CODE: S2/S12
Episode Twelve
Mark Turner

The Planet of Mud

The ship listed backward violently throwing Captain Forbes into the front row of chairs and Nick into the rear wall. The other passengers were all seated and only yelped at the sudden movement. Both Captain Forbes and Nick recovered themselves and headed for the cockpit.

The view out of the cockpit screen had become distorted. The ground was at a slight angle and several metres higher than it should have been. Forbes was in his seat at the front of the small console. The cockpit was big enough for two people, one behind the other, and Nick stood by the Navigator’s post.

“What’s happening?” Nick asked.

“We are sinking!”

Captain Forbes worked the console in front of him quickly and with precision. He pressed an intercom and called for Chip to get up to the Bridge.

“Your name’s Nick Geezer, isn’t it?” Forbes asked the man standing behind him.

“Yes. But you can just call me Nick.”

“I need someone to calm the passengers and act as liaison. Chip and I have a lot of work to do here and Freya won’t be able to handle it. I have jury-rigged the nav-com to locate our precise position.” He flicked a switch and a stellar map popped up on the view-screen. “I think we are here, JS-439. There’s no indigenous life but this moon has high density of water, which means we are sinking into the planetoid.”

“How far will we sink?” Nick asked alarmed.

“Not a lot by my reckoning.” Forbes read from a smaller scanner. “During the day the mud melts, but at night it freezes. The sun is setting now so it should take a while for us to stop moving. I have closed all the access hatches and external ports so the ship shouldn’t get any back flow of mud inside at all. We should just be under the surface of the mud so we will remain stable until sunrise.”

“Why can’t we start the engines?”

“Not enough power. I can only run two systems at a time. Life Support is going down slowly. It will need to anyway because if we’re running hot we will keep sinking. It will be getting cold quickly out there. And in here.”

“So, what you’re saying is we are sinking in a sea of mud that will freeze overnight, and kill us. And if that doesn’t finish us off we’ll sink further below the surface during the day cutting off any hopes of escape.”


“Arse!” Nick rubbed his eyes “We need an escape plan then.”

“Short-range scanners will be operational soon so I’ll try to map our position on the moon and locate where there is a safe place for us out there.”

Chip entered the room behind Nick and squeezed into the seat by the nav-com.

“We are sinking in frozen mud, Chip, and we need to get out within the next few hours.” Forbes said. “Any ideas?”

“Jettison pods?” Chip suggested. “Give me a minute, I’ll think of something.” He got up and left the bridge.

This was Nick’s first glimpse of Chip. He was an Alpha from the Thoros system, a heavyset black-skinned man in green overalls.

“Anything else?” Nick asked.

“Try and keep everyone busy.”


Everyone was making their way back to the Lounge dressed in their clothes and carrying their duvets and personal items. Gil was carrying a huge holdall of stock he was planning to offload at Delta Prime. Nick was thinking of his new position and what he was going to say to the other passengers - people he could not really give a stuff about. His mind was also battling his fatigue and how they could escape this prison. He was brought back to the real world when Chip raced into the Lounge and fell over Gil’s bag. Gil’s face turned from indignation to horror when Chip began blathering.

“Vaughn is dead!” Everyone’s attention was now focused on Chip.

“He is in the escape pod with a… a…” The words choked in Chip’s throat, his face contorting into a mask of fear and shock. “… A knife in his chest.” He began sobbing.

Nick beaconed Freya to come and comfort him. She wrapped a blanket around him and helped him into a booth. Nick got up and joined Vlaash at the door. Nasir arrived with his arms laden and decided to follow the two when he saw the state of the engineer.


The ship was more or less horizontal now as it settled in the mud and the three made their way down the corridor to a circular panel. Its doorway was half open and, peering in, Nick and Vlaash could see a black handled knife embedded in the chest of a blue shirted man. There was a dark stain surrounding the object and a masque of death on his face. Vaughn had died painfully.

As Nick reached for the knife, Vlaash warned him from touching it.

“A poisoned blade has killed this man.”

“How do you know it was poisoned?” Nick asked, slightly stunned at the scene.

“The blood around the knife has congealed around the blade very quickly. Also the handle of the knife is black. It is reminiscent of a weapon used by the members of the Guild of Assassins. Touch that blade and it will detonate.”


“Have you checked for other booby traps?” Del Nasir added making the two turn sharply. They were unaware of his presence.

Vlaash agreed. “If the pods were the only escape from here, then it would make sense to suppose that they have been tampered with.”

Nick checked the systems and the log records, while Nasir checked the interface pad outside the pod. The pods doors slammed shut locking the two in with the corpse. Before the shock of the predicament could set in the doors opened again as quickly as they had closed.

“The ejection system is faulty,” Nasir declared.

“Tosser!” Nick pulled himself out of the pod and drew himself up to his full height, which was a couple of inches taller than Nasir. “What do you think you’re playing at?”

Nasir rolled his eyes and faced the blonde man in front of him.

Vlaash intervened. “I think it would be wise if we placed this corpse in the cabin allocated to this person, but we must not touch the hilt of the knife.”

“Why don’t we just seal the pod and leave the corpse in there?” Del Nasir wondered.

Nick looked incredulous. “How can you say that? This bloke was a friend of yours and he’s dead! You are showing no remorse for that man, unless… you killed him.”

“I did not know that man, or kill him!” Nasir replied with scorn in his voice.

“Yes you did. You were chatting to him last night in the corridor!” A large green hand landed on Nick’s shoulder with an audible ‘whump!’

“Nick, we need to keep calm. Remember Falex. It has not been decided how we are going to leave this vessel yet. Let’s keep all options open to us.”

Nick backed down. The two men and the Martian managed to pull the body out of the pod and, between them, carry it to the cabin once occupied by the dead man. As they left, Nick noticed Nasir hesitate in the cabin before finally deciding to leave. He was such a liar!


The people in the Lounge were now making themselves as comfortable as they could, in preparation for the oncoming cold. Captain Forbes had told his passengers about their plight in the freezing mud and that daylight was seven hours away. The captain’s breath was already becoming visible. Falex also tested his breath. It, too, could be seen.

In support of the captain, Nick advised everyone as calmly as he could about the death of Mr Vaughn. The manner in which he died was not revealed. He scanned every person in front of him. His voice was stern.

“I suggest we all pair up. I’m sure the person will not want to play their hand too quickly. After all, we could all end up all as stiff as a board in this tin can and never make it back to the civilisation. We’ve all got lives to get on with, money to make, jobs to do. We can help each other and save ourselves.”

Nick noticed Forbes was more uncomfortable with the word ‘money’ than anyone, especially Gil. He was nodding thoughtfully, clutching his bag. There were several sideways glances between the others. Except the Qux. He never made eye contact with anyone. He had very severe features and a huge balding head. One look from him, Nick thought, would be enough to kill anyone.

“A good idea. That’ll stop us from being lonely.” Nick ignored Nasir’s sarcastic jibe.

“Falex,” Nick called, “keep an eye on Freya. Vlaash, watch Chip.” Chip was looking a lot better. Nick continued, “Nasir, pair up with Gil.”

He gulped. The Qux’s eyes were boring into Nick. The Qux and Captain Forbes were the only other people, like himself, who had no partner. He could not lose face now that he was telling people what to do. He gulped again. Hard. “You’re with me.” He motioned to the Qux. “Captain, it seems you are the loner. I’m sure everyone,” he motioned to all in the room, “will keep an eye on you.”

There were mumbles between the group but they were suddenly hushed. The Qux stood up, cloak billowing, straight as a rod. His eyes left Nick and slowly scanned the room putting a chill up everybody’s spines. He began speaking in a low, rumbling voice, “How will we escape?”

Nick looked at the captain. Then at Vlaash. Then the rest of the group. “Anybody got a clue?”

“How about shooting one of the escape pods to the surface? That would create a shaft,” Chip offered.

“All the pods have been tampered with,” Vlaash replied but then asked, “do we have something we can use to drill or bore to the surface?”

There was a low negative murmur from the staff.

“Explosives?” Falex offered.

“No, Falex.” Nick rolled his eyes.

“We have a laser lance,” Freya offered, “we could melt our way out.”

Nick looked at the captain again. Forbes’ eyes looked sullen. He nodded slowly. “Break it out, Chip.”

The words seemed to enthuse everyone into action. Forbes watched Chip and Vlaash head for the door, then called, “If there’s any movement of the ship we’ll have to come up with another idea.”

“We’ll take it in turns, in pairs, to begin cutting.” Nick was heading for the door until a word stopped him in his tracks.

“Nick!” It was the Qux. Nick turned to face him.

“Let’s go and check the airlock,” Nick called across the room. The Qux followed.

As Forbes disappeared into the cockpit the others started moving the blankets and parkas.


Over the following hours the laser lance was set up in front of the opened airlock. A small trace of slurry ran into the hallway and dispersed itself into the carpet. Vlaash and Chip were the first ones to take charge of ‘digging’ for freedom. The laser arcing into the ice wall in front of them, sending a plume of steam rolling along the corridors ceiling. Nick and the Qux assisted where necessary. All the time he was thinking about the Sword of Tuburr still stored in their cabin.

Nick kept mentally kicking himself. The Qux was telepathic. Nick made a conscious effort not to look at him, either. He also realised he had been responsible for splitting himself from his travelling companions and so leaving the fate of the Sword to its own peril. Nick also realised that if the yacht had a laser lance on board why hadn’t Forbes suggested the use of its power pack to fly the ship away from this god-forsaken hole? This had made Nick’s mind up. He started heading for the bridge, alone.

“Hey!” He was called back by Chip. “Don’t forget your little friend.” The Qux seemed to hover after him.

The two walked in silence for a while until the Qux began to speak. “I sense you are concerned about being paired with me.” It was not a question but a statement. Nick looked at the Qux, in the face, for the first time.

“I am worried about Falex.”

“Your … ward.”

“My family.” Nick confirmed, even though it was not strictly true.

“Yet you fear me.”

“Fear of the unknown. I have met very few of your species before.” Nick neglected to add the circumstances of that meeting.

“Nor I yours.”

Nick stopped. It was purely a visual thing and he knew it. This Qux had severe features made of death coloured flesh. His torso was mummified in leather from neck to wrist, to boot. This was covered by a dark billowing cloak.

“Can you read my thoughts?” Nick asked.

“If I put my mind to it. I am trying to protect my senses from you all. You’re emitting strong emotions.”

They began walking again. Nick felt a small tingle of relief, but that nagging doubt that the Qux could be trying to lure him into a false sense of security. They entered the Lounge.

The chairs in the centre of the room were now covered with the blankets and looking more like an igloo or den. It took Nick a second to realise that people formed part of this mass. Falex was poking his nose out. Freya was dozing next to him.

“Stay here. I need to speak to Forbes.” Nick motioned the Qux to remain in the Lounge. The door was open and Nick stepped in shutting the door behind him. As he sat down he realised Forbes was wiping his face. It looked like he had been crying.

“Forbes. Have you got anything to tell me?”

“What is there to tell? I have just killed my passenger list, crew and family.”

Nick tried to add the pieces together. Forbes turned himself in his seat to face Nick.

“The laser lance was contraband on its way to some businessmen on Delta Prime. This was supposed to be payment for another job I messed up for them.” Forbes began sniffing again. “These men are looking after my wife and son.”

“Hence the reason for not using the power pack to support ships power supply.” Nick nodded, understanding coming to him.

“I did think about it, but what’s the point? We’re all going to die.”

“No mate. Not us. There’s nothing else to loose.” Nick tried to remain calm with images of Galactic Peace and the Sword of Tuburr in his mind.

There was a call from the lounge. “Nick!”

As Nick got up to leave Forbes stopped him. “How was Vaughn killed?”

Nick paused for a moment, weighing up whether to tell him or not…

Nick watched Vlaash and Chip enter the lounge from the other side. “The steam is warming up the ship.” Vlaash told him. Nick could see the condensation beginning to form on the walls of the lounge. The huddle in the centre of the room began to stir.

“Options, anyone?” Nick called. Everyone looked blank, as expected.

“Captain, can we open any vents to get rid of the steam?”

The flustered man began switching buttons on the console in front of him. “I think,” he began testing his theory before finishing his sentence. “If we open the air vents,” he slammed one of the controls with the palm of his hand; “we can direct the steam into the environmental systems. And by locking off the rooms we don’t use we can use them as a container for the water. Hopefully the environmental system will cool the condensation down further. There.”

There was a clunk as vents opened and unused rooms were locked.

“Well that’s the luggage gone!” Nick mumbled.


Hours passed and the pairs swapped at regular intervals taking on the laborious drilling. The ship had not moved for ages, but everyone was becoming cold and tired. Word had reached Nick and the Qux, who were on the drill, that the sun was coming up. Nick was surprised at the progress of the shaft. Outside the airlock a huge tunnel was now reaching diagonally upwards. The walls were brown ice and shiny from the condensation. The drill was now at the entrance and pointing up. Nick’s hands were beginning to suffer from frostbite from sitting at the controls of the lance as the steam billowed in and into the ducts nearby.

His mind was racing, a detachment from reality, planning how he was going to get the Sword from the cabin. In fact he still did not know which cabin the Sword was in. He hoped Vlaash, or Falex, had a plan to retrieve it. The assassin had not shown his hand again, thank the Forum! All this two-faced stuff was getting out of hand. He was no leader. Why was everyone looking at him to save them when Forbes was now taking a back seat? Maybe this Galactic Peace business was taking him over.

Another two hours passed and the shaft had been extended further. Nick had noticed that the walls of their exit were trickling and beginning to crack. The Sun must be getting quite high and melting the ice around the ship.

Nick’s thoughts were suddenly jarred back to reality when the laser broke through top of the ice revealing light. Nick gave a huge cheer as he stood up and raced for the Lounge. The Qux turned the laser off and headed for the shaft. Although slippery the Qux was able to climb steadily to the top and punch out the rest of the ice. He was free!

Nick’s shouts roused the slumbering mass of blankets in the centre of the room and everyone began grabbing emergency satchels and parkas, as planned, and made their way quickly to the airlock.

“We have to hurry, everyone. The ice is beginning to melt and we have to be careful the shaft doesn’t collapse on us. Vlaash!” Nick called. Vlaash was ready, with a satchel across his shoulder and Falex holding his hand. “Where’s ‘the luggage’?”

“Under your bed.”

Freya interrupted them with a worried look on her face and addressed Nick. “You have to help the Captain. I’m worried about him.”

Nick was worrying too. They had to get out. There wasn’t much time left and they had to get the Sword. He looked straight into her eyes. She was very worried. Getting out of here seemed the least of her worries.

“I’ll have a quick word,” Nick offered. “You get to the surface, and take Falex; we don’t have much time. Vlaash, get to the cabin.” They went their separate ways.


In the cockpit, Forbes was cradling a small weapon. Nick’s entrance did not stir the captain. Nick bent over him and took the gun from him with one hand. It was an ancient Earth weapon, a revolver. It was a projectile weapon that fired lumps of metal at high speed.

“It doesn’t have to end this way.” Nick tried to reassure Forbes. “I have a friend who can sort anything. The Doctor can…”

“No.” Forbes replied. “The captain’s place is with his ship. If you head for high ground you’ll be safe.”


“Go!” Forbes said vehemently. “And make sure Freya is okay.”

Nick left still holding the gun.

When he felt Nick had passed through the Lounge, Forbes stood up and headed out of the cockpit.


Vlaash had reached the cabins quickly and opened the door to Nick’s cabin. As the door became ajar it was forced open from the inside knocking Vlaash back into the wall. Water poured out of the room and made its way along the deck in both directions. When Forbes had routed the steam into the air vents he had used unnecessary areas as storage. In his usual calm, emotionless manner, Vlaash got up, entered the room and pulled the Sword of Tuburr, which was wrapped in white cloth, from under Nick’s bed. Holding it under his arm he left the room to join the others.


At the airlock Nick was holding the weeping Freya by the shoulders trying to assure her that Forbes was on his way. She was on the verge of becoming hysterical. Nick was starting to get angry. Forbes finally appeared around the corner and stared at them. He looked as though he didn’t recognize either of them; shadows of his actions were now apparent beneath his eyes. When they saw Forbes head for the cabins Nick grabbed Freya, bodily, and began to haul her up the shaft. The ice under foot was breaking up quite quickly so it was easy to gain purchase. The struggling woman made it difficult but Nick kept his footing. He eventually hauled her out into the open air. Nick took deep breaths, taking in the unrecycled air.

The cracking noises were getting louder now. Vlaash passed the struggling Gil, pulling his large bag behind him. Falex wrapped his arms around Vlaash, happier now that someone was looking after him.

“Well, someone better make a move before we all die here!” Gil shouted indignantly still holding the strap of his bag. Nasir appeared behind him, kicking the obstruction.

Both Falex and the Martian was adamant the other should go first. Prompted by the others once more, Vlaash headed up the shaft first. His bulk was a little too ‘cosy’ for the shaft so after one thoughtless moment he passed the long wrapped item to Falex to follow him up with. He feet were making huge footprints in the melting ice. At the top Nick helped Vlaash out. Freya sat a moment away, still crying.

Falex was halfway up the shaft when the rumbling began. Gil and Nasir had finished their argument about Gil’s luggage and were following up behind. One of the footprints Vlaash had made disappeared into the previous one and Falex slipped and landed heavily in the slushy ice. Gil had stopped him sliding down, but upon seeing the wrapped article in the snow something came over him. Gil’s personality completely changed. Falex turned and tried to race up what was left of the passageway.

Gil grabbed the Sword. Nick reached out and grabbed the boys’ belt and began pulling him backwards. Falex would not let go of the Sword. Vlaash could not get himself into a position to grab Falex because of his bad hand and so grabbed Nick around the waist. Falex began screaming as the tug of war began.

“The Sword of Tuburr shall not see light of day!” Gil shouted, his words echoing around the shaft. Loud cracks growing into a slow rumble.

Vlaash’s blood was boiling with the noise of Falex screaming and Gil proclaiming his heritage was worthless. As good as. With one arm around Nick he was able to remove the revolver from his friend’s pocket and pointed it into the shaft, trying to get a clear shot. Gil’s fat face was one of pure hatred. His teeth were gritted and his face growing redder as he continued pulling at the Sword. He knew what he was doing there was no mistake. He was no merchant.

Del Nasir now had Gil around the shoulders, trying to stop the fat man from whatever he was doing. As Gil pulled, his hand came away from the sword. It was true to say his hand remained on the sword and his arm came away from his hand! Colourless ooze dripped to the floor. Nasir began pulling at Gil’s face from behind, which became contorted and stretched.

Vlaash called down the shaft. “Falex! Let go!”

As Falex let go Vlaash fired the revolver at Gil. The combined momentum of the two actions sent Gil and Nasir falling back to the bottom of the shaft and into the airlock. They landed on top of Chip. The momentum had also sent Nick and Falex sprawling across the melting icy surface.

The second moment sent the sides of the shaft crashing together as the ice finally gave way. The ice began filling the airlock and corridors. The three scrabbled away from where the hole used to be, escaping from the pull of the semi-frozen ice as it continued to pour into the open vessel. There was no hope for them now and the Sword of Tuburr was lost.


Forbes stood over the inanimate form of Vaughn in his cabin. He looked peaceful, like some saint, his life given for a good cause with his weapon across his chest. Only Vaughn had the weapon sticking out of his chest vertically, and his face was in a rictus so horrible, anybody could see he was not at peace.

Forbes was glad Nick had decided to tell him about the assassin’s blade. He was able to shut off this cabin from the water transference through the air conduits and protect this room to be able to complete his final mission. His hands slowly clasped the hilt of the black handled knife…


Freya, Nick, Falex and Vlaash slowly headed for a craggy area a short distance away. Crawling on their bellies across the melting mud they could not see what happened.

But they felt the ‘whump’ of the explosion on the backs of their necks and the mud shot into the air and showered them with ice shards.


The day had turned into night rather quickly. The four survivors were introspective and spoke only when they had to. Death and failure was playing on their minds.

They had managed to make a small encampment on some high ground near some tall crags. A small ledge had been worn into the base of the crags by the night time winds that provided them with a little shelter. The night was cold again. It felt as if they had not recovered from the previous night and its events.

Nick had suffered the worst during the escape. He had received shrapnel damage to the backs of his legs when the ship went up. His hands were now severely frostbitten and he lay nearest the fire. He had failed in his mission. The Sword of Tuburr was lost and the hope of Galactic Peace was shattered. Looking into the night sky he thought how much it reminded him of the Infinity Chamber.

Freya’s mind was on Captain Forbes. A man she had grown to respect a great deal in the five years she had worked with him. She knew of his business schemes and how the Gammadore Run failed when the ‘Starcops’ turned up on their trail. His demise was so unfortunate. She loved him so much.

Falex wondered how they would get off this moon but said little. He knew the others were thinking the same thing. He also wondered where the Qux had gone. The others thought he was dead but he could sense in the back of his mind a tingle of telepathic activity somewhere nearby.

Vlaash was the only one not in an emergency parka. Like the others he too remained silent. At last he broke the silence.

“I have a confession to make.”

The others looked.

“Our mission to return the Sword of Tuburr was a diversion. The real broken half of the Sword of Tuburr was sent a different route by other agents. Emperor Izlyr knew the Guild of Assassins was active and at least one would be on our tail. The Rite of the Worthy is a test of honour. But it is one that is supposed to end in death. A suicide mission if you like. To prove the worthiness of the warrior. I believe Gil was a Gabrieldean. A creature inhabiting human form as one would wear a suit. I believe he killed Vaughn because he found out who he was. Del Nasir was a Martian sympathizer and was backing us up covertly on our trip. Vaughn, I think, was an informer, but not supposed to be aboard out transport.” Vlaash looked directly at the embittered Nick. “I am sorry that I did not tell you sooner, Nick. My only hope now is that the Sword of Tuburr will reach Mars and help my kin to reclaim what is theirs and help eradicate the Cybermen.”

No one said a word.

Nick rolled over carefully and went to sleep.

Next Episode:
Echoes of the Past

Nick Pereira as Nick
Bruce Boxleitner as Captain Forbes
Michael Dorn as Chip
Anton Glanzelius as Vlaash
Michael Grecco as Del Nasir
David Prowse as The Qux
Charlotte Coleman as Freya
Bernard Manning as Gil
Haley Joel Osment as Rahlena Falex

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