CODE: S2/S21
Episode Twenty One
Simon Catlow

The Final Solution

“We destroy the GodEngine weapon by any means necessary. I have come to the conclusion that our only solution is to sacrifice ourselves to save the rest of the universe.” Wellarzlee spoke with great consideration. He knew that it would be asking a lot of his crew, and the others who would attempt it with them, but it had to be done. “It’ll only take one to get past the Cyber ships defence line, and to ram the GodEngine at high velocity. The resulting impact and the explosion that follows should be enough to destroy it. It’s the only way, Admiral.”

“And if it fails?”

“Then all is lost.”


“Come up, Vorkuuthh!” Alf said.

The Supreme Admiral of the Draconians didn’t find her manner at all amusing. He could understand her impatience at getting to their destination but the manner in which she was addressing him was unbecoming for someone of such a high rank. He sensed that the other Draconians following them felt the same way, but there was little they could do about it now. “We have to keep going until we get to the Palace Of Light.”

The Palace was visible to them as the walked through the desert wastelands of Mars. It breached the ground and Alf had to admit that it was an impressive structure. She couldn’t help but think of what was happening to Nick in there and she knew that she had to try and save him.

“Admiral,” Viisuuc said. Viisuuc was the tactical officer of the Supreme Admiral’s Own Volunteers, and had been scanning ever since they made planet-fall for signs of Cyber-related activity. “I’m detecting a large group of individuals up ahead.”


“I’m not sure. They’re masking their signals too well.”

“Arm yourselves,” Vorkuuthh commanded his men. Alf produced her own weapon as well. “Where exactly are they?”

Viisuuc looked again at the scanner and noticed immediately that the readings had changed. “They’re right on top of us!” he said, the alarm in his voice palpable.

Suddenly a rasping voice came out of nowhere, saying, “I’d lower your weapons if I was you.”

“Who are you?” demanded Vorkuuthh.

From all around them, Martians emerged seemingly from everywhere. One had slightly different markings from all the others and Vorkuuthh assumed that he was the leader of this group.

“I’m Sub-Commander Lehaanz of the Second Battalion of the Chosen of Wellarzlee.”

Vorkuuthh twitched his eye at the mention of the legendary General Lord Wellarzlee. “How did you manage to creep up on us without our detecting you?”

“You are on our homeworld now, Supreme Admiral,” Lehaanz hissed. “Just because we haven’t lived here for a while doesn’t mean that we could forget our natural habitat.”

“Of course,” Vorkuuthh said, as if that would explain everything. “You’re heading for the Palace Of Light?”

“Yes, we received a call from Commander Sshaarp only a few minutes ago. The Emperor is in trouble and we are needed. It seemed appropriate to add your forces to ours to give us the greater chance of destroying the Cyber influence on Mars.”

“Agreed,” Vorkuuthh looked over Lehaanz’s men. “As this is your homeworld, perhaps you should have the honour of leading us there?”


The group’s progress through the Cyber control Complex had gone unhindered by any further resistance from Cybermen or defence systems. It was far too quiet and the Doctor didn’t like it a lot. He’d expected entry into the heart of the Complex to be the most difficult part of the mission, yet it was proving to be surprisingly easy. Almost too easy. He wondered whether he’d hit the nail on the head earlier when he’d been talking about Cyberman logic.

“If I’m right in my estimations, then the entrance to the heart of the complex should be just around this corner,” the Doctor said, announcing it quietly to the group.

“Surely they’ll have detected us by now?” Huurshi said.

“Undoubtedly,” Kostaash replied. “All of you,” he said addressing the elite Draconian soldiers who formed the group. “Stand by with your weapons. I expect a heavy reception when we get through. We might not have had to fight much in the complex so far, but don’t underestimate the enemy.”

The Doctor was perched at the edge of the corridor, carefully looking around to see if he was right in his assumptions. He was. The large steel doors were massive and the Doctor instinctively knew that their target lay behind them.

“I have five of the Fusion bombs left sir,” Grakuuph said. “Shall I plant one here?”

“No,” the Doctor said turning back from the edge. “Plant one outside the main door itself and save the rest for inside the control room. It’s essential that it is totally destroyed.”

Kostaash had gone forward and looked towards the doors himself. “How do we open them?” he asked the Doctor. “The same as the main doors?”

“I doubt that trick would work a second time. A small explosion should suffice - or we could try knocking?”

“Grakuuph,” Kostaash said. “Blow up those doors.”

Grakuuph removed some small devices from his pack and walked gingerly towards the imposing frame that blocked off the entrance to the heart of the Cybermen’s operation on Nova Mondas. He planted them all over the door, knowing that when detonated they would rip the doors totally out of place, but limiting the explosion to just the doors and nothing further. When the task was complete he turned around to the wall across from the doors and set up the Fusion bomb. He moved carefully back to the group’s position. “All charges placed, sir.”

“Good. Stand back everyone,” Kostaash ordered, “and get ready for battle.”

The Draconians all moved back up the corridor, but the Doctor remained close to the intersection.


With a mighty explosion that resonated through the metal corridors, the doors that had blocked the way were gone and the entrance was clear.

“Now!” Kostaash screamed.

The Draconians, armed with their weapons modified by the Doctor, began their charge towards the door. Huurshi dived across the open space of the door to the other side and poked his face around. At that moment a flash of weapons fire attacked out at him. He was lucky to escape uninjured but it did not halt the charge. Within seconds the Draconians were pouring into the control chamber, firing and evading the defending Cybermen.

The Doctor slipped in and found shelter next to a console. A shot narrowly avoided hitting him and he brought his head down further. He could see the Cyber Controller standing in the middle of the room, seemingly unconcerned by the battle around him. The Doctor counted only six Cybermen present but the Draconians hadn’t been able to kill any of them yet and had already lost two soldiers.

The Doctor examined the console that he was hiding behind and realised that if he operated the controls correctly then he could disable the Cybermen in the room by draining their energy. The Cyber Controller would probably have some sort of remote backup system which would render him immune, but the Doctor doubted that ordinary Cybermen would have that capability. Within seconds it was done.

As the Draconians fought against the Cybermen from their places of concealment throughout the chamber, they suddenly became acutely aware that their opponents were weakening.

“What’s happening sir?” Huurshi asked Kostaash.

“I don’t know. Doctor? Is this your doing?” Kostaash shouted out, unaware of where the Doctor was.

The Doctor, once sure that the Cybermen were drained, stood up. “Yes, it was, and rather splendid it was as well.” The Draconians followed his lead and stood up, their weapons trained on the Cyber Controller who still didn’t seem to notice them.

One of the Draconians, the youngest of their group named Ruukuv, got carried away in the moment and fired on the Cyber Controller. The reprisal was instantaneous, as the Cyber Controller finally seemed to notice them as the energy beams bounded off his personal shield. A bolt of lightning flew from the top of the Controllers’ cranial skull and attacked Ruukuv viciously. The young Draconian fell to the floor and Grakuuph ,who was nearest to him, ran over.

“He’s dead.”

“That was uncalled for,” the Doctor said.

“It was necessary,” the Controller replied, in his flat, monotone voice. The Controller’s mind was now split into three pieces. One was confronting the Doctor; another on Mars and the remaining part was controlling the GodEngine weapon. The strain was starting to get to him. But it was necessary for the survival of the Cyber race. As he thought this, he fired the GodEngine once more, selecting its target with ruthless efficiency.


The power of the GodEngine weapon struck out once more, this time targeting the Taurean ships that remained an active part of the Fleet.

“All Taurean vessels destroyed, General,” Izylaxx declared.

The strategy of the Cybermen puzzled Wellarzlee no end. Why were they only targeting the minor races? If they had attacked the Martian fleet and the Draconians then the main threat of the Federation Fleet would be neutralised. Without those two, all that would be left would be a rag tag group of minor races with less powerful ships. He punched in a command to transmit to all Martian vessels, although he knew that some of the other races would pick up the signal as well.

“This is General Lord Wellarzlee. All ships target the GodEngine and prepare for ramming speed.”

Every single Martian ship complied with the General’s orders and began the approach that would take them directly towards the heart of the GodEngine. The Cyber fleet had deduced their plan and acted accordingly. Their ships that had been engaging the bulk of the fleet had retreated around the GodEngine and formed a protective wall. As the Martian vessels increased their velocity, the Cyber ships began to open fire.


On board the Qux flagship, Rhyi’za Serapart was not enjoying the battle at all, as he listened to his first officer, Wy’larrn Bl’osh, recant the latest developments.

“All Taurean ships have been destroyed, no survivors.”

He had heard Wellarzlee order ‘all ships’ to target the weapon in a suicide mission to destroy it but he couldn’t allow that to happen. Not with the ‘cargo’ that the Qux were carrying from their stop over on Alpha Centauri.

He knew that there was only one option open to him if they were going to survive this, and that was to retreat. The Quardarax had been recalled to Qux Prime several days ago so he couldn’t rely on them to do what was necessary, so it was up to the rest of the Qux ships to do the trick. To ensure that no prying ears picked up what he had to say, he spoke telepathically.

This is Rhyi’za Serapart. I have decided to withdraw the Qux flagship from battle as it’s become too dangerous here and our continued presence endangers an addition to the Project that could prove invaluable. All Qux will contribute to the projection of an illusion that the Qux flagship is still here. Fight bravely and you will be remembered when the Qux Superior is created.


“Welcome back to Nova Mondas, Doctor,” the Controller said, and the Doctor would have said that it was delivered with more than a touch of irony if he hadn’t known that Cybermen are above that type of thing.

“I can’t say that it’s been pleasant so far.”

“You have been observed in every moment of your journey. I have watched your progress with interest.”


“I am particularly interested in the Fusion bombs that you’ve planted around the Cyber control Complex.”

“Enough to destroy it for good.”

“Perhaps, Doctor. Perhaps your Draconian associates would like to set up their remaining ones here?”

Kostaash nodded and Grakuuph set about his task.

“Why are you not defending yourself?” the Doctor asked. Even though they had disabled the Cybermen who had been protecting this chamber, the Controller was still more than a match for them. So why didn’t he do anything in return?

“It would be illogical to do so. You can destroy this base, but you will not destroy the Cybermen. You will not destroy me. We will survive.”

“I don’t doubt it,” the Doctor said. “But you’ll have suffered such a crushing blow that you will no longer be able to terrorise the rest of the galaxy.”

“You disappoint me, Doctor. Did you really expect all this time to have been wasted?” The Controller’s voice raised a little. “There are millions of Cybermen secreted away in tombs on unseen worlds waiting for the reactivation command. When that signal comes the Cybermen will sweep through the galaxy once more destroying all that oppose them. And to demonstrate that I will show you the remnants of your fleet which you brought here to destroy us.”

The south wall of the command chamber melted away to reveal a liquid screen showing the solar system surrounding Nova Mondas. The debris of thousands of ships was scattered across the screen, both Federation forces and Cyber ships were navigating their way through it as the battle continued to rage towards its inevitable, bloody conclusion. The sight moved the Doctor in profound ways.

“I will show you the instrument of your destruction, Doctor,’ the Controller said and the screen changed to show a glowing ball of power, surrounded by a blockade of sleek metallic Cyber ships. The Doctor saw a Martian vessel attempt to breach the stockade of ships but it disappeared in a hail of fire. “That is the GodEngine subsumed within our star. It has become one of the most powerful weapons ever created, and the Cybermen will use it to destroy everything you hold dear.”

“You’re going to use it on Mars,” the Doctor said, his thoughts flicking to Nick and Falex on the surface of the Red planet - provided they were still alive.

“In time, Doctor.”

“I can’t let you do that.”

“You are not in a position to prevent me, Doctor. In fact in a few minutes you will not have the capacity to do anything.”

It was true, the Doctor felt himself growing weaker again. The partial regeneration he had enacted upon himself earlier had only been a temporary respite and it was now up to the Doctor’s willpower alone to hold off the change that would render him useless in this situation. “I can stop you.”

The Controller mocked him with silence.

“Can we help, Doctor?” Kostaash said.

“Yes you can, and here’s how...”


The Martian priest in the centre of the room had been silent for a while. Nick couldn’t really think of him as the Cyber Controller even despite the silver implants that had been put into his body. Nick was lying on the floor, unable to move. With the connections between his own implants neutralised he was helpless. Sshaarp and Ha’rpaar was standing next to the Emperor, while the rest of the Martians were being held back by an imposing line of Cybermen. Falex was beside him, and had been his now usual quiet self.

“How you holding up, mate?” Nick asked him.

“I’m frightened.”

“The feeling’s mutual.” Nick was watching the priest and noticed him speaking quietly to himself. It was done quietly but Nick listened really carefully and managed to make out that he had said something like ‘to Nova Mondas, Doctor’. The Doctor? Did that mean he was still alive? Nick could only hope so for all their sakes.


It had taken a few minutes for the Doctor, Huurshi and Kostaash to set up the connection but finally it was done. Kostaash thought that attempting to directly wire the Doctor into the mind of the Cyber Controller was sheer folly, but the Doctor was insistent that it was the only way. They had purloined several pieces of Cyber technology to accomplish the task and all of the Draconians were amazed by the Doctor’s ability to rewire a piece of alien machinery into something that he could use in this manner.

“Stand by to activate it,” the Doctor said, “and once I’m in there I want you all to leave. Get back to the ship.”

“I won’t leave you behind, Doctor,” Kostaash said harshly. “I’ve never left anyone behind before and I’m not going to start now. I will stay and take you back to the ship when you’ve been successful.”

“Your confidence is much appreciated, but it may be placed foolishly.” The Doctor knew that there was no real chance of survival afterwards and if Kostaash stayed then he would die. “I can’t ask you to stay.”

“It’s not a matter of asking, Doctor, it’s my duty.” The Doctor nodded understandingly, and knew that he couldn’t do anything about it. Kostaash looked at the men under his command. “You’ve served valiantly today with honour. Now return to the ship and the Doctor and I will join you shortly.” The Draconians looked at their commander, saluted him their expressions saying everything, and left the room.

“Well if you’re going to stay then let’s get a move on.”

“Right,” Kostaash said. “Activating device now.” He pressed in the control to power the device, and within moments the Doctor found himself in the mind of the Cyber Controller.


On board the ‘Draconia‘, Admiral Kiirc was becoming increasingly frustrated. Whilst some power had been restored, it wasn’t enough for them to become actively involved in the battle yet and with so few of the other Draconian vessels showing any signs of life yet, it was a real worry. They could only sit and wait.

“Admiral.” It was Tkoorsh.

“Yes, Lieutenant Commander.”

“I am concerned for the safety of Commander Makaara.” Tkoorsh had come to the ‘Draconia’ with the commander and Kiirc was aware of a great loyalty there.

“I am as well, but the commander’s actions have endangered the whole of the Draconian fleet. Besides, there’s nothing we can do for her at the moment. Attempting a docking between the two ships would be catastrophic in this environment and we haven’t the power to use the tractor beam.”

“Admiral, this is Iaanohh,” came a voice through the ships COMMsystem.

“Go ahead.”

“Engineer Salbasca believes that he will have main power online within minutes. I have investigated a theory of my own and it seems that one of our shuttles has not suffered the power loss.”

“It’s fully operational?”

“Correct, Admiral.”

“Iaanohh, you and Tkoorsh will take this shuttle and head to the Imperial War Destroyer. Find out whether Makaara is alive or not and see if there is some way you can reverse that ships systems and restore power to the rest of the fleet.”

“Aye, sir,” Iaanohh said, breaking the connection.

“Thank you, Admiral,” Tkoorsh said as she prepared to depart the bridge. Kiirc just nodded.

Kiirc had spent the time that had followed observing the Martians attempts to destroy the GodEngine. The blockade of Cyber ships meant that nothing could get near it. The Martian ships just weren’t fast enough to get within range without suffering a torrid volley of fire from the Cyber ships. Kiirc knew that realistically there was only one ship fast enough in the entire fleet that could successfully do what Lord Wellarzlee wanted to do, and that was the ‘Draconia‘.

He had watched Iaanohh and TKoorsh’s shuttle depart for the lifeless Imperial War Destroyer, but he was tired of waiting. Kiirc hadn’t led this fleet here only to stand on the sidelines while it was destroyed piece by piece. He had brought it here to ensure victory and it was all slipping away.


The Doctor found himself in a black, lifeless area, momentarily dazed.

“Where am I?”

“In the void.” The Controller’s voice ringing around him.

The Doctor could feel the Controller all around him. “You are weak, Controller.”

“So are you, Doctor.”

“But I have resigned myself to my fate. You still seek to survive.”

“We will survive.”

“You might do, but you’ve over-stretched yourself haven’t you? You’ve fragmented your mind in three different places. Nova Mondas, Mars and the GodEngine weapon itself.”

“We will survive.”

The Doctor’s strength of will was very powerful and given the state of the Cyber Controller’s mind the Doctor knew that he could overpower him. “You won’t survive, not in this state. You can be in a million different places at once, but in this case you’ve over stepped your limit haven’t you? You’ve put too much of yourself into these three areas and you loosing control, aren’t you?” The Doctor paused. “How ironic that the Cyber Controller is loosing control of everything.”

The Controller considered this and he knew what he had to do. The Doctor was right that he had pushed himself beyond his limits. There was only one thing to do. He gave the GodEngine its final command and then its freedom to do what it was designed to do - total destruction.

The moment that the Controller gave up control of the GodEngine was all the Doctor needed as he left himself weak momentarily and the Doctor seized control of the remote host on Mars.


The ‘Sou'the'zzx’ had passed for its third attempt at destroying the GodEngine only for it to encounter such a hail of fire that it had to turn back. Lord Wellarzlee knew what it would take to destroy the GodEngine but he wasn’t prepared to sacrifice the ‘Sou'the'zzx’ to the guns of the Cybermen without guaranteeing the desired result.

A console exploded to Wellarzlee’s right. “Status!”

“That last attack resulted in massive damage throughout the ship. The outer shell of the ‘Sou'the'zzx’ has suffered extensive damage and we’ve lost the port engines.”

“Activate emergency power systems and prepare for another run.”

Izylaxx spoke up. “General, the ‘Sou'the'zzx’ will not be able to withstand another barrage of attacks like that last one.”

“We’re going to attack again. That’s an order!” The General’s voice was insistent.


Alf was astonished at the magnificence of the Palace of Light. The sculpture of the walls were quite breathtaking, yet there was no time to appreciate the quality of the Martian architecture when there were more important matters at stake. Vorkuuthh’s Draconians and Lehaanz’s Martians had teamed up well and dealt with the Cybermen who had blocked their way with remarkable efficiency. But what had pleased her most was at how little resistance the Cybermen were putting up.

“Is it always this easy, killing Cybermen?” she asked Vorkuuthh casually.

“No, it certainly isn’t,” he said in reply.

“I suspect that the Palace’s defence systems destroyed most of the Cybermen,” Lehaanz said. “Commander Sshaarp said that there was many in the inner sanctum though.”

“Are you sure you know where you’re going?” Alf asked Lehaanz.

“Of course I do,” he said, rather angrily. “The Palace Of Light is one of the most sacred buildings on all of Mars, and I studied the plans of the building back on the ‘Sou'the'zzx’ before arrival on Mars.”

“We’ve been running through these corridors for ages,” Alf said. “We need to get there now!”

“Pilot Alf is right,” Vorkuuthh stated. “We must hurry the pace. Timing could mean the difference between victory and defeat.”

“You think I’m not aware of that? As it happens, we’re here.”

They had reached an area that spread out into a small antechamber.

Alf said, “This is the ‘inner sanctum’?”

“No, this is merely the entrance. Or one of them at least.” There were Martian markings on the wall and once the whole of the party had entered, he went to them. He placed his clawed fist on the markings that began to glow with an eerie, unnatural light. “Stand by with weapons!” he commanded.

And then the floor beneath them began to descend as they plunged into the inner sanctum...


“Nick,” the Controller Priest said on Mars in its abrasive voice. Commander Sshaarp heard it, although its target did not. “Nick.” It repeated, the inflection in the voice altering slightly and the resonant tones of the Doctor’s voice becoming more evident. “Nick!” it boomed, finally catching the attention of the human.

“Doctor?” he said, somewhat incredulous of the situation. “How?”

“I’m using the same process that the Controller used to control this poor unfortunate individual from Nova Mondas. There isn’t much time left. The Cyber Controller has set the weapon to automatic. It’s likely to attack anything - including Mars. You have to get yourself and Falex off the planet before that happens. How is Falex?”

“He’s fine. Frightened but ultimately fine.” Falex didn’t look happy at Nick’s description of him, as he definitely didn’t feel fine at tall.

“Nick, please remember this, it is very important that he returns to Taureas II.”

This news came out the blue, but Nick just nodded in determination. There would be enough time for questions later. “I’ll bear it in mind.” He saw Izlyr looking at him, and said, “Doctor, the Emperor has been injured pretty badly.”

“I can’t do anything for him from here. It’ll have to wait until later.”

Nick didn’t get to hear all of the Doctor’s last sentence though as the body of the Martian priest suddenly crumpled and fell to the ground. “Doctor! Doctor!” Nick shouted.

The Martians tried to get through to the priest, but the Cybermen stood their ground.


“Nick! Nick!” The Doctor shouted, back in the void. “What did you do?”

“I reasserted my control,” the Controller’s voice mocked. “You should leave my mind now, Doctor. I can assure you that you do not want to go where I am going next.”

The Doctor allowed his mind to disengage from the mind of the Controller and he awoke back in the heart of the control chamber with Kostaash standing beside him.

“Doctor, what happened?”

“The Controller has withdrawn his conscience to somewhere else. He’s abandoned Nova Mondas, but he’s set the GodEngine device loose. It’ll kill everything unless it’s stopped!”

Kostaash turned to the screen where the GodEngine had begun to fire its lethal power at will. They stood entranced by the horror of the scene. Kostaash suddenly made a realisation. “Doctor, the bombs!”


On the bridge of the ‘Draconia‘, Kiirc was ready. Full power had been restored throughout the ship thanks to the miracle worker that was Salbasca. Kiirc could feel a sense of anticipation throughout the ship.

“Patch me through to Lord Wellarzlee,” he told the ensign who had taken over from Tkoorsh. Wellarzlee had studied the attack strategy of the Martians and saw their error. He could bring them victory but he’d need them to do something for him first.

The ensign, whose name was Flaarhh, turned back from his console, “Channel open, Admiral.”

Lord Wellarzlee’s face filled the monitor screen once more, and Kiirc could see that the bridge of the ‘Sou'the'zzx’ had suffered considerable damage. “Wellarzlee, the ‘Draconia’ has restored full power. We’ll help with your plan, but I need the Martian fleets to break open that blockade of Cyber ships to accomplish the overall aim of destroying the GodEngine. Once we’re past them, you should pull your ships away.”

“I don’t like it, but it might work.”

“Believe me, General, it’ll work. I’ll stake my honour on it.”

Amongst the other almost derelict like Draconian ships, the ‘Draconia’ came to life once more. It manoeuvred itself into position and then with an incredible burst of speed it turned towards Nova Mondas where the battle was still raging like an inferno.


Alf could hear Nick shouting the Doctor’s name as the platform brought them into the main chamber of the Palace of Light. As soon as they had a clear shot, the combined forces of the Second Battalion of the Chosen Ones of Wellarzlee and the Supreme Admiral’s Own Volunteers, unleashed their weapons on the Cybermen present.

Sshaarp saw what was happening and knew that Lehaanz had come through, bringing with them Draconians as well. He knew just what to do, this was what he was born for. To live and fight for the Martians. He was a soldier and a damn good one at that.

“Chosen Ones! Charge!”

The order was almost unnecessary as the moment that the weapons had discharged, the captured Chosen Ones had seized on the opportunity to turn on their captors and now, with the superior numbers on their side, the battle would be theirs.

Sshaarp grabbed the nearest Cyberman he could see and smashed its weapon from its silver hands. The Cyberman grabbed out at Sshaarp, reaching for his throat, but the Martian warrior was too quick for him. Grabbing both arms before they had a chance to gain hold of anything and pulling so hard that he heard the circuitry within crack and burn, Sshaarp ripped the right arm of the Cyberman clean off. The explosion halted the Cyberman for a moment, before it attempted another attack on Commander Sshaarp. But there was no stopping Sshaarp today and a one armed Cyberman was no match for him whatsoever.

Sshaarp stood over the fallen Cyberman and looked around the room, a Draconian was finishing off the last of the Cybermen in the Palace Of Light and there was no one left to fight. One of the Draconians was pushing his way through.

“I’m Supreme Admiral Vorkuuthh, you’re in command here?”

“No, Emperor Izlyr is in command,” Sshaarp responded indicating the Emperor who was still on the floor.

Vorkuuthh walked over to him, and bowed. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, your Majesty.”

“You too, Admiral. A pity that the conditions are not good.”

Sshaarp turned away as they continued their conversation and he saw that a human female had joined Nick in a tearful reunion. The child seemed to be left out once again. Sshaarp had more pressing concerns though. After greeting Lehaanz he had found the controls to the visual systems and brought up the battle above. The scene sickened Sshaarp as there was considerable wreckage of ships, many of them Martian, but he finally got what he was really after. The scene showed Nova Mondas with the GodEngine orbiting the planet, firing its destructive weapon in every direction obliterating anything that got in its way.


Kiirc knew that this was it, this was the defining moment of his life.

The GodEngine had begun attacking all approaching ships, joining the fire that the Cyber ships were still spurting at all comers. The ‘Draconia’ was gaining speed and Kiirc knew that they would probably have to fly the ship apart to do what had to be done.

“We must go faster!” he demanded.

Uhhuutha said, “If we go any faster Admiral, we’ll endanger the structural stability of the ship!”

“If we don’t succeed then the structural stability of the ship won’t matter in the slightest! Fly her faster!”

The view screen showed the GodEngine getting closer and closer. The Martian starships were attacking the Cyber-vessels with gusto, drawing them away. The GodEngine was striking them down, but there were too many ships scattered over too wide a distance for it to destroy them all at once. The ‘Draconia’ increased in speed again, and Kiirc gripped the arm rests of his chair, his knuckles turning white in the process, as they proceeded on their path to glory.


The ‘Draconia’ flew magnificently through the debris of destroyed ships, gaining speed all the time. Its shielding absorbing any energy beams that hit it, on its direct course towards the GodEngine.

Kiirc’s plan was working, Wellarzlee thought, as he watched the ‘Draconia’ via the ‘Sou'the'zzx’ scanners. The Cyber ships had been drawn away from the GodEngine and were tracking back the Martian vessels, leaving enough space for the ‘Draconia’ to blaze through. Whether it would survive the fury of the GodEngine, Wellarzlee didn’t know.

Izylaxx looked towards the General “The ‘Draconia’ is away!” he shouted.

That was the sign. “Get us out of here! Now!” All other ships had been given this command for when the ‘Draconia’ went through. If it was successful then there would be a massive explosion and Wellarzlee doubted any ship present in the solar system would be able to withstand the blast.

“Cyber ships pursuing us still!” Izylaxx said, the worry evident in his voice. Just to show that it was so, the ‘Sou'the'zzx’ juddered as it was struck by a Cyber ships’ energy beam.

“Fire all weapons, Shaaki'ra!” he ordered the tactical officer who responded contiguously. “Put the ‘Draconia’ on the screen!” The Draconian ship was coming under heavy fire from some Cyber ships that hadn’t been tempted away by the Martian diversion and Wellarzlee knew that it wasn’t going to be long before they broke down the shielding of the ship. He saw the GodEngine come into view and knew instinctively that it was powering up ready to fire on the ‘Draconia‘. It was now a question of whether the ‘Draconia’ could hit the GodEngine before it fired.


The increased velocity of the Draconia had the effect of propelling it towards its target. It had suffered great damage getting there, but in the second before the GodEngine fired, the two collided.

As the GodEngine weapon was on the verge of firing the power released by the impact was immense, and an immense shockwave was sent flying in all directions. The Cyber ships that had closed in to follow the ‘Draconia’ were enveloped in the explosion and much of the debris was forced at a great speed into the surface of Nova Mondas below.

As the shockwave proceeded it gathered pace, enveloping the surviving Cyber ships and the Federation ships that had failed to get to a safe distance in time.

General Lord Wellarzlee observed the after effects of the ‘Draconia’s’ suicide run from the comfort of the ‘Sou'the'zzx’ that had made it to safety in time. The Federation forces had destroyed the GodEngine and driven out the Cybermen it seemed, but at what price? That could only be answered in the days that followed.


“Come on, Doctor!” Kostaash was barking orders at the Doctor now, but the old man couldn’t keep up.

He felt himself loosing his breath with every step he took and he knew that he couldn’t carry on much longer.

“Run, Kostaash! I’ll keep up.”

“I’m not leaving you behind,” Kostaash’s voice was insistent. They heard the thunder of an explosion behind them. “The Fusion bombs!”

“No,” the Doctor said. “It’s too soon for them! It’s something else! Run!” He picked up the pace himself and when Kostaash saw this he continued his dash for the outside as well.

One of the added benefits of being a Time Lord was being usually perceptive and the Doctor sensed the explosion before it happened. Kostaash ran through the intersection of a pair of corridors and the Doctor was following, but he stopped as the ceiling collapsed with a crash as something smashed through. The blast sent the Doctor flying, but didn’t harm him much. He got to his feet and saw that the intersection of the corridor was now blocked. There was no escape that way. He’d have to go back and find another way through and there wasn’t time for that. He didn’t know whether Kostaash was on the other side of the debris or if Kostaash could hear him, but nevertheless the Doctor shouted through.

“Save yourself, Kostaash!” There was no reply from the other side.

The Doctor brushed himself down and looked around him. He could sense that there wasn’t much time until the Fusion bombs detonated. He fished out his gold pocket watch, flipping the lid open with his thumb. There was no time at all in fact.

In the moment that the Doctor died, he saw his past flash before him. Memories of his homeworld, his days at the Prydon Academy, escaping from the insufferable rigours of life amongst the Capitol, his granddaughter Susan, those that travelled with him after her all flooded through his mind. Ian, Barbara, Vicky, Steven, Katarina, Sara, Dodo, Ben, Polly, Jamie, Victoria, Zoe, Brad, Nick, and poor young Falex. He saw himself on trial on his homeworld, banished into exile on Earth. The rabid creature which had created this alternative third incarnation and altered the Universe in so many ways. He saw his confusing journies with Brad, facing off against the Dommervoy. Learning that he had never known the real Brad after all. He saw himself addressing the Federation council, his mind laid open by the Qux on board the space station, meeting the Figure after stealing the package from the mind-walkers, departing Alpha Centauri and seeing the destruction of everything he’d worked for. Hundreds of years of experiences all compressed into a microsecond.

In the moment that the Doctor died he thought of the future. Was everything worth all this? Had his actions secured the future of the new Universe, or damned it to more death and destruction? He would never know for sure - but he did know that the preventative steps he’d taken would help after he’d gone. What of Nick and Falex’s future? Nick would survive he was sure, but he worried for the child. Falex would need to be taken care of properly in the days to come and the Doctor was sad that he wouldn’t be around to help with it.

In the moment that the Doctor died, he felt nothing but darkness ascending all around him, consuming him. It was time to let go. No change would follow, despite the Doctor sensing it inside him. This time it really was the end.

Then there was nothing ... but the moment had been prepared for.


Alf had brought Nick across to the monitor so that they could see what was happening, and Falex hung just behind them. The priests had done the same for the Emperor, who along with Vorkuuthh and Sshaarp all were mesmerised by what had they had just seen.

Vorkuuthh was still shocked by what the ‘Draconia’ had done. “A suicide run! Kiirc was always too headstrong for my liking.”

“It was a heroic act of courage,” Emperor Izlyr said. “He did what was necessary and died a warrior’s death. All of the crew of that ship did.”

“What about Earth though?’ Alf said, her voice bordering on hysteria.


“Nova Mondas, then!” she snapped.

Sshaarp checked the scanners. “The scanner indicates that five large pieces of debris struck the Earth as a result of the explosion, causing massive displacement to affect the atmosphere. Nothing could survive it.”

“What about the Doctor? He was on Nova Mondas.”

“No one could survive what’s happened there,” Vorkuuthh said.

“No no,” Nick said, insistently. “He could have escaped, got back to his ship, found some way to transmat himself off the planet!”

Alf knew the implications of what the carnage had done to Nova Mondas. To her former home planet, Earth. “They're right, Nick,” she said, fighting back her own tears. She looked from Nick to Falex. There was a dangerous look on the kid's face.

Alf took a deep breath. “No-one could survive that. The Doctor is dead.”

Next Episode:
The Pirate of Time

Brian Blessed as The Doctor
Nick Pereira as Nick
Sophie Aldred as Alf
Haley Joel Osment as Rahlena Falex

Hugh Fraser as Wellarzlee
Al Pacino as Admiral Kiirc
Bernard Horsfall as Supreme Admiral Vorkuuthh
Patterson Joseph as Viisuuc
Kevin Spacey as Sub-Commander Lehaanz
Steve Buscemi as Huurshi
Edward Norton as Kostaash
Peter Stormare as Grakuuph
Christoph Lopez as the Cyber Controller
Laurence Fishburne as Izylaxx
Robert DeNiro as Rhyi’za Serapart
Anthony Edwards as Wy’larrn Bl'osh
Richard O’Brien as Martian Priest
Jolene Blalock as Lieutenant Commander Tkoorsh
Chris Barrie as Science Officer Iaanohh
Sean Bean as Commander Sshaarp
Daragh O’Malley as Sub-Commander Ha’rpaar
Greg Miller as Emperor Izlyr
Bridget Moynahan as Ensign Flaarhh
Jeff Bridges as Lieutenant Uhhuutha

| Season One Index | Season Two Index |