The faces of the Millennium People continued to float around him. They would often merge and become one, at other times they would float in and out of each other, becoming indistinct. Nick blinked away the fuzzy vision he was getting.

‘Snap out of it, Bloke!’ the Bitch said.

Nick looked at his antagonist. ‘You know, it’s funny. Part of me has wanted to return to the Forum for a long time now, and what happens? I get my wish. Only out of all the Millennium People I get you!’ He stabbed a finger at the Bitch and the small man flew back, through the long face of the Innocent. Nick looked down at his finger. ‘Wow.’

The Bitch got to his feet and brushed his PVC outfit down. ‘Oh look who is re-discovering his powers.’

Nick smiled. ‘Yep, that’s right.’ He frowned and shook his head. ‘No, I can’t stay here. I must help the Doctor.’

‘Why?’ the Bitch prompted. ‘He’s only a mortal. Unimportant.’

Nick stormed over to the Bitch. ‘I’ve told you before, not to me he isn’t.’

The Bitch threw his hands in the air. ‘Oh, why oh why do we need him back?’ he shouted at the faces.

‘Because the Boss wants him home.’

Nick turned to look at the owner of the soft voice. Hovering on a cloud behind him was a pretty young lady with long flowing auburn hair. She smiled at Nick and he could not help but smile back. Nick recognised her immediately. The Goddess of Dreamers. She sat on the cloud with her legs crossed, wearing a loose fitting white linen dress. Daisies were arranged in her hair like a crown. She stretched out a hand to Nick.

‘Welcome home indeed, Nick.’

‘You used my real name.’ Nick stepped forward and kissed her hand.

Still smiling, the Goddess of Dreamers nodded. ‘Your chosen name you mean. But I shall call you it for now, to help save the confusion. Until your body has re-acquainted itself with its true nature there will be more than enough confusion for you.’ She looked over at the Bitch and scowled. ‘I knew you were the wrong person to bring the Bloke home. Go now, the Boss wants to see you.’

The Bitch stamped his foot. ‘Well maybe I don’t...’

The Goddess of Dreamers waved him away and he vanished in a puff of illogic. She turned back to Nick. ‘One of our most recent Forum Initiates getting ahead of themselves,’ she explained. Her cloud lowered to the ground and she got to her feet. ‘How are you feeling, Nick?’

Nick rubbed his head. ‘Light-headed. As if I am going to pass out.’

‘Yes, unfortunately your body has been human for too long, it has gotten used to being so. It cannot cope with being back on Forum World.’ She waved a hand in front of Nick’s eyes. ‘You need to sleep before your mind goes catatonic.’

Nick felt his eye lids begin to close. He willed them to stay open. ‘No, I need to help the Doctor.’

As he drifted off he could hear the Goddess of Dreamers speaking. ‘You will get the choice later, but first your body must be ready.’


Alf’s head lolled to once side, her eyes closed, her breathing uneven. Nicholas stood watching, licking the blood off the screwdriver. Just cutting her cheek had not been enough for Nicholas, he had wanted to make her pay the way she had made him pay. So he had used the end of the screwdriver to dig deeper into her cheek, making sure that it would be scarred forever. It was only a matter of time before the human body would pass out, but Alf had lasted longer than most humans he knew. She had a very high pain threshold. Nicholas had every intention of letting her go but not before he inflicted so much pain on her that she would never forget it.

He dropped the screwdriver on the floor and paced over to Alf’s sleeping form. He reached out and rubbed a finger into her open cheek. He smiled as she squirmed. Even in her sleep she could feel the pain.

He looked at the large windows and the darkness beyond. Night had fallen and the factory had become very dark with it. But darkness was not an issue for the eyes of a Kuang-Shi. Indeed, darkness was their preferred hunting ground.

Nicholas turned away from Alf and walked towards the exit. He stopped on the threshold and glanced back. ‘I will be back for you,’ he whispered, and walked out of the building into the night.

A few minutes passed. Slowly Alf opened her eyes once she was sure that he had gone. ‘Bastard,’ she muttered, feeling the intense pain throbbing across her cheek.

Alf knew that she had only one chance to get free of her bonds. And that was now.

Slowly she moved her broken shoulder, now almost out of its socket. She bit her lip, trying her best to ignore the pain, as she started to move her wrists. Slowly the bonds began to slip down towards her hands.


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