Nick and Bradley returned to the coffee shop. Nick had received a few odd looks from people when he entered, due to his torn jeans. Bradley’s attire also brought about a few curious glances, but once Bradley returned the stares the people soon looked away. Nick ordered two cups of coffee, and the two men sat down to talk. Bradley had loads of questions for Nick, about this reality, however Nick found that he could not answer most of them due to his own lack of knowledge about Earth. The more Nick spoke the more Bradley became enamoured with him. Nick was so like Bradley’s own Nicholas, yet at the same time so unlike him.

Bradley reached a hand across the table and placed it on top of Nick’s hand. ‘I am glad to have met you, Nick.’

Nick removed his hand. ‘Erm, yeah. That’s cool. Glad I met you too, really, after all you’ve fixed my legs.’ Bradley smiled at him, and something about that smile unnerved Nick. He laughed nervously. ‘Thought I’d be stuck with the implants forever, you know. And they never seemed to want to work properly.’

‘That will no longer be a problem.’ Bradley fingered his cup of untouched coffee. ‘There is so much that I want to share with you, Nick.’ He rubbed his sandaled foot against Nick’s leg. His toes touched Nick’s skin, still showing through the torn cloth. ‘So much.’

Nick pulled back sharply and held his hands up. ‘Whoa there!’ People looked up from their conversations. He looked back at Bradley. The dark haired man was watching him, his eyes narrowed. ‘Bradley, don’t get me wrong, I’m glad you restored my legs, really I am. But I’m not that kind of guy, not your sort.’

Bradley raised an eyebrow. ‘My sort?’

‘Yeah, you know, gay. I met your counterpart from this reality, so I knew he was gay. For some reason, though, I thought you weren’t. Being from another reality and all. You’re very different from how Brad was.’


‘Erm.’ Nick went to take a sip of his coffee and realised the cup was empty. ‘Erm...’ He nodded. ‘Yep, was. Cybermen killed Brad in the future. At the same time as I became human.’

The news of Brad’s death did not bother Bradley much, but something else did interest him. ‘You used to be something other than human?’ Nick nodded. ‘That is good. So you know what it is like for me?’

‘Sort of, yeah. I have only been human for a year, but I can’t much remember how I was before. I sometimes get a sense of what I used to be like.’ Nick looked down at his cup. ‘I used to have power beyond anything humans can comprehend, and so much knowledge.’ He laughed softly. ‘I would never have needed implants back then. Nothing could harm me.’

Bradley took hold of Nick’s hand. ‘I understand that. I have a power beyond anything the humans of this world have. Let me share it with you.’

Nick looked Bradley in the eyes. He could feel his human heart beating faster. If Nick said yes he had a feeling that it would be dangerous for him, but if he said no then what? Ever since he had joined the Doctor on Nova Mondas Nick had often wondered what it would be like to have his powers back, to be a god again. As time went by he became used to being human, but inside something was always missing. Being with the Doctor and Falex had filled that gap for a while, but the gap kept on getting bigger. Alf had come along and made Nick a very happy man, but was that really enough? He looked away from Bradley and swallowed hard. Maybe he could have both the power and Alf? He looked back at Bradley.

‘Okay. I’ll let you.’

Bradley stood up. ‘Good. But we need to go elsewhere.’

‘Why? Not as if these humans can do anything about it, is it?’

Bradley smiled. ‘If you insist.’ He dropped to his knees besides Nick. All heads in the cafe turned. Looks of disgust were thrown at the two men, with hisses of “faggots” and “gay freaks” following the looks. Bradley looked away from Nick for a moment and smiled. ‘Don’t go anywhere. We haven’t even started with you yet.’ With that he turned back to Nick and grabbed hold of Nick’s neck. ‘Close your eyes and make a wish!’ he growled.


The place Alf had in mind was away from most public areas. Once they had left White City station they had walked down a long road. As they walked Alf took the opportunity to explain where they were.

‘This is Wood Lane. That building you see over there,’ she pointed to a building across the road to the right of them, ‘is the BBC Television Centre. Where they have made such great programmes like “Blue Peter” and...’

And she continued. Nicholas had no idea what she was talking about, and he was coming to realise that he did not really care. He knew he liked Alf but as they drew nearer to this location of hers, Nicholas’ mind kept on returning to that fateful day with Lady Dorothy. It was like a fuel for an angry fire within him.

They came to a shorter road that veered off to the left. Alf continued to lead the way, talking all the while. Over a wall they went into an area of bushes and grass that was overgrown. There were signs of concrete below the grass. They continued on through bushes until they came to a large run down building.

‘I think it used to be some sort of factory. Shreela tried to convince us that it was used to fix trains. We never quite believed her, though.’

‘Who’s Shreela?’ Nicholas asked, then wished he hadn’t.

Alf smiled. ‘Theses memories are great. Come on.’ She headed towards the old factory and Nicholas followed. ‘Me, Shreela, Manisha, Ange and Flo used to come here on weekends. Got bored of hanging around Perivale, and it was always good to get away from Midge and Stevie.’

Nicholas wondered if Alf’s version of him would have been interested. It was very likely. Alf was a very easy person to like. Nicholas shook his head, and reminded himself of Lady Dorothy and her gift. That woman ahead of me is Lady Dorothy. Look at her. He stared at her back. Physically there were no differences between Alf and Lady Dorothy, and that helped to focus Nicholas’ mind.


Nick yelled out in pain as he felt something sharp pierce his neck. He struggled against Bradley’s grip but it just increased. In the distance he could hear shouts and screams. Even though he knew the shouts were getting nearer Nick could only hear them receding. All sound was being blocked out by a steady thump, thump. It was his human heart, beating faster and faster and faster and...

Nick let out a gasp as his heart stopped.

He expected blackness to follow, but it did not. Instead he opened his eyes. He was lying on the floor in the coffee shop. Everything was bright around him. He glanced around. People were looking at him in awe; others were looking around in shock. Nick slowly got to his feet and saw what the others were looking at. The counter had been brought down under the weight of Bradley’s body. Bradley lay slumped in the broken wood. Nick stepped forward.

‘Leave him. He is so unimportant now.’

Nick turned to look at the owner of the voice. A small blonde haired man in a PVC outfit. Nick knew him, but from where he did not know. ‘Why?’

‘Because we have much more important things to attend to.’

Nick’s head snapped around as Bradley got to his feet. He was glaring at Nick in pure anger, blood dripping from his mouth.

‘How dare you strike me?’ Bradley snarled, and launched himself at Nick.

Nick reached out a hand and grabbed hold of Bradley by the neck. Bradley hung there, unable to fight back. Nick stared at Bradley, seeing through him. ‘You’re Kuang-Shi from Styria,’ Nick said, reading all of Bradley’s thoughts. ‘You know about the Doctor only from your master, the Count. He’s waiting for the Doctor.’ Nick squeezed and Bradley started to gag. ‘You’ve sent the Doctor into a trap.’

‘This is so unimportant!’ snapped the short man in the PVC.

‘Not to me!’ Nick replied with equal force. ‘I must go and help the Doctor.’ He threw Bradley back into the broken counter. ‘And I will do so.’

‘No you will not!’ The small blonde man nodded and both he and Nick vanished.


Nicholas looked around the great big hall they were in. Broken machinery hung overhead, while the floor was littered by sheets of metal, glass, discarded tools and other assorted dusty junk. Alf was looking around with a smile.

‘It’s just as I remember it.’

‘Yes, this place is perfect,’ Nicholas said.

Alf shrugged. ‘Well, not the most romantic place in the world, but it will do.’ She placed the knapsack on the floor and walked over to Nicholas. ‘Have I told you how much I like this short hair?’ She ran a hand through Nicholas’ spiky hair. ‘It really does suit you.’

Nicholas removed Alf’s hand. ‘How nice, Lady Dorothy.’ Alf’s eyebrows creased in concern. Nicholas put a finger to her lips to stop her from speaking. ‘No matter how different you may be here, you are still the same person!’ he snarled. He twisted Alf’s arm and she yelled out.

‘What the hell are you doing?’ Alf struggled, but Nicholas’ grip was tight.

‘It is called revenge. You must have heard of it, my dear.’ Nicholas opened his mouth and Alf stared in horror. His canines extended until they were two long and sharp fangs. ‘I am Nicholas of Kuang-Shi. I believe you would call us vampires!’

He snapped his arm back and Alf found herself heading headfirst towards a steel column. With a sickening crunch she slid to the floor. Nicholas walked over and stood astride her. He reached down and pulled at her long hair, lifting the unconscious woman’s head.

‘Let me teach you about revenge.’


Nick found himself standing in an empty space. There was no colour, no anything. It was as if his body was hanging in nothingness. The blonde haired man was beside him.

‘Where are we?’

‘You don’t remember?’

Nick shook his head. ‘Should I?’

‘Yes. Maybe you need another reminder? For you it has been over a year since you were last here. Although for us it has been a lot longer.’

Realisation began to dawn on Nick. ‘No, it’s not possible.’

The blonde haired man smiled. ‘Oh, it is, you know. I am the Millennium Bitch and this is an aspect of Forum World.’

‘You mean...’

The Bitch raised an eyebrow. ‘Always said you were a little slow.’ He spread his arms out and the space was filled with colour and millions of faces. ‘Behold, the Millennium People!’ The Bitch winked at Nick. ‘Welcome home, Bloke.’

End of Chapter Two

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