. Yeah, whatever. You can go back and tell the Boss that I am making progress. Shouldn’t be too long now.


It was like being in her dream all over again. Alf thought back to the moment when her memory had returned, how in her mind’s eye she had seen herself return to the home of her youth. And here she was again, only this time it was not a dream. This time it was for real.

Ace was walking up the path to the door. Nick stood beside Alf looking bemused; they were at the gate at the head of the path. Nick had worn a look of bemusement ever since Alf and Ace had left the hospital. He had said very little, seeming quite content to just go along with the two of them. Alf reached out a hand to Nick’s, and gave it a little squeeze. Nick looked at her, confusion momentarily clouding his eyes, then smiled.

‘Thanks,’ Alf said.

‘What for?’

‘Being here with me at this moment.’ She looked over at Ace, who now stood in the open doorway. Alf had noticed Ace relaxing more during the trip home, as if Ace were getting comfortable with the idea of being around an image of her future. Alf took a deep breath. ‘Let’s do this then.’

Together Alf and Nick walked up the path to the small house in Perivale. Nick was smiling broadly as he entered the house of the McShanes, as if some deep and dark thought was running through his mind.


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