Doctor Who: The Legacy - Tiger's Eye (Chapter Three)

The Summer Palace War room had been fitted out to Sontaris' exact specifications. A holo-table stood in the centre of the chamber, capable of displaying any terrain or city in minute detail. Around the table on a raised gallery were some of his cloned troops, manning communication and data consoles. Sontaris himself was in his customary position at the head of the table, with Tynx at his side.

They were examining an overview of Dar-Es-Buraq that displayed where all the Wasi operatives were stationed, awaiting their orders to emerge into the evening and cleanse the city. There were now some 300 "Sontarans" in the city and their number grew by 120 every hour, thanks to the cloning tanks.

Sontaris considered how long it would take to reach the number he surmised would be necessary to take over the city. As he did so, Lieutenant Laal entered the War room and threw his arm across his chest in the salute adopted by the Wasi.

'Report,' growled Sontaris.

'Figures for last night are now being counted and verified and I can confirm that over 200 Cufic were dispatched using the captured drug.'

'Very good, Lieutenant.'

'There is a problem, however, General.'

Sontaris had given himself the title 'General'. His own Buliseye rank of Commander had not seemed quite important enough for someone who was soon to lead the planet.


'The drug is now all but exhausted, General.'

'How many doses do we have left?'

'Approximately 30.'

Sontaris considered this. He knew the drug was a convenience that had allowed his plans to move forward much faster and that within two cycles it would be unnecessary, but it would be useful to have more for the time being.

'Tynx, activate the hit squads responsible for targeting those in prominent positions and issue them with the remaining doses. This will effectively destroy the planet's leadership and security services, making any co-ordinated military reaction to our future plans negligible.'

Tynx rose from his seat. 'Yes, General.' He moved off to instruct a clone at a nearby console.

'Laal, you and I have a different mission. Assemble a force of 50 Sontarans in the banqueting hall.'

'As you command, General.'

'Tonight we will strike a major blow against the lawlessness that has stained this fair city for far too long and we will ensure a continued supply of this drug into the bargain.'

The azure blue Buliseye vehicle was speeding down the empty desert road, sending dust trail high into the bruising sky. During the journey, Hakim had drifted in and out of consciousness - at times questioning Kovalis about the murders while at others muttering about the safety of the darkness or the fear of the 'moving food'. They had been driving for several hours now and would reach the place where the Surti had picked up Hakim just before nightfall. For now, Kovalis was happy to let the strange Cufic have his sleep.

The Doctor once more found himself in the fourteen-sided chamber, but this time the faint outline of the Figure could be discerned in the doorway. 'Again?' asked the Doctor, frowning. 'You said our relationship would return to its more usual status soon.'

'I also told you that we would speak again,' the Figure replied calmly.

'I see you've managed a manifestation this time.'

'The self-repair circuits are all but finished,' the Figure said. 'All that is required is for you to re-activate the TARDIS.'

'Indeed. Well, I'm on my way as we speak,' the Doctor growled. 'So why have you contacted me again?'

'There is information I must supply you with.'

'Which is…'

'You are unaware of this planet's future significance and as such you must be informed to prevent any further divergent time lines.'

'Are you telling me not to interfere?'

'When you hear what I have to say, you will see the wisdom of that advice.'

'Do get on with it,' sighed the Doctor. 'You know, I think I preferred you silent.'

The Figure ignored the jibe and waved an arm at the nearest wall. It shimmered and an image appeared of a grey haired man wearing glasses and a loose fitting suit of swirling black, grey and blue. Beside him was a young man in a kilt.


'Yes. But it is the other man you should concentrate on. His name is Dastari,' the Figure explained. 'Do you remember him?'

The Doctor stared at the image.

'Yes. He had something to do with time travel experiments, did he not?'

'Do you recall the race you encountered when you met him for the last time?'

The image shifted, replacing that of Dastari with a creature wearing silvery armour and a face that looked like a badly made plastic mask of a Yahanan.

'Sontarans. Of course!' exclaimed the Doctor. 'Why didn't I see the similarities before?'

'You memory will be complete in time.'

'Are they one and the same?'

'Not exactly. However, they are inextricably linked. Events are occurring on Yahanis that you should not hinder. You have your role to play, but do not attempt to divert the normal path of Sontaran history.'

'Of course not!' the Doctor snorted. 'I have no right to do that. They may be a militaristic race - or at least they will be - but who's to say what their role is in the universe?'

'Precisely.' The Figure started to fade. 'Now you have all the knowledge necessary to complete your mission here.'

'Do I?'

'Yes. Remember the Tiger's Eye.'

'Hakim,' Kovalis gently removed one hand from the steering column and shook the Doctor's shoulder. 'Wake up. I believe we have found your TARDIS.'

'I was awake, Commander,' said the Doctor grumpily. Then he saw his treasured blue box, resting in the darkness of the cave; a small sand dune obscuring the first few inches of the doors.

The two men left the angular vehicle and made their way towards the time ship. As they reached it, the Doctor turned to his new friend and bestowed upon him a truly impassioned smile.

'Thank you,' he said.

Kovalis smiled. 'My pleasure. I do have an ulterior motive, remember? You said you would help me with the investigation. I hope our bargain is still good?'

'I'm a man of my word, Commander Kova… look, can we dispense with the rank and serial number. My name is not really Hakim. I am the Doctor.'

'I am Maret.'

'Well then, Maret, shall we go inside?'

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