Nick has been left pondering Alf's proposal. He knows that he wants
to marry her, but he has his doubts. Alf is getting impatient,
awaiting a response. Before any wedding can take place, though,
the Doctor has a problem of his own. The Time Amulets have malfunctioned,
bringing to Alpha Centauri a monster from the past!

It is not the only thing from the past threatening to upset the
celebrations. An old enemy waits in the wings, biding their time
before they strike. But just who is the target?

The Doctor, Nick or Alf?

For at least one these will soon be experiencing an
Unhappy Ending!

The shocking season finale!

This story contains scenes of strong imagery
and violence than some people may find offensive!

Brian Blessed as The Doctor
Nick Pereira as Nick
Sophie Aldred as Alf
special guest stars:
James Marsters as Bradley
Dawn French as Ruby
Jeremy James as Simon
Nicholas Courtney as Lieutenant General Lethbridge-Stewart


Greg Miller is a well-known author, whose works have been read by many under his nom de plume "Commonwealth of Australia".

While these works are usually classified as non-fiction, and include interpretations of the law, computer application user guides, training packages, speeches and policy documents, it would be expected that some would claim they are works of fiction, in part or in whole.

A truly reality-warping exercise occurred when he was watching the news and saw the Prime Minister of Australia waving around something he'd written as proof of what the government was doing to help small business...

He is over-educated in all the wrong areas.

For no apparent reason Andie J.P. Frankhamhas decided to use his middle initials once again. He now lives back in Southend, he is still with his partner Richard, and he is still into his music and books.

Andie is presently taking a break from Doctor Who novels and has been caught up in some heavy reading of novels featuring gay leads - which forms part of his research for his present writing project, a novel called "Two of a Kind" that he is writing for hopeful publishing by GayMensPress.

Now that he has finished work on season three, he feels he is in a position to devote his writing time to the completion of that novel, although he is knows that come March 2003 he will be back into the "Doctor Who: The Legacy" universe in full force with the writing of the season four opener. Andie really hopes you have all enjoyed the third season, and promises to make sure that season four tops everything done thus far!