"Earth's Pride" has crash-landed on a unknown planet. The Doctor has awoken only to learn two things; one, something is very wrong with his body, and two, he is very much on his own! Or is he? Can there really be someone waiting in the wings? Nick and Alf have also woken up to find that they seem to be prisoners of a hostile alien race. Emotions that have been bubbling under the surface are about to erupt. Loyalties are about to be put to the ultimate test. And questions are about to be answered. Whether they want to be or not! The first of a two-part story - and it is make or break time. starring: Brian Blessed as The Doctor Nick Pereira as Nick Sophie Aldred as Alf About the author
Not a lot has changed since his last bio; he is still into vampires and Doctor Who, but he has recently found a great liking for Farscape. This is his second (and unexpected!) story for season three, with another one and a half to come. He is still waiting to hear from Telos Publishing and has a full length original novel in the drafting stages. Oh, and Andie is nearer to 30 than he was a few months back!