08 MAY 2003
    As well as the anniversary story The Dommervoy Masterplan, November sees the start of another two events to celebrate the 40th Anniversary of Doctor Who. On this site, a serialisation of the unpublished 1997 novel, Vrarg Vnutry, will begin. This novel details the events that led to the creation of Doctor Who: The Legacy, and will be painstakingly copied by Andie Frankham (word for word) from his original manuscript. Also coming in November will be the launch of a companion site to this one, Legacy: CyberEmpire, which continues the story of the Cybermen following their crushing defeat at the hands of the Galactic Federation in season two.

14 APRIL 2003

    The revamp of The Legacy site continues and we are pleased to announce that Seasons 1 and 3 now boast completely new page designs and navigation, making it easier for readers to find their way around.

    Season 2 already has a new index page design and work will now begin on the individual episode pages and their reviews. The overhaul of Season 1-3 will be completed by the beginning of June.

14 APRIL 2003
    With only three months to go until the start of Season 4, the behind-the-scenes team have been making last minute changes and tweaks to the story line up.

    Due to time limitations, the third story of the season, Daniel Worsley's The Shadow of the Cybermen has had to be put on hold. However, we are delighted to announce Julio Angel Ortiz, respected fan fiction writer and co-editor of the renowned Doctor Who Project has stepped into the breach with a tale entitled Winter Light.

    The cover and blurb for this new story are now up on the Season 4 index page along with those for Time and The Doctor by Andie Frankham and Greg Miller and Furies From the Deep by Richard Dinnick. All three covers have been designed by Phillip Madeley. "Phillip has once more done us proud with these covers," Frankham commented. "The covers and blurbs shall be going online in groups of threes, in line with the release schedule."

    We can also reveal that there has also been a change for the Season finale. Replacing Day of the Cybrids will be a new Andie Frankham-penned story, the title of which Frankham is keeping under wraps until next year. This story will still bring to a close the trilogy started in The Granddaughter Dilemma (by Greg Miller) and continued in Time Quake (by Richard Dinnick), but in a completely new – and radical way. “I feel quitely confident about this story,” said Frankham. “The reception about the new story has been a little luke-warm, but for me that is more of a challenge than anything. So, watch this space!”

    So the new running order (subject to change – as ever) looks like this:

    Time and The Doctor
    by Andie J. P. Frankham & Greg Miller

    Furies From the Deep
    by Richard Dinnick

    Winter Light
    by Julio Angel Ortiz

    The Dommervoy Masterplan
    by Andie J. P. Frankham & Richard Dinnick

    Millennium Gate
    by Sally Wiget & Elizabeth Medeiros

    The Soap of Fatal Death
    by Simon Hart

    by Richard Beeby & Greg Miller

    An Unearthly Life
    by Andrew Orton

    Revolution of the Daleks
    by Adam Perks

    The Granddaughter Dilemma
    by Greg Miller

    by Richard Dinnick

    Title Undisclosed
    by Andie J. P. Frankham

    You can discuss these developments and catch up with the authors on the forum.

19 FEBRUARY 2003
    Andie Frankham and Richard Dinnick have begun a mass revamp of The Legacy site. Looks out for changes over the next few months, coming to all seasons.

    The writing of various season four stories continues apace with Richard Dinnick’s two solo efforts now having titles. The first is Furies From The Deep and will be what Dinnick describes as “a more metaphysical story than Tiger’s Eye”. His second will be story #11 (and part two of the end of season trilogy) entitled Time Quake - “a much more traditional story with rip-roaring adventures through time and space”.

    The Trilogy is now taking clearer shape and The Legacy news page can exclusively reveal that there will be several guest appearances in the three stories, although Messrs Frankham, Miller and Dinnick are remaining tight lipped as to who or what these appearances entail. Stay tuned for more revelations as they occur.

    Perhps the biggest news is that the much-touted Anniversary story has had its title confirmed today as The Dommervoy Masterplan, which Frankham describes as “saying it all really”!

    This completes the list of titles for the fourth season, which runs as follows:

    Time and The Doctor
    by Andie J. P. Frankham & Greg Miller

    Furies From the Deep
    by Richard Dinnick

    The Shadow of the Cybermen
    by Daniel Worsley

    An Unearthly Life
    by Andrew Orton

    The Dommervoy Masterplan
    by Andie J. P. Frankham & Richard Dinnick

    Millennium Gate (provisional)
    by Sally Wiget & Elizabeth Medeiros

    The Soap of Fatal Death
    by Simon Hart

    by Richard Beeby & Greg Miller

    Revolution of the Daleks
    by Adam Perks

    The Granddaughter Dilemma
    by Greg Miller

    Time Quake
    by Richard Dinnick

    Day of the Cybrids
    by Andie J. P. Frankham

    Finally, Frankham has also confirmed that all Season 4 stories will have Big Finish style covers provided by the talented Philip Madeley. "We're thrilled to have Philip back on board for Season4," commented Frankham. "His fantastic artwork really complements the professional level of writing we have achieved." Rumour has it that the first two covers have already been designed; although Frankahm will not be drawn on which stories have received the Madeley treatment so far.

    Why not discuss the news on the forum?

01 FEBRUARY 2003
    Andrew Orton's final review for season three is now online, with his season overview forthcoming. The Legacy creator, Andie Frankham, has recently been interviewed for "Planet Skaro" by Paul Clement - at this time we was unaware of when the interview goes online, but as soon as we know we shall inform you. The writing of various season four stories is well underway, including some intense planning sessions for the end of season trilogy by Miller, Dinnick and Frankham. Latest news is that the trilogy will begin with Greg Miller's The Granddaughter Dilemma followed by Richard Dinnick's currently untitled story. The season (and the trilogy) will be wrapped up with Andie Frankham's Day of the Cybermen. Keep checking back for further updates, and various new articles.

25 JANUARY 2003
    While the Doctor and Alf are trapped in a church full of Kuang-Shi, desperate to help the innocent people there, Nick has been attacked by the Kuang-Shi God, Ashgotoroth... Now read on for the shocking conclusion to the third season of Doctor Who: The Legacy!

18 JANUARY 2003
    The Doctor and Alf head off in search of Nick, which leads them to a very familiar place. Nick, on the other hand, wakes up to a familiar face!

15 JANUARY 2003
    News has leaked about the new Doctor who takes over in season four. We are pleased to confirm that taking over from Brian Blessed is "Buffy The Vampire Slayer" star ANTHONY STEWART HEAD! He says; "I am still quite thrilled about being in 'Doctor Who'. Going from a big role in one cult TV show to THE biggest role in the BIGGEST cult TV show is quite a feat." When asked whether he is a bit of a 'Doctor Who' fan, ASH replied: " Oh yeah. Most English people are. Doctor Who touched most of our childhoods, in one way or another. Not that it hasn't with Americans at all, but there are elements of watching the space ships that look like plastic liquid bottles, flying through black velvet space – that has deep, psychological, scarring issues on your childhood! No, they did actually come up with some extremely good villains, a few, and it was always kind of laudable for its imagination. It was pretty way out there. When I first started watching it, it was way out there. They sort of managed not to screw it up." ASH has all ready been in one story of 'Doctor Who: The Legacy', season three's Ruins of Self. Of that story ASH says; 'It was, in a way, my audition for the part. Once filming on Ruins of Self had finished I knew I was going to be the next Doctor. Of course I was not allowed to tell anyone. But I am now.' Filming has began on his first story, titled Time and The Doctor, to be aired online 06 July 2003.

    The season opener is now called Time and The Doctor, which initiates the season gimmick. "Being anniversary year I thought it would be quite fun if all the story titles were a play on TV or Big Finish titles. As a result we have had some interesting titles come up." Also confirmed are The Shadow of the Cybermen (a play on "The Shadow of the Scourge") by Daniel Worsley, The Soap of Fatal Death, ("The Curse of Fatal Death") by Simon Hart, An Unearhtly Life ("An Unearthly Child") by Andrew Orton, and Revolution of the Daleks (which continues the "R" Daleks stories from the 1980s) by Adam Perks. Season four ends with a linked trilogy written by Richard Dinnick, Greg Miller, and Andie Frankham. Broken Circle ("Full Circle") by Dinnick returns to the schedule as the first part of the trilogy, followed by Miller's provisionally titled The Granddaughter Dilemma ("The Twin Dilemma"), bringing the season to a close with Frankham's Blacktide ("Bloodtide")!

    To allow for behind the scenes work, the season will be broken in to three sections. Section one runs from July to December 2003 with stories #1 to #6; section two runs from February 2004 to May 2004 with stories #7 to #10; and the third and final section runs from July 2004 to September 2004 with the "Seasons of Time" trilogy.

    The official season four reviewer can now be confirmed; Elizabeth Medeiros, best known as Betty (co-author of season three's Ruins of Self, part the second and set to co-author a season four story with Sally Wiget). Betty is in preperation for what she describes as a "mammoth task". Andrew Orton will return to review Betty and Sally's season four story, however. To help the reivews remain impartial, Betty had been denied access to any season information that involves stories set after her own (story #4).

    Seasons one to three are being put onto one page for easier access. Although the page is not yet complete (we are still waiting on the banner from Phillip Madeley, and some links need to be fixed) the "Season Archives" page can now be viewed.

    Work has began on compiling "The Legacy A-Z", a list that details all the characters, key events, key techonologies and places from seasons one to three. Helping Andie in this task are Greg Miller, Andrew Orton and Richard Dinnick. It is hoped that it will be online soon with the A-Z of season one - Andie confirms "I am up to story six of season one, and boy, is there a lot of stuff. Never realised how much has happened since the Master first shot the Third Doctor!".

11 JANUARY 2003
    Unhappy Ending begins today, the first collaboration between producer Greg Miller and executive producer Andie Frankham, and the final story of the season. For the first time ever in "Who" history two companions wed 'onscreen'. This story also promises to see the return of an old villian!

05 JANUARY 2003
    After a slight delay, Andrew Orton is now bang up to date with his reviews. Online for your pleasure are all three reviews of Echoes of the Protii!

04 JANUARY 2003
    The guidelines for the fourth season have been sent out, which means that the preperations for season four are now underway. As a forerunner, the season three finale which begins next week introduces the new companion. The season four line-up has been confirmed with the exception of only one author who is stil provissional.
    The final part of Echoes of the Protii is now online. Also online is Andrew Orton's review of Tiger's Eye chapter four - his reviews for Echoes... will be online soon!

28 DECEMBER 2002
    The yultide season continues this week with chapter two of Echoes of the Protii.

21 DECEMBER 2002
    The first of a new three-part story, as Si Hunt & Simon Hart bring us the seasonally fun episode, Echoes of the Protii.

17 DECEMBER 2002
    Chapter four of Tiger's Eye is now online - the final chapter of this four part story. Also online is the blurb for the next story in the season, Echoes of the Protii, which begins on Saturday, December 21.

16 DECEMBER 2002
    Steve Emmerson, author of "Casualties of War" and "Dark Progeny" has provisionally agreed to join the writing team for season four. Unfortunately neither Craig Hinton nor Gary Gillat are able to offer up their time, however there are a further two authors yet to respond.
    Due to moving house, Richard Dinnick's final chapter of Tiger's Eye was delayed in reaching the editor. It is hoped that the chapter will be online by the end of tomorrow - tuesday 17th! In related news, Dinnick's season four story, Broken Circle, has been removed from the schedule in favour of another story that Dinnick is writing - to be second in the season run down.

13 December 2002
    Andie Frankham has approached several professional "Doctor Who" authors about writing for the upcoming fourth season. Frankham says: "No names can be confirmed yet, but I am quietly hopeful." More news as and when we get it.

9 December 2002
    andrew orton's review for Tiger's Eye chapter three is now available to read online...

7 December 2002
    Questions are answered, as the Doctor recieves a revelation or two, Alf encounters her own troubles and Nick becomes less of a man, in the third part of a four part adventure!

4 December 2002
    Daniel Worsley, Adam Perks, Sally Wiget and Elizabeth Medeiros have been confirmed for season four. The boys are bringing with them the return of the Doctor's worst enemies. Worsley story will be "The Shadow of the Cybermen", and Perks' story will be "Redemption of the Daleks". We can also confirm several titles for season four: The season opener by Frankham & Miller is "The Liquid Time Monster", Hart & Hunt's story is entitled "The Soap of Fatal Death", Dinnick's solo story is "Broken Circle", while Frankham has confirmed that his season finale is going to be "1109".

3 December 2002
    andrew orton's review for "Tiger's Eye" chapter two is now online. Also online today are the banners for "Echoes of the Protii" designed by Si Hunt.
    Plans for the anniversary year continue to gather speed as Andie Frankham and Greg Miller begin to cast their eyes over potential authors for season four. As well as the writers all ready confirmed, names being considered are; Daniel Worsley, Adam Perks, andrew orton, Sally Wiget, Betty Medeiros and Phillip Madeley. It is hoped that two more women will be joining the team - more news on that when we have it.

1 December 2002
    As reported yesterday, Phillip Madeley has set up someone to design the cover for "Echoes of the Protii" while he takes time off for personal reasons. "The Legacy News" is happy to announce the temporary cover designer is non other than one half of the writing team responsible for "Echoes of the Protii" - Si Hunt! To see the full size cover, click on the thumbnail to the left.
    It is that time of the year when real life intervenes. This time for our official reviewer, andrew orton. His review of "Tiger's Eye" Chapter Two will be delayed for a couple of days while college work takes first place.

30 November 2002
    Events gather pace on Yahanis while the Doctor, Nick and Alf face trouble from all corners.
    Due to personal committments, Phillip Madeley will not be able to design the cover for "Echoes of the Protii". Phillip says; "I'm sorry not to be able to do this next cover, but I do have someone special up my sleeve to take over for Si and Simon's novella". We'll keep you posted.

26 November 2002
    Brian Blessed has revealed today that season three shall be his final outting as The Doctor. After three years of playing a very different Doctor, Brian Blessed has decided it is time to move on and open himself up to other commitments. In this surprise announcement Blessed says; "It has been a joy to be able to bring my own unique stamp on to such a successful show. I just hope it can go on as well without my larger than life personality!"

    The producers have confirmed that they have a new actor all set to take over in season four, although they will not state Who it is going to be. Rumours are beginning to circulate about Anthony Stewart Head who portrayed a future Doctor in the present season's "Ruins of Self". When asked, Head's only reply was; "I couldn't possibly comment." Other names being thrown about are such actors as Richard O'Brien, Ian Richardson, Alan Rickman and Lenny Henry.
    News has reached us that season four will see the introduction of a new companion. Both the role and the actor has been cast, although as usual the producers are keeping tight lipped about who it is. One thing the producers have been keen to stress is; "The new companion will make a cameo appearance in the season three finale, as to who it is, well let the readers work that out." When asked if this means that we will be seeing the last of the present companions Nick and Alf the producers stated; "Who knows? Maybe, then again maybe not. The TARDIS is certainly big enough for more than two companions."
    The creative team behind "The Legacy" have all ready began planning how to celebrate the 40th Anniverary of "Doctor Who" next year. In some respects season four will be one big celebration, according to line producer Andie Frankham. To help with the fourth season, Frankham and Greg Miller are joined by Richard Dinnick, who comes aboard as Creative Consultant. Several stories have all ready been confirmed - the season opener will be penned by Frankham & Miller, while the Simons, Hunt and Hart, will return with what Simon Hart calls "the most fun to be had in the 3a Universe". Dinnick will be writing a special story that draws inspiration from "Back to the Future, part II", while Frankham and Dinnick will be working on the actual anniverary story presently entitled "Ruby Nemesis", "just don't expect to see Nemesis in the story" says Frankham. One other story has been confirmed and that sees Miller teaming up with Richard Beeby. Several other writers have been asked to submit ideas, with "some pretty interesting results", according to Frankham.