Sshaarp lowered his arm and slowly began walking over to the “Doctor”. He stopped within an inch of the smaller man and looked down at him. The “Doctor” nodded, certain that the Martian was going to admit that there was honour in conceding to a better foe.

Sshaarp reached forward and clamped a hand around the “Doctor’s” neck.

‘You lie!’ he hissed, and flung the “Doctor” towards the TARDIS.

The “Doctor” got to his feet and dusted his clothes down. ‘No, I don’t.’

Sshaarp lifted his arm again, returning his weapon to the “Doctor’s” direction. ‘The Chosen Ones will triumph!’

‘Bollocks to that!’ yelled a female voice, and Alf came rushing out of the shadows. She flung herself at Sshaarp and grabbed hold of his arm. For a brief moment they wrestled, but Alf was no match for such a powerful Martian warrior. He swung out and Alf found herself slamming into the TARDIS. She looked up from her undignified position and smiled. ‘Hello...’ She blinked at the man standing above her. ‘Erm... Doctor?’

The “Doctor” ignored Sshaarp and helped Alf to her feet. For a brief moment the “Doctor” gave Alf the oddest look, as if he was somehow very weary of her. But the moment soon passed, and he was beaming. ‘Yes, Alf, it certainly is me. How very good to see you again.’

Alf shrugged but did not get the chance to say anything else, as she was brushed aside by Sshaarp, who then made for the “Doctor”. Alf hit the passage wall, and let out a curse. She was sick of being thrown against things, and she was pissed off with Chosen Ones! Alf reached into her jacket pocket and pulled out a small, but very sharp, knife that she had borrowed from Izlyr’s Throne Room.

‘I...’ she said, and launched herself on to Sshaarp’s back. ‘Have...’ She stabbed the knife into the gap between Sshaarp’s armour and his helmet. ‘Had...’ Stab! ‘Enough...’ Green blood spurted out. ‘Of...’ The Martian toppled forward, but Alf clung onto his back. ’You!’

The “Doctor” scrambled out of the way, then turned back to see Alf raise her arm once again.

Repeatedly Alf stabbed, until Sshaarp fell still beneath her. A hand grabbed her arm, and she snapped her head around. The “Doctor’s” face was inches in front of hers.

‘Alf? He’s dead.’

Alf pulled her arm from the “Doctor” and wiped the sweat off her forehead. She clambered from the dead Martian’s back. Something dripped down her face and with her free hand she rubbed it. Alf glanced at the green substance on her hand, then at the bloody knife in her other hand. ‘Oh no,’ she whispered, and lowered her head until she was looking at the dead Martian before her. Green blood was oozing out of the body.

The knife clattered on to the ground.

You bitch! Look what you’ve done, Alf thought and dropped to her knees.

The “Doctor” watched her as she sat there just looking at the blood on her hands. He made to step forward but something held him back. He sighed. ‘Oh, Alf,’ he said, but got no further. Footsteps echoed down the passage. He looked up and noticed the figure in the yellow jacket approaching. The “Doctor” swallowed hard and whispered, ‘Nick.’

Taking a deep breath, he offered Alf one final glance before turning back to the TARDIS.

Nick stopped at the sight that greeted him. A dead Martian body lay on the ground near the TARDIS. Next to the dead body was Alf. Nick frowned as the wheezing and groaning echoed through the underground passages. He watched, but did not understand why the TARDIS was dematerialising.

After a bit of soul searching he had come to realise that sooner or later he would have to face the clone, and so had decided to search the passage for both the clone and Alf. He looked at the spot where the TARDIS had stood, but was unable to formulate any coherent thoughts.

The sound of sobbing brought Nick out of his own babbling thoughts and he approached his girlfriend.

‘Alf?’ She gave no indication of hearing him. He knelt down beside her and noticed the blood and the knife. ‘Oh, Alf,’ Nick said, and put his arms around her.

As soon as Alf felt Nick’s embrace she found that she could no longer contain the emotion within. For the first time since meeting Nick she allowed the tears of anger, pain, fear, and doubt to flow. The tears were accompanied by a single question.

‘What have I become?’

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