Chapter Three -

‘Where?’ the Doctor-clone asked.

‘Gallifrey,’ the Figure repeated.

The clone looked around the Capitol once again, and shook his head. ‘Never heard of it.’

The Figure frowned. ‘This is bad,’ he said and closed his eyes. He stretched out his mind to reach that of the clone, but all he found was darkness. There was no sense of the Doctor, nor of his own essence. ’The Doctor’s memories have gone from you.’ He opened his saddened eyes. ’All that is left is an empty shell.’

Nick put himself between the Vogan and Alf, and held his hands up. ‘Whoa there! Can’t we talk about this?’

The Vogan shook his head. ‘I am Thohum, leader of the militia. I will decide what can be done. Aliens are not wanted on Voga.’

Alf shook her head and moved Nick out of the way. ‘Look, if you’re going to have to do this then kill me. I am the one responsible for the death of your friend. Not Nick.’

‘Alf, what are you doing?’

Alf turned to Nick, the muscles on her face taught. ‘Nick,’ she said through gritted teeth. ‘It’s the only way. You need to find the Doctor.’

‘No way. I’m not leaving you to die.’

‘This is not open for discussion,’ Thohum said, then turned to his fellows. ‘Kill them!’

Nick took Alf’s hand in his and drew himself closer to her. ‘Listen,’ he said softly, ‘if we are to die then I need to tell you something.’


All heads turned to a Vogan who stepped out of the nearest tunnel. Alf removed her hand and stepped forward. As the Vogan approached, Alf glanced back at Nick. ‘I’ll distract them, you go and find the Doctor.’

Nick was about to protest but the look Alf gave him put pay to such thoughts. Alf pushed her way passed the Vogan before her and stormed into the others. Shouts of anger came from the Vogans as they all piled on to Alf. Nick watched them, wanting to intervene, but realised Alf’s actions would be wasted if he did not take his chance. He turned and nudged his way through two Vogans. They pointed their guns at Nick but he was too quick for them. He ran and dived into the river. The guns fired but the bullets sank harmlessly into the water.

‘Stop!’ the voice of the newly arrived Vogan bellowed. ‘The aliens must not be armed.’ He signalled the two Vogans who had fired at Nick. ‘You two, follow him and bring him back. Unharmed.’

The Vogans nodded their understanding and rushed off.

Alf noticed the look that her would-be executioner threw at the latest Vogan. There was no love between those two.

‘What is the meaning of this, Megrig?’

The new Vogan, Megrig, walked up to Thohum. ’I have been sent by the Elders themselves. They wish to see the aliens. Alive.’ He snapped his fingers at the Vogans holding Alf. ’Bring the alien,’ he said and walked off. Alf was bundled along after him. As she was moved along forcefully, she glanced back to the river. Nick was gone. Alf smiled to herself.

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