A mirror standing on a tall thin stalk at the centre of the wooden desk like console spun, indicating that the TARDIS was in flight. The Doctor-clone pottered around the console, opening a flap, pressing buttons, and then closing it again. This he did as he moved from one panel to the next.

Nick stood by the dais that led to the exit and watched the large figure. He wasn’t too sure what to do or say. Part of him was angry with Alf for persuading him to go with the clone, and another part of him wanted to speak to the Doctor-clone, to vent what he was feeling inside.

Only I am not too sure what I do feel!


Nick blinked, surprised to see the Doctor-clone looking at him. ‘Erm, yeah?’

For a brief, but very painful moment, the two men stood looking at each other. Nick did not move from his spot by the dais, and the Doctor-clone leaned on the brass railings around the console. He lifted a hand and slowly rubbed his beard.

‘Nick, I am truly sorry for what happened on Voga. I can understand the shock you must have felt. Believe me when I say that everything you felt I felt ten times more.’

Nick laughed a short bitter laugh. ‘Yeah, sure. Whatever.’ Inside he kicked himself. What had Alf said about the clone not knowing what he was?

The Doctor-clone took a deep breath, and tried to reach Nick again. ‘The TARDIS was able to use technology from the Matrix to restore my DNA. My body is completely healed. Physically I am as much a Time Lord as the Doctor was.’ Nick just raised an eyebrow. So the clone continued. ‘I have all the memories of the Doctor in here,’ he pointed a chubby finger at his skull, ‘but they are a bit of a jumbled mess. The TARDIS and I are working together to sort them out, but without the old girl I would have none at all. I would only remember the past few months.’

‘Why are you telling me this?’

‘Just so you know what I am, and who I am.’

‘You’re a fake!’ The words came out with more sarcasm and bitterness than Nick had intended. He shook his head and stepped forward. ‘Look, I’m sorry, okay? This is hard for me.’

‘I understand that, Nick. You need closure, as the Americans would say.’ The Doctor-clone smiled sadly. ‘You never got the chance to mourn the Doctor. Before you could mourn him I appeared, thinking that I was the genuine article. The original, you could say.’

Nick sniffed. ‘Yeah, that’s what Alf was getting at.’

The clone turned back to the console and pressed a button. The mirror ceased its spinning, and he returned his attention to Nick. ‘That is why I have brought us to this planet. To say goodbye.’

The left-hand door of the police box opened and Nick stepped out. The first thing that struck him was how clean and fresh the air was. All around him was evidence of advanced technology, yet the air seemed to be free of pollution. He glanced back at the bulky form of the clone, and raised an enquiring eyebrow.

‘The air has been purified over time - fifty years in which no one has set foot on this planet.’ The Doctor-clone pushed Nick forward and stepped out of the TARDIS, locking the door behind him. ‘All this technology has lain dormant throughout that duration.’

Nick shivered. ‘Mmm. You know I can’t help but feel I know this place.’

The Doctor-clone wrapped his scarf around his neck and nodded. ‘You do know it, Nick. It’s where you first joined the Doctor. This planet on which we stand is Nova Mondas.’

Nick remained rooted to the spot as a carnal sense of fear surged through his body. He looked at the massive buildings that littered the area around him. He did know them, only too well. Cyber factories.

Nick took a deep breath and set off after the clone. He had a bad feeling he knew where the clone was going. Nick was not sure if he should feel annoyed. One thing was for sure; he did not like the surprises that the clone tended to spring on him.

Nick followed the clone through the streets of Nova Mondas, in a city that was once called Portland, Oregon. It made no difference to Nick. Whichever way he looked at it all he could see was Alf’s homeworld and what the Cybermen had done to it. One thing did make him smile, though, as he approached Cyber Control, and that was seeing the moss and grass working their way up the walls. It was as if Earth had used the fifty years to reclaim itself.

‘Why hasn’t the Galactic Federation returned to Earth then, if this is fifty years after the time we just left?’

The Doctor-clone looked back as he climbed through a hole in the wall. ‘Well they will. Later in the year, but by then they will find that the Earth Reptiles have set about renovating their planet.’

‘Earth Reptiles?’

The clone chuckled. ‘It really is not important, Nick. What is important is that we...’ His voice stopped abruptly. Followed by an intake of breath and; ‘Ah!’

‘Ah?’ Nick peered into the hole but saw no sign of the clone. ‘Where are you?’

‘This way,’ came the reply. ‘But steal yourself, Nick, my lad. This is not going to be easy for you. Or me, come to that.’

Nick swallowed and climbed through the hole. He made his way down a short corridor, following the clone’s voice. The metal walls were buckled as if they had been caught in intense heat. At the end of the corridor Nick found the Doctor-clone who was shining a torch at something lying on the floor.

Nick looked down and gagged.

Lying in the low light of the torch was a burnt corpse, a rather large one. He felt the bile rise in his throat. ‘I think I am going to be sick.’

The Doctor-clone looked across at Nick, infinite sadness etched in his eyes.

‘Is it him?’

‘Yes, there can be no doubt. That is the corpse of the Doctor.’

Nick eyes welled up. ‘How can you be sure?’ He didn’t want to believe it. For the first time since Voga, Nick just wanted to believe that the big man before him was the Doctor. He didn’t want to accept that the burnt corpse on the ground was... ‘How?’

The clone’s lower lip quivered, naked emotion threatening to take him over. ‘Because I can feel his presence.’ He fell to his knees and reached a hand out to the corpse. He rested his palm on the black forehead and looked up at Nick. There were tears in the clone’s eyes. ‘The Doctor is alive in there!’

‘What?’ Nick didn’t bother trying to control his own tears any longer. He was sickened to his core. ‘You mean he’s been alive on this planet for fifty years? His mind trapped in that useless shell?’

‘Yes.’ The Doctor-clone closed his eyes and concentrated.

‘Bloody hell! What are you doing now?’

‘Trying to free him!’ the clone said through clenched teeth.

Nick could only stand there and watch.

A soft glow appeared around the clone, and slowly moved to engulf the burnt form on the floor. The charcoal like skull began to take a more definite shape, as skin began to grow over it. Nick’s eyes widened in wonder. Within moments the face on the burnt body was that of the Doctor. His eyes fluttered open as he let out a gasp of air. Nick stepped forward, and their eyes locked. For what seemed like forever the two friends looked at each and then a twitch of a smile appeared on the Doctor’s lips.

The glow faded, as did the Doctor’s face. Once again Nick was looking at the charred skull, wondering if he had imagined it all. The clone looked up and smiled softly.

‘He’s gone now, Nick. His essence has passed on to the TARDIS, where it shall remain.’ The Doctor-clone began to cry again. ‘Fifty years he was trapped, Nick. Fifty years of being stuck in darkness, barely able to feel his body. He had forced his remaining regenerations but none of them helped. Each time they failed.’ He shivered. ‘It was horrible.’

Nick let out a deep breath. ‘Is he at peace now?’ The clone nodded. ‘Good. What shall we do?’

‘Bury his body? Give you the chance to say goodbye to the Doctor once and for all.’

They stood in a field, the TARDIS some distance behind them, looking down at the mound of dirt. At the head of the mound was a small headstone. The inscription on it read;

Here lies The Doctor
Dear friend, and trusted hero
He died saving the Universe

Nick sniffed, truly feeling the emptiness inside. ‘Goodbye, Doctor. I hope you know how much you mean to me. You taught me so much, gave me everything I have. I am so going to miss you, you know.’

He lowered his head and closed his eyes.

The clone looked at Nick, unsure whether to approach or not. He decided it was best not to. Nick needed his space. Instead the clone offered up his own eulogy. ‘I wish you had told me what I am, Doctor. It would have made things easier. But, I know you couldn’t let the universe go on without you. Well, the TARDIS tells me that you created me to carry on your legacy. And I promise you now I will do that, with everything that I am.’ He paused, and glanced at Nick. Nick was watching him, and he realised that he had to continue. ‘It will be an honour to carry on where you left off, to take on your mantle. I am now the Doctor, whether people like it or not.’

Nick smiled; the tears all dried up. Something deep inside was telling him that things were going to be fine. He walked over to the clone and placed a hand on his shoulder. ‘Shall we go now? Leave the Doctor take his well-earned rest?’

The clone nodded. ‘Yes, I think so. The Eye of Orion is the best place for him.’

Together they turned and headed back towards the TARDIS.

‘First things first. I need to help with those negotiations. Get the Vogans to join the Galactic Federation, and then mediate the talks between Emperor Izlyr and King Garet.’

Nick smiled. ‘Shouldn’t take you long.’

The big man grinned and stopped before the TARDIS. ‘Thank you, Nick.’

Nick shrugged. ‘No problem. So, what’s second?’


‘Well, you said first things first. So what’s the plan after the peace-talks?’

‘Simple, I will try and find Outpost Gallifrey, and the remainder of my people. I hope I can count on the help of both you and Alf?’

Nick nodded and placed a hand on the clone’s shoulder. ‘Yes, you can, Doctor, always.’

The Doctor smiled broadly. ‘Excellent.’ He opened the TARDIS doors and ushered Nick inside.

‘Just one thing, though. You always call the TARDIS “she”. Why did it appear as a bloke?’

‘Ah, well that’s simple,’ the Doctor could be heard saying as the doors closed. ‘It’s because...’

The End

The Legacy continues November 23rd 2002

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