The two Pels led the alien swiftly through the winding corridors of the citadel. ‘There’s no need to push; I want to see Chancellor Howerts again. It’s imperative,’ he insisted, as he looked around curiously at the citadel.

It was worse than he remembered; the walls had numerous cracks and the tapestries were soiled and faded with age. Clearly, Peladon couldn’t afford to waste its meagre resources on anything as unessential as redecoration.

Chancellor Howerts glanced up from his desk as the guards entered, escorting the dark haired stranger. ‘Yes?’

‘This man was discovered roaming around in the caverns, Chancellor,’ one of the Pels reported. ‘He says…’

‘Chancellor, Peladon is in serious danger, you must believe me!’

Howerts peered at the man coldly, surprised that he should interrupt one of the royal guards. ‘Why? Who are you and why should I believe you?’

‘Because I am the Doctor, special envoy from the Galactic Federation and I’m telling you that the shuttle that landed here a little while ago was not from the Federation.’

Howerts paused for a long moment. He remembered the Doctor’s last visit to Peladon, and that woman he had brought with him. The man before him looked nothing like the Doctor. Where the Doctor was large and bulky the stranger was tall and thin. There was nothing even slightly similar about the two men, except for the lack of grey stripe in their hair. ‘You are not the Doctor.’

‘Yes I am!’ The man placed his hands on the table and started tapping his fingers. ‘Look, my people have the ability to change their appearance. You have got to believe me.’

Howerts had to confess that there was something vaguely familiar- and believable- about the man claiming to be the Doctor. If there was any truth to what he was suggesting, King Garet had to be informed at once.

The Chancellor stood up. ‘Very well. I will escort you to the King myself, he should be back by now.’ He turned to the guards. ‘Stay close, if he tries anything, take him.’ His gaze returned to the “Doctor”. ‘Follow me.’

‘Now that’s more like it,’ the “Doctor” replied with a quick smile. ‘King Garet will listen to me.’

They started through the passageways quickly, when suddenly the “Doctor” stopped moving. He cocked his head to one side, listening to something. Chancellor Howerts could not hear anything for a moment, but just as he was about to order the “Doctor” restrained, he heard it too. The sound of breathing… no... hissing. The sound was unmistakable and a flash of fear swept through Chancellor Howerts’ breast.


The “Doctor” wasted no time. ‘Quickly, Chancellor, before they see us. We have to hide!’

Howerts opened his mouth to protest, but the hissing and the footsteps getting louder stopped him. The “Doctor” looked all around quickly and focussed on the nearest corner. The dark red tapestry hanging there was larger, and although a bit threadbare at the corners, it would serve well as a hiding place.

‘Come on!’

The “Doctor” urged the Chancellor and the two guards behind the tapestry. It was a tight squeeze, but as long as they stayed perfectly still, they were safely hidden. The “Doctor” held his breath as they watched the first warrior approaching. Howerts nearly cried out in anger as he saw the Martians escorting King Garet and his entourage.

No, that’s impossible! he thought in shock.

The four warships slowly moved towards the much smaller Martian craft owned by the Order of Oras. As one the four ships opened fire. The smaller ship did not stand a chance. Four beams of highly focused sonic energy hit the ship dead centre. The ship exploded, sending a small shockwave that rocked the warships. The shockwave did not last for long, and soon the Martian warships were ready to resume their journey. One by one the warships set off, each moving through the debris field that was once Vlaash’s ship, before continuing on their way out of the Sol System.

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