It was Alf’s first time in the Senate Building on Alpha Centauri. She had spent the best part of a year living on the planet, and a big chunk of that time working for the Galactic Federation, but she had never been in the Building itself. She had walked by it many times, quite taken in by its presence. It corkscrewed its way up to the sky, covering some fifteen hundred stories. Since beginning her time-travelling with the Doctor she had seem some incredible sights, but nothing that quite compared to the sheer size of the Senate Building.

Alf stood by the doors leading into the building and looked at her reflection in the glass. Before leaving the shop EnalcKarnip had once again suggested that she should get some plastic skin grafted over her facial scar, and once again she had refused. Before it had been a constant reminder of what Nicholas had done to her, and how she refused to get in that sort of position again. But now it was to remind her that she had to deal with the baggage that she had carried on to her perception of Nick as a result.

One thing she had decided to do before leaving the shop was to change her clothes. Her previous outfit had become very dirty during her scrabbling through the caves of Voga, and going to an important meeting with the Senate needed something a little special. So, as a result of much thought, she was dressed in a mixture of outfits. Her bottom half was covered in the black trousers that she had worn in Paris in 1900, while over her top half she wore a dark red sweater, over which was a small black jacket that had belonged to her in a previous life. She had wanted her long leather coat, but that was still in the wrecked “Earth’s Pride” lying on Voga. Her hair was tied into tight plaits, coming very close to her skull.

Alf nodded at her reflection, satisfied, and pushed open the doors.

It had taken a little longer than she had wanted, but once the guards at the door had contacted Draconia to check Alf’s credentials she had been escorted to the private meeting chamber. Even then, the guards continued to give her suspicious looks, their hands never straying too far from their holstered guns. It was only after she had entered the chamber that the guards had chosen to relax, telling her that the ambassadors would be with her shortly.

The private meeting chamber was a very functional place. An oval table sat in the centre of the room, with six chairs arranged around it. The rest of the room was bare, except for a monitor screen on the wall behind the head of the table. Lying on the table, in front of each chair, were a set of papers. Bored of waiting, Alf pulled out a chair and picked up a set of papers. She sat herself on the table, resting her feet on the chair, and perused the information.

She was still in that position when the door slid open and the ambassadors walked in. Alf looked up, surprised by how few there were. First in was a member of the Alpha Centaurian race, a being Alf almost mistook as her old work colleague Blooradab, before she remembered that Blooradab was no ambassador. Alf was not sure if it was a racist observation, but all Alpha Centaurians looked the same to her. Typically, the Alpha Centauri Ambassador was waving hir arms around anxiously. Next in was an ambassador from Ossobos, a tall reptilian species and distant cousins of the Alpha Centaurians. Two people that Alf did know followed them in. Akrulan of Draconia and a Taurean called Theramin. Alf had met Theramin on Taureas II almost a year before, when she and the Doctor were trying to locate the Cybermen spies. Alf had no idea that Theramin had become the ambassador for Taureas II, but now that she did know she was pleased. Theramin was a very serene woman, and wise too.

Alf removed herself from the table and walked over to Theramin. ‘Hi, it’s good to see you again.’

Theramin bowed her bald head and smiled softly. ‘And you too, Alf. Although I had expected the Doctor to attend this meeting.’

Alf shrugged. ‘Well, he’s indisposed. So, as a Noble of Draconia, I decided to take his place.’ She nodded at Akrulan, who was pointedly ignoring her. ‘I see Draconia has a new ambassador.’

‘Yes, since the Doctor neglected his office after the Nova Mondas incident, the Empress decided to remove him and put Akrulan in his place.’

‘Is that legal?’ Alf asked.


Alf took this in, wondering how the Doctor would feel about being deposed. Freed, probably. Since being able to travel in time again, he hasn’t really wanted to have ties to this century, she figured.

‘Hang about,’ she said, as something occurred to her. ‘If the Doctor has been deposed, then why has he been invited to a secret meeting?’

Theramin’s tattoos glowed momentarily. ‘Because, at the behest of Empress Jaahkathna he has been retained as a special envoy for the Galactic Federation.’

‘Anyone thought of telling him that?’

‘It has not been easy to make contact with him these past six months, Alf, as you well know. Besides, he was to be informed at this meeting.’

Alf shook her head. She had never understood politics.

Theramin motioned Alf to take a seat, so the two women walked over to the table and sat down. Alf was pleased to find that she was sitting next to Theramin, although not too pleased to have Akrulan to her left. She turned to Akrulan, quite intent on sparking up a conversation whether he wanted to or not, when the door slid open again and a man walked into the room. Everyone but Alf stood. She was too surprised by his appearance to do so.

The man wore the robes of the Supreme Senator, but it was the man himself that surprised Alf. She knew him. It was the same man who had given her the idea for her name, the same man who had suggested she work in the internment camp. That was almost two years ago, and he hadn’t aged a day. Outwardly he looked human, but Alf strongly suspected that he was not. It was there and then that she decided she would have to find out what he was, and how he had become the Supreme Senator.

The man noticed Alf’s expression, and smiled. ‘Aren’t you going to rise in the presence of the Federation President?’

‘Huh?’ Alf blinked and gathered herself together. ‘President?’

‘Yes. Well, I thought the term “Supreme Senator” was a little too pompous for my tastes, so I changed it to “Federation President“.’ Alf still remained sitting, which resulted in her getting looks of indignation from the ambassadors, except for Theramin who just smiled softly. The President grinned. ‘Well, Alf, I am glad you have found your place with the Doctor.’ He glanced around the room. ‘Where is he, by the way?’


The President raised a questioning eyebrow. ‘Is that so?’ He pursed his lips and walked around the table, nodding at each ambassador in turn. When he came to Akrulan he smirked a little. ‘Ambassador Akrulan, welcome to your first official Senate meeting.’

The Draconian bowed his head, although there was a touch of resentment in his eyes. ‘Thank you, President.’ He looked back up and caught the President’s eye. ‘Although I would like to point out that I have only taken this post in honour of my fallen brother.’

The President gave a knowing smile. ‘Of course,’ he said, and sat down. His tone implied that he knew otherwise. Once he was sitting the four ambassadors followed suit. He looked at each person in turn, his gaze lingering on Alf a little longer, and then spoke.

‘This meeting is classified, and anything said in this room must not go any further. As you may be able to tell I have only invited representatives of the founding members of the Galactic Federation. The reason is this; I do not want to alarm the newer members at this time. Until I am certain.’

‘Certain of what?’ the Alpha Centauri Ambassador asked, in hir usual shrill tones. Alf winced and glanced at the hexapod. The Ambassador blinked hir single eye and Alf looked away smiling.

‘Certain that we have a war on our hands.’

Murmurs began to circulate around the table and the President nodded grimly. He had not been involved in the last war, but he was fully aware of it. The Galactic Federation could not really afford another war so soon. He opened his mouth to continue.

‘It’s the Martians, ain’t it?’ Alf said, cutting the ambassadors off in mid-murmur.

The President looked at her, pleasantly surprised. ‘Yes. How did you know?’

‘Obvious. They used to be a warmongering race. During the battle to reclaim Mars they once again got a taste of the old ways. Coupled with the way the Martians broke away from the Federation fifty-one years ago, it’s bloody obvious.’

The President nodded his head. ‘Essentially you are right, Alf. Yes.’ He looked at the ambassadors. ‘King Garet of Peladon has been in talks with me over the last five months. He and his people have agreed to return to the Galactic Federation, but under one condition. Since we are allies of the Martian Empire, albeit tentatively, they want an official apology from the Empire for the rape of Peladon.’

‘They will not get it!’ Akrulan spat. All eyes turned to him. ‘The Martian Empire is not to be trusted, and they never have been. They do not understand honour, not in the real sense of the word. All they understand is power.’

‘Yes, I fear you may well be right, Ambassador Akrulan. I have been trying to contact Mars but so far I have had no response. At best they simply will not apologise, in which case we will have to find another way to convince Peladon to rejoin the Galactic Federation. At worst...’ The President took a deep breath. ‘At worst the Martians will try to take Peladon again.’

‘As I said,’ Alf pointed out. ‘Warmongers.’

Akrulan nodded. ‘They seek power. If you wish, I can talk to Empress Jaahkathna and get her to authorise a Draconian Fleet to go to Mars?’ he said, turning to the President. ’The Martians will not last long.’

‘No, absolutely not.’ The President raised a placating hand. ‘At least, not yet, Ambassador. The Galactic Federation has yet to recover from the Cyber war. We must avoid a war at all costs. And that is why I have asked the Doctor to attend this meeting.’ He looked at Alf. ‘Alas, the Doctor is unavailable for now.’

‘He shouldn’t be for long,’ Alf pointed out.

‘I hope not. There is a small fleet of Federation ships all set to go to Peladon, as insurance against any possible Martian attack. I want the Doctor on the flagship of that fleet. I am positive he can reach King Garet and the Pels, if the Martians choose not to apologise.’

Alf smiled. ‘Yeah, he is good at making peace.’

‘Oh, I know that only too well, Alf.’ The President winked, then turned back to the ambassadors. ‘While that fleet is at Peladon I need someone to head to Mars, to discover what is going on with them.’

‘I’ll do it.’

All heads turned to Alf.

‘I have some Martian contacts. Martians who believe in peace, who believe in honour,’ she said, emphasising the final word with a look at Akrulan. ‘I’m pretty sure they’ll help.’

The President considered this. ‘Very well. In that case, Ambassadors, please inform your governments of the situation and make sure that they are on stand-by.’ He stood up. ‘This meeting is at an end.’

Mumbles and murmurs accompanied the ambassadors as they all made their way out of the meeting chamber. The President remained at the head of the table, and waited until Alf reached the doorway. ‘Alf,’ he called. She turned to look at him. ‘Can I accompany you? I have a desire to see the Doctor personally.’

Alf shrugged. ‘Don’t see why not.’ Plus, it’ll give me a chance to find out who you are, she added to herself.

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