Chapter Four

Count Orlock let out a yell of anger as, without warning, the Doctor threw Orlock out of the way. The Count clattered to the floor and the Doctor got to his feet. He wiped the blood from his neck with his scarf.

He advanced on Orlock, then glanced at the big doors behind him. He looked down at Orlock. ‘I’ll be back for you, Count, so don’t go far.’ The Doctor turned and hared his way out of the hall.

The Count rose to his feet and looked at the doors closing behind the Doctor. Clapping echoed around the hall. Orlock turned to see Lady Dorothy emerge from the shadows. ‘How long have you been there?’

‘Long enough,’ she replied. ‘This Doctor is very good, isn’t he?’

The Count did not answer, he just stared at the open doors, his eyes glowing in anger.


‘Something must have happened to you between then and now.’

The words of Count Orlock haunted the Doctor’s thoughts as he made his way through the castle, back towards the cells. He did his best to block out the words but they would not go anywhere. The Doctor did not know why, but something about what the Count had said rang true to him.

He stopped as he came to a corner and reached up for a torch. With the torch in one hand the Doctor turned the corner and came to a stop. Two Kuang-Shi stood outside the cell door. The Doctor smiled grimly, feeling rather sick of vampires.

‘Here, let me light your way.’ He tossed the torch at one of the Kuang-Shi. Instinctively the man reached out to catch it. Within seconds his whole body was burning. The second Kuang-Shi stepped back in alarm then turned to the Doctor. It was too late. The Doctor was next to the Kuang-Shi and, with a sharp shove, pushed the second into the first.

The Doctor rushed passed the burning creatures and unlocked the cell door. Ephan was sitting within. The boy looked up as the door opened. Their eyes met and the Doctor recoiled at the fear he could see coming from Ephan.

‘Ephan, it’s me. Time to get out of here.’

Ephan shook his head. ‘You are one of them.’

The Doctor shook his head. ‘No. I was just pretending.’ He showed Ephan his neck. ‘Look, Orlock has attacked me since then. We really don’t get on.’ He reached out a hand. ‘Come on, before Orlock sends more Kuang-Shi after us.’

Ephan was still unsure. The Doctor smiled encouragingly. Ephan let out a breath of air and stood up.


They had left the castle without incident and made their way to Ephan’s home village. People in flimsy clothing watched them as they entered through the village walls. Some looked at the Doctor in fear, but upon seeing his neck wound they soon smiled in understanding. Ephan walked beside the Doctor; the boy walked with much confidence.

A small group of people looked up from the labour. Ephan smiled, and the people parted, allowing an older man to walk through them. His body was filthy and scarred, and he wore nothing but a piece of cloth to cover his modesty. He walked up to Ephan, his lower lip quivering in emotion.

‘Ephan?’ The old man reached out and touched the boy. ‘Ephan! Oh, my son, I thought I had lost you forever.’ Ephan’s father fell to his knees and took his son in his arms.

The Doctor stood in silence, watching the reunion between father and son. The old man looked up at the Doctor and smiled.

‘You rescued my son?’

The Doctor nodded, but before he could speak Ephan butted in.

‘He has killed many Kuang-Shi. I have seen him. And he has survived an attack from the Count.’ Ephan indicated the Doctor’s neck. ‘Look!’

People began to mill about them, looking at the Doctor in awe. Ephan’s father got to his feet and smiled at the Doctor, his eyes beaming. ‘I am Jayms, and you have done me a great honour. But is what my son says true?’

The Doctor nodded. ‘It is indeed.’

‘Then that is good news.’ Jayms clapped his hands and villagers gathered around. He raised his voice. ‘This man has killed many Kuang-Shi. He will lead us to freedom!’

The Doctor blinked in surprise. Just like his son Jayms had jumped the gun a little. ‘No, wait, I would love to stay and help, but I have friends that need me.’

Ephan shook his head, his eyes narrowed. ‘No, Doctor you must stay. We need a good leader, remember?’

Jayms put an arm around Ephan. ‘My son speaks the truth. You cannot leave. You must help us.’

The Doctor looked around at the awe inspired faces. He sighed, knowing full well that he could not leave them to the mercy of the Kuang-Shi. The Count would soon strike back, and if the Doctor was not there, then the blood of many people would be on his hands.

‘Okay,’ the Doctor said with more than a note of resignation in his voice. ‘Looks like I am stuck here for a while.’

Before Ephan turned back to his father the Doctor did not fail to notice the look in the boy’s eyes. Selfish and cold. The Doctor sighed, a little part of him realising that it might have been best to leave Ephan in the cell. He rubbed his eyes, alarmed at that idea. He had spent too long being inactive after his last regeneration. Such ponderings brought to his mind an image of the dead Brad cradled in his arms.

He had let one companion down during this life, he did not intend to make it another. Nick and Alf would need his help, and soon. The Doctor just hoped he could help the people of Larkhowl and find the portal again, and quickly.


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